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The Good Doctor and His Cell Phone Woes

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  • The Good Doctor and His Cell Phone Woes

    I got one! I got a sighting! I almost never get to write about these! (Is it wrong to be excited about seeing a sucky customer in action?)

    I just took a trip for a job interview. I get to take another one next week. Here's hoping I get something!

    Anyway, this occurred before my flight to Seattle. Walking away from the airport's security checkpoint, I overheard a phone conversation. Perhaps I was eavesdropping, but it was interesting to me, partly because of my interest in general psychology (I'm not totally sure why, but this sounded like a psychiatry case to me) and partly because I thought it would be a good "Sightings" post.

    A man in business attire was walking just ahead of me. It was 6AM local time. He answered his cell phone. This is approximately what I heard (all names changed).

    "Jennings." ...
    "Yes, Jolene?" ...
    "Okay." ...
    "Why is SHE calling me?" ...
    "Yes, but why is she calling ME? And why now?" ...
    "All right. Put her through." ...
    "Hello, Mrs. Smith. This is Dr. Jennings." ...
    "Uh-" ...
    "You-" ...
    "Well, that's what has me a bit confused, Mrs, Smith. You see, I'm not actually your doctor." ...
    "I only saw you yesterday for Dr. Carlisle because he was out of town." ...
    "But it was only to make sure everything was going smoothly with your treatment." ...
    "Right, but I'm not your doctor." ...
    "You are not one of my patients. Dr. Carlisle has your file, and he's the one who should be seeing you and treating you." ...
    "That's not something I'm able to discuss where I am right now, Mrs. Smith." ...
    "Mrs. Smith, if you have a problem, you need to contact Dr. Carlisle. If it's an emergency, perhaps you should contact the hospital."

    At that point, I stepped into the restroom. I think he hung up very shortly after that last comment, if not immediately after. It turned out that his flight was leaving from the gate next to mine. He asked the gate attendant something, and just as he got his answer, his phone rang again.

    "Jennings." ...
    "Jolene, it's 6AM. I'm at the airport." ...
    "What does she expect me to do?" ...
    "Fine. Put her on." ...
    "Mrs. Smith, Dr. Jennings again." ...
    "I understand, Mrs. Smith, but I can't help you." ...
    "Because I'm not your doctor. Dr. Carlisle is your doctor. He-" ...
    "No, he-" ...
    "Dr. Carlisle has your file. I don't. I know nothing about your treatment history except what I got from our short visit yesterday. I can't write you any prescriptions. I can't prescribe or administer any treatment. The most-" ...
    "The most I can do is what we did yesterday, which was a brief consultation to make sure you're not having any problems with the treatment, and I can only do that if your regular doctor is not able to do it himself and REQUESTS that I do it for him." ...
    "No, Mrs. Smith, I cannot write any prescrptions for you." ...
    "I don't know if you have all the medications you need. Dr. Carlisle knows because he's been working with you. He's the one you need to call." ...
    "That's probably because it's a quarter after six in the morning, and he's getting ready for work." ...
    "Mrs. Smith, there's nothing I can do for you without Dr. Carlisle's specific requests or instructions. Please don't call me again."

    He punched some buttons on his phone and pressed it to his ear again.

    "Jolene, it's Jennings." ...
    "I tried. I hope she gets it this time." ...
    "Just tell her that under absolutely no circumstances is she to call me." ...
    "Don't worry about it."

    And he ended that call. I thought it was over. A plane nearby started running some tests or preparing for take-off or something because it started running its engines (it was a prop plane--this terminal served the really short trips). The doctor answered another call and went to a corner of the gate waiting area with his back to the rest of us. Not that it was any of my business anyway, but I could no longer hear him.

    So what do y'all think? Panicked psychiatry patient desperate to talk to a doctor, an issue of entitlement, or someone looking for more prescription meds?
    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
    - Bill Watterson

    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
    - IPF

  • #2
    I'm going with the first choice. Only someone that paranoid would be calling their doctor at six in the morning. As it's the wrong doctor she's calling I would also like to add that the caller is suffering from a case of the terminally stupid.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #3
      Entitlement + more meds.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Sounds like a drug seeker to me.
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          is anyone else reminded of What About Bob?


          • #6
            Yeah she is pulling what my Gma does...trying to trick a new doctor into writing a prescription she isn't allowed to have. (My Gma likes pain killers...)
            When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


            • #7
              Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
              Anyway, this occurred before my flight to Seattle. Walking away from the airport's security checkpoint, I overheard a phone conversation.
              A bit off-topic, but back in the '90s I flew to Seattle a lot on business (travelled American Airlines). Did you happen to see a bar in the terminal (airside of the security checkpoint - i.e. between clearing security and getting on the plane) with the sign that said you weren't allowed to bring firearms into the bar?
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #8
                Quoth PepperElf View Post
                is anyone else reminded of What About Bob?
                Yes, there are many similarities. The moral is: Beware of referrals. I need to watch that again.
                "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                • #9
                  Y'know, the similarity to What About Bob? didn't even occur to me. How could I have missed it?

