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Here's suckiness: not giving a crap that there's a lost and found for a reason

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  • Here's suckiness: not giving a crap that there's a lost and found for a reason

    This happened almost a week ago and I'm still really upset about it. I went to the restroom at Meijer and was in a hurry. I took my ring off because I've seen similar ones get ruined when wet. This was a cheap ring, more of a child's ring, to be honest. But it had sentimental value, I had it for several years and I wore it almost every day. I stupidly set it on the sink instead of in my pocket and I ended up leaving it there. I realized it was missing five minutes later, went back in, and of course, it was gone. I know I should have taken better care of it if it was so important to me, but the point is, I'm pissed that maybe two people went into that infrequently used one person restroom in that short of a time span, took it, and kept it for themselves. First of all, who in the hell would want it? It would probably only appeal to a kid. And if a kid took it, her mom would see it and know about it. But apparently the person or people involved just didn't give a shit. I would have been spared a LOT of grief if they had had either the decency or the common sense to take three steps up to the service desk and hand it in. It's really quite simple: you find something in a public place, whether it be cash or jewelry or a cell phone or what, you hand it in to the front desk. Don't assume that the person doesn't care because it "looks cheap". You never know how important something might be to someone. Don't assume that they're not going to flip about it and come back looking for it. Be a decent human being and do the right thing.
    Last edited by Despina83; 05-18-2008, 09:29 PM.

  • #2
    i know the feeling. personally i always turn stuff in to lost & found cos i know what it feels like.


    • #3
      I frequently have to make the determination, forgotten item, or trash. some things are obvious, like empty beer cans, or a purse, or the cash/jewelery/cell phone you mentioned, and I can't guarantee that I've never messed up, I've had to make the call thousands of times, I know I made the wrong call one time I was pushing carts and found a notebook and tossed it without paying attention, then the customer came back all freaked out but i've had more than 100 people ask me if I found something and either I haven't, or it's at customer service, and I'm happy with a sub 1% fail rate

      I'm not even counting the "oh hey, they threw their trash from the past week on top of this item that they probably wanted to keep, but fuck it, i'm throwing it away because they're an asshat" (seriously, if I can't put a cart in my line to push it because there's so much trash, I have a problem, so if I can give the person resposible a problem... we're even, it's called karma) which I don't do with expensive things, those still go to customer service, it's not always an easy call. your situation was most likely suck, but If it's in the parking lot, you do have to remember that the SCs think our carts are trash cans, and there is the small possibility that the ring got knocked off somewhere and went down a pipe, I don't know the layout of that bathroom so it may or may not be possible


      • #4
        Despina, did you report the loss to the service desk? I would still check back with them now, in the event that you didn't report your loss at the time. You never know. My son had won a small amusement park trip through the school for doing so well on the testing they had. We had the opportunity to purchase additional tickets for other family members, so my little boy got to go with me as a reward for his efforts in school. While there, I gave my oldest money for snacks/games/etc and he put it in his wallet. He had close to $50 with what I'd given him and what he'd saved. By the time I caught up with him later in the day, he was down to about $15. We got ice cream and instead of him putting his wallet in his back pocket or in his velcro pocket, he put it in the front pocket! Needless to say, it fell out without either of us seeing it happen. Myself being unemployed right now, $10-$15 is a lot of money to see my kid lose. We started retracing our steps and asked different park employees if they'd seen this wallet, gave a complete description each time. The answer was always "no, but go report it to the lost and found office". We did. No one had turned it in. I figured that since this was a school event (there were about 10 different counties that brought kids that day) some kid found it and took the cash and threw away the wallet. Oh well, son had learned an important lesson in where to store his wallet from now on. Two days later, I get a phone call from the management that an employee had turned in my son's wallet and low and behold, the cash was still there.

        I know my reply is long, but point is, sometimes, it may show up later. Give them a call at least. You never know, it could very well turn up.

        Good luck to ya.


        • #5
          luna-that's another reason I always wear pants that the pockets dont let things happen, I had the same thing happen with a cell phone at school once. and I knew who had it, only problem was if i'd tried to fight him he would've whooped my ass, so i had it shut off and he turned it in


          • #6
            Had someone find my other halves missing cell phone at Frys electronics, did they turn it in... NO.. they took it, then called us to say they had it, and if we called back they would return it, then they turned the phone off, and never called back
            Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
            pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


            • #7
              Years ago my Mum left her Mobile (Cell) in a public toilet and in the 5 minutes it took her to realize and pelt back it was gone. Which sucked cause we couldn't really afford to replace it!

