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You know what else is unprofessional?

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  • You know what else is unprofessional?

    My First Post
    By: Bradester

    My best friend, F, recently got a job as an events coordinator for a local nonprofit. This organization hosts several cultural events and the like each year. F helps plan and promote these events.

    This past week she sent out a mass email to local businesspeople promoting a charitable golf tournament. Rather than placing the recipients' email addresses in the 'Blind Carbon Copy' field, she made the mistake of putting them all in the 'To' field, meaning that each address was visible to everyone else.

    She got a couple responses from people who were somewhat put out, but not angry, basically informing her of the problem.

    Then there was Data Guy.

    Data Guy sent a nasty reply from a different email address bemoaning the fact that he was now spammer fodder, berating the organization for its 'unprofessional' conduct. His agitation was understandable, though not his manner of displaying it.

    The real problem was the fact that he hit the REPLY TO ALL button (900+ addresses), calling for everyone to personally contact my friend (making sure to prominently display her email address and phone number) and chew her out. Didn't have the testicular fortitude to sign his name, either. Pot? There's a Kettle on line one for you.

    Fortunately, everyone else on the mailing list seems to have matured beyond 7th grade and hasn't rallied around Data Guy's "cause." I'd like to find out his name so I know never to make use of his services.

    I'd like to hope that he realizes HE'S the unprofessional shetbag... wait, no I don't. A shot of Instant Karma for the gentleman over there, and a big frosty mug of Schadenfreude for me, please.
    Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?

  • #2
    I hate it when people use Reply to All. Every so often, they'll send out a company-wide email at my job, which isn't the problem. Only certain people are authorized to do that.

    No, the problem is that any idiot can "Reply to All", and frequently they do. I'm trying to get work done, and I can't because someone replies to everyone with a question meant for the sender, and then someone else replies the same way, and so on and so on....

    I was tempted to reply to everyone, telling them to PLEASE stop doing Reply to All. But I thought that might make me look like a hypocrite.
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


    • #3
      Quoth MadMike View Post
      I was tempted to reply to everyone, telling them to PLEASE stop doing Reply to All.
      It doesn't work. There are tons of campus wide emails here and we've had a couple people try to get everyone to stop hitting reply all by sending out messages saying not to. People don't seem to notice.
      "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


      • #4
        What a tool ...
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          We once had a glitch in our email. I laughed the entire day about it too. A company wide email was sent, the first person sent a "reply all", the next email was a "reply all" telling that person not to hit "reply all" the next email was a "reply all" telling that person not to hit "reply all" the next email was a "reply all" telling that person not to hit "reply all" somewhere in between all 75 emails hitting just "reply" was sending it to everyone.

          Finally there is an email from IT asking people to delete the messages and not reply to anyone.

          Ten minutes later a random email comes in - "See told you guys!"
          You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.


          • #6
            What a goon. Probably didn't have anything better to do than chew your friend out.

            Hello and welcome fellow Nebraskan! Please check out the "get togethers" section as we are planning another shindig. That was my shameless plug, back on!
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              we had tons of fun with "reply to all" (of course the all was managers and tier 3's-so only 16 people)---I'd get jumped on by a manager in a mass email-I'd respond(and we had to reply to all)-then everyone else would start jumping on the manager for jumping on me. I remember one where I denied a credit for soething and the manager berated me in an email for it, I explained why it was denied(again), and before the manager came in every other manager/tier 3 had voiced their opinion in defense of me-including the memorable-"Why don't we just stop issuing credits and just start leaving buckets of money in the stores for customers to take?"
              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

