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Neighbor From Hell

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  • #16
    Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
    OB: You need curtains and better fitting clothes. You look horrible. I don't want my boyfriend looking at you.

    Call the police, and report a peeping tom. OB just admitted her boyfriend was peeping in your window.

    Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
    **OB would take Mimi and put her in the back porch, which was an enclosed area. She'd bathe and SHAVE Mimi whenever she got out , feed her crap and then lock her in the screened out porch with her own four cats.
    Stealing pets is a crime. The collar registration you need in most municipalities for outdoor pets (in case they're found outside your property) proves ownership. Call the police and point to your cat locked up inside someone else's house. Case closed.


    • #17
      Quoth Difdi View Post
      Call the police, and report a peeping tom. OB just admitted her boyfriend was peeping in your window.

      Stealing pets is a crime. The collar registration you need in most municipalities for outdoor pets (in case they're found outside your property) proves ownership. Call the police and point to your cat locked up inside someone else's house. Case closed.

      I was young, naive and much too angry to even *think* about calling the cops over it.

      But rest assured, I *will* be reminding Sis of this.
      "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


      • #18
        I think you could call somebody about what she's doing to your cat, she's almost trying to kidnap her, and is endangering her health. I love your sister for what she did, that was awesome.
        It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
        -Helen Keller

        I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


        • #19
          Quoth mariamousie1 View Post
          I think you could call somebody about what she's doing to your cat, she's almost trying to kidnap her, and is endangering her health.
          Just to be safe get a tag with your contact details engraved on one side and "Medical condition - DO NOT FEED!" on the other.
          Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


          • #20
            and i would think that you can call the cops on HER for stealing the cat and shaving it.
            1) theft
            2) animal abuse

            my mom's had similar issues too
            1) sunbathing in the back yard as a teenager.
            old bat neighbor called the cops on her for indecent exposure and being a minor left alone. (I think she was 16 or 17 at the time). cops show up and decide it's OK for mom to sunbathe in her own back yard and... she wasn't too young to be left alone, especially with 3 or 4 boxers on the property, all very protective. basiclally the old bat was told to get a life.

            2) another old bat neighbor was furious at dad putting up stakes to mark the property for a fence. she proceeded to rip them out and throw them at him... cos she said they were on HER property. dad's pretty good about property lines - cant remember if he had a surveyor mark it or not, but i think he might have... and that was *before* the old bat pulled her crap. can't remember who called the cops but they watched dad put the stakes back in and the old bat was told to keep her paws off of them.

            3) one of my old co-workers use to taunt the neighbors when she lived in italy. the old guy kept looking at them so they always gave him a show through the windows. prolly gave him a heart attack heh


            • #21
              Man that OB needs to move out of the city into the country. Bet her old man would prefer to look at your youngins anyway Fully clothed!
              When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


              • #22
                Damn...and I thought the idiots living next door to my *parents* were bad. These are the same idiots with spotlights, cameras, motion detectors, etc. The same idiots who called the cops on us over a broken flower, who had pictures of my brother sitting on the couch in *our* house as "proof."

                But the best, was when they got busted for throwing their yard waste over the fence into our yard. For weeks, my parents were always finding clippings right along the fence. Couldn't prove they were doing it, until my father was doing something along the fence, and clippings started falling on him. Told the wife to knock it off, and she called the cops. Cops came, and she said that she had a "right" to do that. Cops told her not to do that, and if it continued, someone was going to jail, and it sure as hell wasn't my father

                Why? They've managed to piss off the entire block with their actions. We're all tired of dealing with them. The cops are tired of coming over stupid crap like that damn flower. They're tired of dealing with supposed "harassment," when they could be dealing with more pressing issues. Like getting donuts at the coffee place

                At least they stay pretty well hidden. Ever since the wife's "sunbathing incident." What's that? This nut was sunbathing in her yard shortly after they moved in. Trust me, she was something you do *not* want to look at, lest you turn to stone. Anyway, as the rest of us are trying *not* to look at that, she got it in her head that the rest of us were "leering" at her. That's when the 8' fence went up (on *our* side of the property line, I might add...the chain-link fence originally there was installed wrong because there were some nice hedges there. Previous owner of the house did that.) After that incident, all of the windows in the house were covered with sheets, or white paint...except for a small slit in one of the 3rd floor bedrooms.
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #23
                  Protege...will a fence...around my apartment door? Like a smoke shack? LOL.