              Not that long ago I found a wallet sitting in the lollies at the super market. So I picked it up flipped it open to look at the drivers license to see if I could recognize anyone in the isle and when I couldn't took it to the Customer Service Desk and handed it over. The comment the Service desk clerk made said it all!

              "Wow most people wouldn't of turned that in! Thanks so much!"

              Seriously wtf is wrong with people?


              • #8
                I'm still waiting for someone to turn in the pinky ring that I lost last year.

                At work.

                Not holding my breath, though.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  *looks to the left*
                  *looks to the right*
                  im sorry
                  i am a weird things collector
                  i find weird things adn i keep them
                  charms, watch heads, ring, erassers... i collect it all
                  im sorry


                  • #10
                    Years and years ago (when I still shopped at Walmart) I was loading everything up in the parking lot when I heard a ringing coming from the ground. Answered it, told them where I found it and could they contact the owner, as I was leaving it with the Service Desk. Lady on the other end couldn't thank me enough.
           do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                    Chickens are Asexual!


                    • #11
                      I found a GameBoy Advance (the one that flips open) in a cart outside of a grocery store one time. I took it inside and up to the customer service desk and turned it in. The clerk put it in lost and found and told me that if noone claimed it within three weeks, I could have it because, as she put it, they would just throw it away. And of course there was no way for me to be able to figure out who the owner was (like you can do with a cell phone). I gave her my phone number and sure enough, I get a call three weeks later. I felt bad about it because some kid probably got into soooo much trouble for losing it, but then again, he should have been paying closer attention to his belongings. And I figured that it would be better for me to have it than for it to end up in the trash.

                      The strange thing is the game in it was one that I would have actually bought for it. A very interesting coincidence.
                      "...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?!" ~ Kalga

                      "DO NOT ENRAGE THE MIGHTY SKY DRAGON." ~ Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        The strange thing is the game in it was one that I would have actually bought for it. A very interesting coincidence.
                        That's good karma for you!

                        I have found so many things at my job. I found a couple of purses, and SO MANY phones. Actually, yesterday, I found a phone. It was a newer one, and it was turned in by a customer. Normally what I do when I find a phone is go through the phone book and find "home" or "mom". EVERY phone has one of these two entries, at least that I have found. I call the number (on the store phone, of course, no need to use their minutes) and let them know their phone is at my job.

                        Well, yesterday was super busy, so I had just put the phone away until the rush was over. I got a minute, and went to go find a number, when it started ringing. I answered it, figuring I could just tell the person calling where the phone was and they could tell the owner. The only problem was, the caller spoke Spanish! Not good, as the only Spanish I know is food words and "No Habla Espanol". So I said that (seriously ) and just said I found the phone at Taco Bell. "Telephono aqui, Taco Bell. " I am such a doofus sometimes.

                        Apparently my sucktastic Spanish skills were enough. They sent the teenage boy back in to get it, as he spoke English. We had a good laugh at my expense.
                        "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                        • #13
                          Last year a friend of mine found a cell phone downtown. Being a nice guy, he hit redial to call the last person the owner had called, asking the girl at the other end to inform the owner that their cell phone had been found.

                          A few minutes later, there's a new text message on the cell. Thinking it might be the owner trying to contact him for the phone, he reads it... it was a message from the girl he'd just called:

                          "Hey, someone found your cell; you gotta call him to get it back!"
                          You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Canarr View Post
                            Last year a friend of mine found a cell phone downtown. Being a nice guy, he hit redial to call the last person the owner had called, asking the girl at the other end to inform the owner that their cell phone had been found.

                            A few minutes later, there's a new text message on the cell. Thinking it might be the owner trying to contact him for the phone, he reads it... it was a message from the girl he'd just called:

                            "Hey, someone found your cell; you gotta call him to get it back!"
                            oi i bet its his girlfriend too...
                            thats just to stupid to comprehend


                            • #15
                              I wonder if someone turned in the watch I lost at work on Monday.

                              I don't have high hopes, though.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