                  Quoth wolfie View Post
                  A bit off-topic, but back in the '90s I flew to Seattle a lot on business (travelled American Airlines). Did you happen to see a bar in the terminal (airside of the security checkpoint - i.e. between clearing security and getting on the plane) with the sign that said you weren't allowed to bring firearms into the bar?
                  Can't say that I did. But then, I didn't go through security in Seattle; I just went from one terminal to another. A sign like that would for a great joke, now, though, wouldn't it? "You know all those guns you unloaded, packed in your suitcase, declared to a ticket agent, showed your permit for, and checked at the ticket counter? Yeah. Don't bring 'em in here."

                  That airport is like a mall! And every terminal has at least one Starbucks shop. I did see some of the weird artwork, though. The mostly spherical black and white orbs that look like they came from Dr. Seuss illustrations hanging from the ceiling and sitting on some steps near Terminal A. Those were strange enough to make me stop and stare for a minute.
                  I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                  - Bill Watterson

                  My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                  - IPF


                  • #10
                    After working 18 months at a large internal medicine clinic I would have to say that was almost certainly someone scamming for more narcotics, early refills, higher doses, whatever. It is a HUGE problem at most doctors offices and the addicts with their complaints of 'back pain' or 'neck pain' or the newest 'stomach pain' are relentless in their pursuit. One of our patients stalked our head doctor, followed him home, showed up at the country club screaming about his pills. You should hear the middle of the night bizarro drug ramblings left on the clinic machine.

                    Those months as the clinic's lone social worker handling all requests for narcotic refills saw a scary-dumb-freaky list of excuses.

                    "I went swimming in the ocean and forgot I have my bottle of Oxy in my pocket. They melted so I know I just got them filled three days ago but I need another month NOW!"
                    "Knocked my bottle into the toilet by accident when I was shaving."
                    "My teenagers stole my pills!"
                    "Someone broke into my house/car and stole my oxy/xanax/morphine"
                    "The dog ate my pills"
                    "I got confused about how many I was supposed to take, instead of taking 1 every 4 hours I took 4 every couple of hours."
                    "The pharmacist ripped me off!"
                    "I'm going out of the country for a few months so I need a three month supply!"
                    and my all time favorite accompanied by a smeary whited out police report - "I was pumping my gas but I was nervous and upset over my kids so I forgot to pay for the gas, drove away with the pump nozzle still in my car and the cops pulled me over. They took all my nerve pills and pain pills and called me an addict. I want my pills now!"
                    tied with "If I don't get my pain meds doubled I'm going to cut my legs off with a chain saw right now!!!"
                    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                    • #11
                      Quoth wolfie View Post
                      Did you happen to see a bar in the terminal (airside of the security checkpoint - i.e. between clearing security and getting on the plane) with the sign that said you weren't allowed to bring firearms into the bar?
                      Um, not to rain on a good laugh, but there are federal and local officials that can carry firearms through security and on planes. So you could have folks with loaded guns in the security zone.
                      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                      Hoc spatio locantur.


                      • #12
                        Also, if it is a chain resturant bar . . .they have corporate requirements they have to meet which can include specific signs. Let alone county/ state requirements.

                        As for the pill situation . . .I had fun when I was getting ready to go overseas last year. My Dr. had no problem with writing a script for me for my inhaler and daily pill. The insurance company had no problem especially once I faxed over a copy of my ticket for their records. The pharmacist didn't want to do it. Said they weren't allowed to give me a pill pack ahead. (Ummm who uses birth control for a pleasure trip?)
                        In the end I got the meds I needed before leaving town . . .but it took some phone calls from myself and the insurance company to make it happen.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Geek King View Post
                          Um, not to rain on a good laugh, but there are federal and local officials that can carry firearms through security and on planes. So you could have folks with loaded guns in the security zone.
                          On the other hand, King, if you can't trust an Air Marshal or other LEO with a loaded gun, who CAN you trust with one?
                          ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                          • #14
                            Quoth JustADude View Post
                            On the other hand, King, if you can't trust an Air Marshal or other LEO with a loaded gun, who CAN you trust with one?
                            Not arguing that point, especially as I agree with you. But there are local government, corperate, and personal reasons why that sign could be there. If they don't want to assosiate with someone who is packing, for whatever reason, they have that right. And also, let's face it, a store or restaurant inside the security zone of the airport is probably the worst place to attempt a robbery.
                            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                            Hoc spatio locantur.

