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Indy brawl!

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  • Indy brawl!

    No, I don't mean the Indianapolis 500, even though Danica Patrick looked like she was going to kill the Penske driver.

    Went to see "Indiana Jones" with 3 friends of mine last Thursday, opening day, 10pm showing. (If you haven't gone I highly recommend it!). There was a group of four people sitting behind us that were talking a little, but nothing major or really even annoying.

    Well, there was another group about 3 rows up that had been drinking....something. (I had heard bottles rolling around earlier in the movie.) About 30 minutes before the end of the movie I guess the drinking group took exception to the talking group. I don't know what the issue was, but all of a sudden we start hearing, "F**k you" from the drinkers and, "No, f**k you" from the talkers Repeat many times. One of the talking group went up there and they started getting in each others faces. That's when the brawl started. So the movie gets stopped and the lights turned on. Before any of the theatre staff got in there, you could hear one of the guys telling the guy that started the fight, "No dude, it's broken." I thought they were talking about the seat 'cause the guy was just sitting there like nothing happened.

    Well, his girlfriend starts wailing for someone to call an ambulance. Yes, it was cold-hearted of most of us, but we weren't about to call an ambulance for the jackass that started the fight and ruined the movie.

    Then the lovely theatre manager came in and told us we could either go to the 10:30 show next door or we could get passes for another time. With 3 of us being students, it was easier to go to the 10:30 showing than trying to co-ordinate another time to come back.

    So, any other interesting movie-going experiences?
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

  • #2
    Most interesting thing I saw at a movie was in a crowded theater. A "lady" asked another lady if a seat was taken, and the second replied kindly that yes it was. The first "lady" said "Bitch!" and stormed off.

    But my boyfriend and I did get "involved" in a fight at a Denny's once. It was about 2 am, around when the bars had closed, when a table burst out in a fight. The way the restaraunt is set up there is a "half wall" seperating tables, it's maybe four feet tall. We were on one side and the fight was right on the other. It seemed to settle down, then all of a sudden one of the fighters ran around the wall and tried to jump off a chair on one side, and onto the guy he was fighting with. He didn't quite make it, because his girlfriend was pulling him back. So he ended up landing on the poor guy who was eating at the table next to us. The guy pushed the fighter off and he nearly landed on me. Course I was thankfully scootched all the way to the end of the booth. Then the poor guy who got hit and the idiots friends and girlfriend and employee's pushed the guy out the door and things settled down. We finished eating and watched the cops take them away in the parking lot.
    wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
    Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


    • #3
      Quoth Pagan View Post
      Went to see "Indiana Jones" with 3 friends of mine last Thursday, opening day, 10pm showing. (If you haven't gone I highly recommend it!).
      Totally off-topic, but I agree! I don't know why it's been getting the mixed reviews, I enjoyed it immensely. Not as good as Raiders but better than Temple, and that's far more than I expected. I do hope they leave it at that one though: I felt like it wrapped up loose ends nicely, but more would just be too much.
      "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

      My pony dolls:


      • #4
        well, this didn't happen to me, but my Grandpa and I was young when he told it so, I don't remember the fine details.

        Grandpa (G) was at a movie theater to watch something. Guy with one of those huge 10 gallon hats walks in and sits down right in front of him. G thinks ,ah well, movie hasn't started yet, he'll take it off. Can you guess what happened? That's right, nothing. Movie started and guy is still wearing his ridiculously over sized hat. G taps guy on shoulder and asks him politely to remove it because he can't see the screen. Guy not so politely tells G to f*** off.

        now this is in one of those older movie theaters where the guy running the film is close enough to the viewers, he can hear them talk. This employee goes and gets a manager, who then comes in and asks the guy to remove his hat because it's obstructing the view of others. Guy tells the manager to f*** off. Guy is kicked out, and my grandpa gets a free popcorn!
        We Pick Up the Pieces


