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A good customer?

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  • A good customer?

    Little story from my night...

    I'd forgotten to fax in my time sheet for my latest temp job, and remembered it about 10 minutes before the closest kinko's closed (my home fax hasn't worked for a while now). So I shot over, made it a minute before closing, and quickly finished my task. The people working were very polite, showed me what I needed to do, and all that sort of thing. I made a point of thanking them for that, and as I was leaving the guy who had helped me the most made an interesting comment:

    "You're very polite. You're not from around here, are you?"

    I thanked him for the compliment, and told him that he was polite too...but it made me think. If the three minutes I spent in the store made me polite enough for him to comment on it, just how bad ARE the normal customers?
    Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.

  • #2
    At Kinko's? Pretty bad.

    Of course the store I worked at only had something like at 22% rate for getting orders done correctly.

    Dr. Mike's Steak Dinner


    • #3
      That poor worker, he's been so abused that the sight of a nice customer astounds him. If you go back he may keel over from the shock.
      "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

      Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


      • #4
        Yeah, I'll second that. In Kinko's, the average level of manners on a customer can be pretty low.

        I mean, in the store I worked at, which actually was a very good store, most customers were all right, but the ones that weren't REALLY could bring down the average, if you know what I mean.

        Kinko's is a high stress pressure cooker. At least, the one I worked at was. Too small, heart of the city, always slam packed. Customers and employees alike were often stressed to the max. Doesn't take much for things to get ugly.

        I kind of dug it. I get a bit of a rush from stress.

        Hi, drmike. Two hours south of you, heart of town. Don't work there anymore, but you know you never get the stain or the stink off. :-D
        Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 05-21-2008, 08:34 PM.

