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  • *sigh*

    This lady wasn't necessarily sucky, so Mods, feel free to move it. It was, however, hilarious.

    My sister and I were in a local store in the mall that sells clothes, and were in the shoes section. A woman walks in, and calls over her shoulder, "Come along, come on...Follow me!"

    My sister and I wait for her young child that we suppose she's talking to. But, no, an older man walks up to the row she went in, lets out a loud sigh, and follows her.

    My sister had a stupid grin all the way out of the store.

    On the other hand, I /did/ hear her giving the cashier a tongue lashing because the shoes she wanted for her husband 'weren't on sale', because they were $60 on the price tag. *sigh* Under a big sign that said 25% Off!

    Ironically, we got those same shoes for my dad, and got the sale. XD
    Last edited by Rayndel2; 06-16-2008, 03:39 AM. Reason: Remembered the ending..
    The pen may be mightier than the sword, but the D20 rules all!!!