        • #5
          Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
          Totally off-topic, but I agree! I don't know why it's been getting the mixed reviews, I enjoyed it immensely. Not as good as Raiders but better than Temple, and that's far more than I expected. I do hope they leave it at that one though: I felt like it wrapped up loose ends nicely, but more would just be too much.
          the reason it is getting mixed reviews is becuase unlike the other three movies its way more scifi and jumped right into the adventure, unlike the other movies there was no build up the main adventure
          my manager told me wouldnt take anymore of my movie advise because of it.
          i laughed and said so you dont like scifi huh


          • #6
            now this is in one of those older movie theaters where the guy running the film is close enough to the viewers
            Back when movie theaters were run by managers with spines and employees who were paid enough to care.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
              Totally off-topic, but I agree! I don't know why it's been getting the mixed reviews, I enjoyed it immensely. Not as good as Raiders but better than Temple, and that's far more than I expected. I do hope they leave it at that one though: I felt like it wrapped up loose ends nicely, but more would just be too much.
              going further off topic... I agree with you, this should be the end of Indiana Jones, the movie did a good job of wrapping up loose ends... however, I would like to see them start a second series with Indiana's son as the main character, like father like son (that would be really cool... he seemed like a natural, even doing some things that his father probably wouldn't though of).
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                I seen the movie the weekend it opened (Saturday night with BF and there was maybe... 6 or 7 other people there, but it was the last showing of the night). I thought it was great and hope they don't continue and the Boy? Mutt? *sighs* Never gonna ever be a replacement for Indy. Never.

                Whoever portrayed Young Indy in The Last Crusade, now he was good.

                I haven't seen a movie brawl in a long time though. Nearly had one at Riverbend once. Some guy nudged an empty stroller back so he could get by and a Drunk Mama got pissed at him for it. She was escorted from the concert because a cop was standing right behind the guy.
                Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                • #9
                  That was River Pheonix. Died in front of a night club from a drug overdose. Ask Jonny Depp. He was there.
         do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                  Chickens are Asexual!


                  • #10
                    Oh yeah. Snap. He played Carl in "Sneakers" with Robert Redford.
                    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                    • #11
                      I don't know what some of the critics were expecting. It's an Indiana Jones movie and we got an Indiana Jones movie! It's not "Hotel Rawanda" so don't go in expecting something socially responsible. It hits the ground running just like the others. And I get suckered into "Raider" every damn time it's on!
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #12
                        you know part of me thnks the critics where expecting him to die or soemthing lke a poetic end to the legagasy...
                        how old is harrison ford again?


                        • #13
                          I guess most critics expected this (Warning, spoiler heavy). With which I agree.
                          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                          • #14
                            Yeah, this one, which I posted some time back:


                            That this is not really an isolated incident is the reason I dont' go out to theaters to watch movies anymore. I mean, it's by no means the ONLY reason, but it's on the short list.

                            This story is one of my more extreme encounters, but still, any encounter is a bad one. And I just can't seem to go to the movies anymore without getting into a fight with someone. I don't know if I'm less tolerant or people are ruder or both.


                            • #15
                              This is similar to the time the first "Batman" film was out. It was June 1989, and I went on opening day with a few friends. Later that night, I decided to see it again with other friends, to our regret. This was back before reserving on the internet, or buying your ticket in advance at the ticket kiosks. We arrived for the midnight showing of this film, and every seat was filled, with everyone from straight to drunk.

                              When the opening credits started, a fight broke out over the seats, because this guy wanted the seat someone else had already. Fortunately, someone immediately alerted security, and these guys were thrown out. We didn't have our movie ruined, although it was unfortunate that some innocent person was thrown out for not giving it to some asshole who wasn't happy with where he had to sit.

                              I really don't see why people have to fight over a movie. Does this kind of behavior also happen at the local Blockbuster?
                              Last edited by greensinestro; 05-30-2008, 08:45 PM.

