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such a nice place :)

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  • such a nice place :)

    a good sighting

    I don't remember where it was... I'll have to check my email, but it may have been Olive Garden.

    Mom was out with the family for dinner and ordered a pasta dish, only to be dismayed that the sauce contained seeds. She has a condition called diverticulitis where small seeds get caught in her intestines. It's very painful and requires a trip the the emergency room.

    It turned out one of the men working there (a manager I think) also had the same condition and understood her dilemma. The next thing she knew he had her meal exchanged for a new one with a simple buttery sauce without seeds.

    When I check the email I'll put in the name of the place. I gotta love any place that takes care of Mom like that

  • #2
    Good on him! I've only been to the Olive Garden a couple of times. But, both times were quite pleasant. I was surprised ... from their ads I was expecting an Italian-themed barely-a-notch-above Denny's.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Olive Garden is actually pretty good. I've been to the restaurant that Francis Ford Coppola owns in Palo Alto, and I'd rather go to Olive Garden. It's a chain, nothing is going to blow you away, but it's good, solid, flavorful food at a decent price. I've never had a bad meal.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
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      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        Quoth wagegoth View Post
        Olive Garden is actually pretty good. I've been to the restaurant that Francis Ford Coppola owns in Palo Alto, and I'd rather go to Olive Garden. It's a chain, nothing is going to blow you away, but it's good, solid, flavorful food at a decent price. I've never had a bad meal.
        That's been my experience with Olive Garden, too. I've never had a bad experience at one.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Quoth PepperElf View Post
          She has a condition called diverticulitis where small seeds get caught in her intestines. It's very painful and requires a trip the the emergency room.
          Anybody else remember George & Wendy Wyner on SNL back in the 80's?

          My dad has mild case of it, doesn't really give him any problems. My uncle, though, has a pretty bad case. His doctor recommended that he eat a tablespoon of petroleum jelly before eating. Seemed to have helped him a lot!

          Quoth wagegoth View Post
          Olive Garden is actually pretty good. I've been to the restaurant that Francis Ford Coppola owns in Palo Alto, and I'd rather go to Olive Garden. It's a chain, nothing is going to blow you away, but it's good, solid, flavorful food at a decent price. I've never had a bad meal.
          I like Olive Garden. But I prefer Macaroni Grill.
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #6
            Never Ending Pasta Bowl! Yum Yum YUM! <3
            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


            • #7
              i love olive garden its really nice
              if i was a dating girl it would be on my list of places to go on a date (ive only really dated once, we went to more college places and again doesnt count because a) he left me after getting engaged to me b) he was an alcoholic c) he picked me up cause at the tme i didnt have a car)
              marconi grill, garcias, chinachina and a few other places are also on there. but then im one of those girls that if i found someone who was willing to spend the day with me in ikea discussing the short coaches and their useless ness, and trying out all the beds with, then going 3 year old in the kids season i would ask her to marry (after the ikea fun) and be mne forever


              • #8
                olive garden needs to show alaska some love and put a restaurant up here. it would be a pretty busy place if they did


                • #9
                  Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                  i love olive garden its really nice
                  if i was a dating girl it would be on my list of places to go on a date (ive only really dated once, we went to more college places and again doesnt count because a) he left me after getting engaged to me b) he was an alcoholic c) he picked me up cause at the tme i didnt have a car)
                  marconi grill, garcias, chinachina and a few other places are also on there. but then im one of those girls that if i found someone who was willing to spend the day with me in ikea discussing the short coaches and their useless ness, and trying out all the beds with, then going 3 year old in the kids season i would ask her to marry (after the ikea fun) and be mne forever
                  Okay.... I usually just try to ignore the confusion I get from reading some posts, but this one...

                  a) I am now unsure as to whether you're a man or a woman (I was fairly sure you were a girl)

                  b) I'm not sure what Ikea has to do with short sports authorities and how well they work.

                  c) Again, not sure if you're a man or a woman, cause I thought you were a girl, but you're talking about dating a guy and marrying a woman. No problem with the straight/gay/bi thing, but this is really confusing.

                  I'm sorry if this offends you (it really isn't intended). I just can't make heads or tails of this post, and it's frustrating me.
                  GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                  • #10
                    im a girl, ikea has to do with my love of weirdness and i ment couch sorry im sick and it was almost midnight. i was engaged in the past and i am gay so me talking about relatonships is always weird


                    • #11
                      reason for short couches . . .as in not that high off the floor. That is an actual style of furniture.
                      Some places are really small and don't have all that high of ceilings so to keep from looking cramped a "short" couch may be used.. . .also narrow halls/ stairwells/ doorways to work with in delivering. (Think big city - like New York in movies non well off portrayed)
                      If by short you mean not able to strech out on . . .well that would be a love seat . . and there again it is made due to room sizes. Also, many people will have a full lenght couch and then a love seat in their seating "grouping".

                      As for Olive Garden I am going to have to dissagree with the majority here. Maybe it is just me . . .but I have yet to be impressed with anything I have gotten. It has never tasted fresh to me. More like an off brand on sale frozen entree to me. (again that is just the result of my taste buds and I have no problem with others liking the food . . .they have their own taste buds to listen too)
                      I will say the times I have been (yes I will go with the group and enjoy the conversation wine, and breadsticks) the staff has been good on all but one occassion.


                      • #12
                        it wasn't olive garden. It was a place called Tony's

                        but i still like OG too.

