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Capital One attempts financial penetration on me

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  • Capital One attempts financial penetration on me

    So I have a Capital One credit card, it only has a limit of $500, it was the first credit card I got when I was rebuilding my score after having to file bankruptcy years ago. I was in a "credit cards are evil" phase for a while, and while I still believe they are evil I realized I needed to get one to build my credit up to respectable levels.

    So while I have since got other cards with higher limits (and zero balances, no repeats of history here thank you) but I kept the Capital One card since they were the first ones to give me a break plus it looks good on your FICO score to have an account in good standing open for a long time.

    I get the bill the other day, and instead of the expected $0 balance I see it says $39. I immediately go into "WTF" mode, but still have the presence of mind to succeed where SCs who call me fail and actually READ MY BILL to see what this charge is about. I find the offending line, which states "CAPTIAL ONE MEMBER FEE - $39.99"

    I didn't sign up for any memberships that I recall, so I'm starting to semi-freak that I got signed up for something without my permission. While waiting for a rep to come on the line. I notice the fine print on the back page (another thing SCs miss) that in the terms and conditions it mentions a yearly membership fee that is waived if you elect to cancel the card. So I figure F it, if they're gonna charge me for the privilege of keeping their low-ass limit card then they can go screw.

    The first rep I got immediately started on an obviously prepared speech about how it was in my terms and conditions that this fee would be charged when I accepted and activated my card. I felt kind of bad since it was obviously in response to getting screamed at by SCs on daily basis, but I did mention about the previously mentioned cancellation clause on the back of my statement. I guess that was the magic word since I immediately got transfered to a higher level customer service which seemed to be a retention type of department. The guy had a real used car salesman air to him, the total "what's it going to take to get you to keep this card" approach. I mention the $39 fee on my card and how if that's going to be a regular thing then they can just keep it. He said he would waive the fee and I wouldn't have to cancel the account. I asked what about when it happens again next year, and he said just call in again and have them waive it then.

    That really struck me since it's basically admitting that the fee is bullshit and those that use their card often probably wouldn't even notice it tucked in with their other charges. It wasn't even a "we'll waive it if you call in and scream" thing, they literally tell you to just keep calling in every year. I know credit card companies are notorious for the sketchy fees they charge, but I never had one straight up pull a "We'll charge you only if you don't notice it" fee.
    "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes

  • #2
    Maybe they should change their slogan to "WHO'S in your wallet?"
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
      Maybe they should change their slogan to "WHO'S in What's not in your wallet?"
      Much better.
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        Quoth CancelMyService View Post
        The guy had a real used car salesman air to him, the total "what's it going to take to get you to keep this card" approach. I mention the $39 fee on my card and how if that's going to be a regular thing then they can just keep it. He said he would waive the fee and I wouldn't have to cancel the account. I asked what about when it happens again next year, and he said just call in again and have them waive it then.
        I probably would have still cancelled it anyway. I shouldn't have to make an annual call to avoid a fee. And I'm not impressed with people/companies who encourage SCism.

        Quoth CancelMyService View Post
        That really struck me since it's basically admitting that the fee is bullshit and those that use their card often probably wouldn't even notice it tucked in with their other charges. It wasn't even a "we'll waive it if you call in and scream" thing, they literally tell you to just keep calling in every year. I know credit card companies are notorious for the sketchy fees they charge, but I never had one straight up pull a "We'll charge you only if you don't notice it" fee.
        It happens a lot, especially since so many banks ended up in serious financial troubles making sketchy house loans that never made sense to me. Credit cards may not be intrinsically evil, but you know the saying "power corrupts"? Well, access to your wallet is a form of power....


        • #5
          I have a Capital One horror story, too.

          Years ago, they were the first credit card I signed up for. I also neglected to read the fine (fine, very fine) print which declared that particular card to have a monthly fee of $6 just for it to be an active account. I didn't find out about this for a while, however, since they got both my name as well as address wrong. Hence I never recieved my card and had difficulty on the phone with them (my name was WAY off, and to this day in my credit reports, its spelled that way when I use my SSN to check my credit.)
          So like 4 mos after I sign up, I call them to ask where my card is. The automated system informs me I've got a $300 balance. Having never even recieved my card, I was pretty much WTF???ed out. Turns out they had been billing me the monthly fee, as well as an activation fee, as well as late fees for not paying my bill, which I never recieved, because the address was wrong.
          I was forced to be a total SC and use very colorful language to get the balance erased and the card cancelled.


          • #6
            Capitol One was the first card (other than a store card) I had too.

            I recently cancelled mine. They kept forgetting to send me bills. 3 times I had to call and fight a late charge because I had never once gotten a bill.

            To get me to stay on they tried all kinds of crap "We'll lower your rate, we'll raise your limit" yo u know what, if you weren't doing that as a thank-you for always paying on time, then I don't want it now.

            I'd cancel yours too. In fact I recommend that everyone cancel their Capitol One cards, but that's just me.


            • #7
              Wow. I have a Capital One CC and have never had a problem with them nor ever had these membership fees.

              However I agree with the others on canceling the card- paying an activation fee or yearly membership fees on top of the finance charges would be a deal breaker for me. Why should you have to remember to call them each year and go through more hassle just to get that membership (BS) fee waived?

              Not all CC companies are like that so you can get another card elsewhere.


              • #8
                I always look to see if the card has an annual fee before I even decide to get it. I pay off my credit cards every month in full, so I don't care what the annual percentage interest rate is, because I never incur it (okay, rarely incur it). But if it has an annual fee, I'd have to pay it regardless. So I only get cards that say right up front "no annual fee".


                • #9
                  I have a credit building credit card since someone with no credit can get a 0% card. -_- my yearly fee is 29$, which I don't think is so bad. I mean, it's like just under 2.50 a month and I've yet to carry a balance.
                  Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                  Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                  Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                  • #10
                    Reminds me of MBNA. Those idiots were giving away things; sports bags, t-shirts, lots of nice, free stuff...but only if you signed up for their card. Oh, and one thing that was listed in the fine print...was that you'd then subscribe to a sports magazine. I signed up, intending to give the freebies to my neighbor, the 1 or 2 magazines to my then-bedridden grandfather, and then dumping the card.

                    Things didn't work that way--their 800 number was discontinued, the first statement I got said I owed $50. I misplaced the statement...and when I got the next one, it said I owed nothing
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      Quoth tigerlily0 View Post
                      So I only get cards that say right up front "no annual fee".

                      Be a bit careful of that. Technically a monthly fee is not an annual fee, so they can claim "No Annual Fee" and still ding you...


                      • #12
                        My card is a Capital One, and the only problems I've had with it have been my own fault.

                        But I'm also completely paranoid and read every last shred of fine print on all the paperwork I have involving monetary issues, heh. It kind of freaks them out when you can quote the fine print on the back of the bill right back to them.
                        "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

