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The Flood of '08

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  • The Flood of '08

    For those that don't know, we've had some massive floods in the Midwest. I myself live in Cedar Rapids Iowa, where all of downtown is still mostly underwater. I'm very thankful that I wasn't affected by it though. for the past six years my basement has flooded in the rainy season, and this is the first year it hasn't (due to a bunch of pipes we had put underground to make the water flow away).

    Anyway, the city only has one working water well left. And they've only got enough water to last...until the end of tomorrow, which, obviously isn't good. So, they've asked everyone to not use water. That means, no showers, no washing machines, no tap water, no flushing after every use of the toilet, etc. It really has to be a community effort to work though.

    Well, some people don't get the picture. There were two news stories where the newscaster interviewed people at local laundromats, who were using them. The newscaster was asking questions in an understandably pissed off tone. No one at the news stations has bathed in three days to try and help conserve usable water. Many, many others have done this as well.

    The fact is, people are using the laundromats after being asked and practically begged not to. One person who owns a laundromat actually help one woman do 21 LOADS OF LAUNDRY! 21!!! He said it was okay though because the woman said she would "Pray for Gods blessing upon him." WTF? I just know that that lady was one of the nutjobs that only does laundry once a month after all her cloths have been worn, and likely lives with tons of cats and stacks of old newspapers.

    It really is sad how selfish some people can be during a natural disaster. It's going to take months, and possibly even several years to fully assess all the damage, which will without a doubt be in the millions of dollars. I still can't believe the Czech Museum was almost entirely submerged.

    The news broadcasters comments on these people though were rather entertaining. They recommended taking the videos down to all the Red Cross shelters and showing it to all the people that lost their homes and have been stuck in school building for these past days.

    I've got friends who lost everything, and there's gonna be some hard times ahead with the rebuilding and cleaning up mother natures mess. So, I'd like to ask everyone to keep those that lost their homes in their thoughts and prayers and well-wishes and whatnot (does that cover everyones views here? I don't know).
    We Pick Up the Pieces

  • #2
    Okay, this is probably a stupid question but can't they require the laundromats to close? Or something...
    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


    • #3
      Heh, while there's prolly no official regulation authorizing it, the Police or the civic minded can shut them down. There's potentially two ways to kill their power, the safe is available here, the main breaker (or in some cases one of them) is located next to the meter behind a door with a hasp on it (virtually all the time). Turn the breaker off, and lock the panel, that'll close them. Alternately, you can steal their electric meter, the meter seal can be cut with electrical cutters, and the meter serves to connect the main power feed to the building, no meter, not feed. Obviously there's a risk of electrical shock with that last one. Oh, and how do I know this? Took house wiring and industrial motor controls in two years of Vocational School.
      "You're supposed to be the head of covert intelligence. Right now, I'm not seeing a hell of a lot of intelligence. Covert, overt, or otherwise!"-Lochley, B5, A View from the Gallery


      • #4
        I know that here in SA, when we have really hot summers which result in water shortages, the municipality can fine people that go over a certain Kilolitre amount per month. Can the local government there not implement something similar?
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          I live south of you in Mount Pleasant. My family is praying for everyone that has been affected by the floods.

          I can't believe the owners have not closed! I did hear that a lot of places did close to conserve water. I can't believe how selfish people can be. I live south of you in Mount Pleasant


          • #6
            Quoth d962831 View Post

            The fact is, people are using the laundromats after being asked and practically begged not to. One person who owns a laundromat actually help one woman do 21 LOADS OF LAUNDRY! 21!!! He said it was okay though because the woman said she would "Pray for Gods blessing upon him." WTF? I just know that that lady was one of the nutjobs that only does laundry once a month after all her cloths have been worn, and likely lives with tons of cats and stacks of old newspapers.
            Oh, please tell me there is video on one of the local station websites for that. If I had been the field reporter, I would have probably been fired for stating my opinion. "You want to do 21 loads of laundry? Fine. Get in your car, drive to where it ISN'T FLOODING. Or, wash your clothes the old fashioned way, in the river. There's plenty of river right now." Then ended it with some sort of profanity.
            Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


            • #7
              Hey fellow Iowans! I'm in Iowa City, but I work in Cedar Rapids, originally from Vinton, so I have many friends and family that have been affected by the floods. A lot of my coworkers lost everything.

              They were reporting on the news that Cedar Rapids has like 3-4 days of water left, thats it. And I think thats only if people conserve. Its absolutely ridiculous that people are going to laundromats, doing 21 loads. Iowa City is being told to conserve and what did I see yesterday? Someone filling up a pool while their kids ran around in a sprinkler. I don't call that conserving.


              • #8
                As for the laundry... two ways to fix people doing that much wasting as far as I can see:

                1) Limit the loads each customer can do (tough, would spawn a lot of SC behaviour, but doable).

                2) Don't open the laundromat until the shortage is over (tough also, since it would limit income for the owner, but very doable).
                Confirmed altoholic.


                • #9
                  Quoth ShadedWings View Post
                  2) Don't open the laundromat until the shortage is over (tough also, since it would limit income for the owner, but very doable).
                  Considering the water would run out in a short time anyway, yeah, if I were the owner I'd shut it down, afterall, what's more important, clean clothes or safe drinking water for however many people are affected.
                  I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                  • #10
                    Laundry woman and people like her are the reason that martial law is declared in so many disaster zones. The majority of people use their brains and do the right thing for their communities, but the few who don't can be a danger to everyone whether they mean to or not. It's more ignorance than malice, but the end result is the same.

                    Your local government really needs to take control and temporarily shut down those laundromats.

                    I hope everything works out for you and your town, and for anyone else affected by these floods.

                    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                    • #11
                      Quoth d962831 View Post
                      Anyway, the city only has one working water well left. And they've only got enough water to last...until the end of tomorrow, which, obviously isn't good. So, they've asked everyone to not use water. That means, no showers, no washing machines, no tap water, no flushing after every use of the toilet, etc. It really has to be a community effort to work though.
                      Having spent weeks last summer at water distribution points dishing out water because of pretty much the same issue I feel for you, I really do, giving out bottled water isn't a great situation to be in and with a bit of luck your Police/government/local agencies will get their sh1t together and work out a way of getting water to people, we had bowsers and water points to give out free water, it was only once the army came in to assist that we pulled it together though.

                      I implore you and your neighbours to keep an eye out for the elderly and the disabled, or anyone who isn't able to carry water back to their home address, you'll probably get the red cross there (we did last year) and they're great at that sort of thing.

                      Quoth flybye023 View Post
                      Okay, this is probably a stupid question but can't they require the laundromats to close? Or something...
                      Probably, but after the water runs (24-36hrs) out it'll be a moot point anyway...
                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • #12
                        Quoth crazylegs View Post
                        Probably, but after the water runs (24-36hrs) out it'll be a moot point anyway...
                        Maybe the water wouldn't run out as fast if they DID close! Might last a few more hours! * at people who waste water*
                        Confirmed altoholic.