                  I've been thinking of mounting a deer shining light on the ledge.....or getting a paintball gun for the next time Sheriff peeps me, but I really don't want to deal with the legal reprecussions...after all, I am the victim of invasion of privacy and peeping and I don't need to be the one who ends up in trouble...
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #24
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    I am the victim of invasion of privacy and peeping and I don't need to be the one who ends up in trouble...
                    So when you call the police to report this neighbour harassment, what do they say? At the very least, if the guy is making you uncomfortable, and you don't want to speak to him directly, the police will warn him off for you.
                    A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                    - Dave Barry


                    • #25
                      I haven't called the police yet. I am debating on whether or not this is an issue best brought up with the property management company, or the police. My neighbor, Randy, has had issues with the guy before and he said that Mike the maintenance man absolutely hates this guy and has made sure he won't come upstairs and knock on doors and harrass anymore, but Sheriff either doesn't understand the severity, or must think it's ok to peep out the windows and hunt people down that way. I'm the only one that gets peeped, as Randy and the old people downstairs say they've never seen him peep before.

                      I know Mike the maintenance man likes me (I pay my rent on time and have never received a complaint) but I'm wondering if he actually has the power to put a real end to it. I know Sheriff is one of those obnoxious people who is constantly calling the cops for silly reasons (he carries the cordless phone in his back pocket when he's outside) I don't think the cops would think I'm petty....I'm just torn.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #26
                        Boyfriend and I recently bought a house in a nice older neighborhood. The original owner (OO) was a drywaller and had nearly tripled the square footage in the mid-70s with an expansion on the back.

                        We got the house at an extreme deal because the OO had given the house to his son (OS), but after the son was caught dealing out of the garage and had tried to make 8 bedrooms out of a 4 bedroom house, OO had to forclose.

                        The OO's granddaughter lives across the street from us in a house OO still owns. Occasionally OS will come over to visit them and he sits out front and glares at our house. I know this because I've walked by the front window and seen him. I was out tearing out old dead rose bushes in the front yard recently and had to go inside when OS started drinking and ranting noisily while staring. Boyfriend wasn't home, so I didn't feel safe. However, I didn't know that the drunken ranting was OS or that the woman living there was OO's granddaughter until yesterday.

                        Another neighbor was being arrested yesterday. It took 12 Police Cruisers to completely block off our street (I haven't found out why yet), prevent Boyfriend from going to work in the car (fortunately he can walk from here), and I met the neighbor to the South of us. He's been living here since OS was a kid and told me about the whole ordeal, pointed out who was who, and said that if I was ever home alone and saw the dingy brown truck pull up that he wanted me to go right over there and he'd hang out with me until OS went home again.

                        There are countless points of damage to our house, the South neighbor's house, fence, yard, etc from OS and all his shenanigans. I'm thinking that if he shows up again and glares at my house, I'll just call the police. I shouldn't have to live in my home and still worry about the previous owner being a jackass.

                        Edit: Wow, that turned out to be way longer than I had anticipated.
                        Last edited by FenigDurak; 05-19-2008, 07:59 PM. Reason: Long windedness


                        • #27
                          i think you should post the video you have of the dogs being tormented. that sounds like it would be funny.

                          and the only crazy neighbor i have is a few houses behind me. They like to rev an engine that is in a suburban they jacked up about 12 inches, and seems like they removed the mufflers, at 1am.


                          • #28
                            Quoth blas87 View Post
                            Protege...will a fence...around my apartment door? Like a smoke shack? LOL.
                            Hehe I can't take credit for the lovely fence we now have. The neighbor's idiot husband put that up, and did a shoddy job of it. In their attempt to get it painted quickly, well, it looks like shit now. He's just as crazy as his wife is. Seriously--she actually lost her hospital job because of her mental state...yet her husband claims that she's "not crazy." Yeah, and I have Iowa beachfront property... Supposedly, she attacked a patient Anyway, she's so afraid of the outside world that she won't leave the house, not even out into the yard. At least not without her husband...
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #29
                              Quoth protege View Post
                              Yeah, and I have Iowa beachfront property...
                              Perfectly reasonable, actually. You just need a big lake.
                              ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                              • #30
                                Oh, do I have a winner!

                                I used to live in Oak Park, Michigan, a Detroit suburb. There was this nosy old woman, Mrs. W, who lived across the street. She'd watch you with binoculars...she was the neighborhood busybody.

                                We had a two-doors-down neighbor, H, who is like a grandfather to me and my sister.

                                Fast-forward to a few years ago. H is in his 80s and his house got pretty bad...furnace went out, fridge went out, mold in the his brother helped him sell his property and the house was demolished.

                                My mother gives him a place to stay. He's been a very good family friend since 1979 and he has done a LOT for us. He even bought a car seat for my son. He voluntarily helps with the chores and pays a bit every month--my mother does not take advantage of him. My mother, a widow, lives in Ferndale with her older sister and my younger sister, and now H. Mom has her room, my sister has her room, my aunt lives in the basement, and H is on the living room futon.

                                So anyway, Mrs. W takes it upon herself to go from Oak Park to Ferndale to tell my sister that H is not allowed to stay there. My sister told her to go to hell.

                                Seriously, what in the world does she care? Would she rather that H was homeless or living in a decrepit house? It's none of her business!
                                Know why it's called the American "Dream"? 'Cause you have to be asleep to believe it! --George Carlin

