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The Saga of the Rentors...

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  • The Saga of the Rentors...

    This is a sighting that has nothing directly to do with me. However it is currently on going with my uncle and a tale that needs repeated.

    1.) The beginning.

    My father passed last year. Right after this, my Uncle who lived across the street decided that he couldn't stay around (something about looking over at the house bothered him.) so he decided to move to Salt Lake City. His house went up on the market and was eventually leased out to a couple from the UK. They had recently moved to the area in the hopes of opening a cafe and catering business.

    After they moved in, the people pretty much kept to themselves, though we noticed that there was a bit of increased traffic back and forth from the house. After a bit, the Mayor (who lives on our right side) happened to tell us that he'd found out that they were running a business from the home. (Strike one against their lease agreement). He'd even had to call the police out to inform them that the home wasn't zoned commercial, and they needed to stop. From all accounts they did.

    2.) Several months pass.

    All was quiet for a time, until last month when my uncle decided to move back here. Apparently the lease was breached since every check the rentor had sent had bounced. Every last one of them. Plus they hadn't paid insurance on the home, and now he needs to get new. As if to add insult to injury, the wife of the rentor had an accident not 200 yards from the house. How she managed to hit the only tree on that stretch of road is beyond anyone's understanding. Stupidity must have been involved.

    3.) The hilarity begins.

    Here's where things turn funny. Uncle is told by them that they're moving anyway and will be clear of the house by the first of June. However that doesn't happen. So, he heads over there to check things out and finds that in the time (sept last year to now) that they have lived there, the grass has not once been mowed. So, he figures that the best thing he can do is mow for them. Drags out the mower and sends one of his step sons to doing it. About halfway through the back yard, the woman (who everyone was told was nearly paralyzed after her wreck) comes running out on the back deck and starts to curse the boy. His mother (my new aunt) hears this, curses back and sends the woman packing.

    Last Friday:

    After numerous attempts to contact the rentor in order to get paid as well as evict them from the home, my Uncle finds that either they're not answering the door, or just not at the home. So, he hatches a plan. Uncle goes to court and signs a citation out against them. Stating he's suing them for damages as well as evicting them from the home. He has the sheriff dept deliver this note.

    Last Saturday.

    Uncle heads over to the house to pick up his tools. While he's there, the rentor calls the police. Claims he's...terrorizing them. The police laugh when they speak with my uncle, but do agree that he ought just leave well enough alone for now. Cops help him secure what he still has in his shop so it can't be stolen, take notes of what remains, and then escort him off his own property.


    Uncle gets a letter from the court. It informs him that his court date is the 26th of this month, and that he needs to appear. It also states that the rentor has been served, and must also appear. However it also notes that there is now a restraining order against him, meaning that he can not set foot on his own property for any reason until after court.

    He finds this out while at my house.

    He came over this morning and parked in my yard. He and the boys were going to mow for me (since I've been ill and can't.) As they're unloading the mowers and getting things started in my yard, three police cars come screaming in and pull into the driveway across the street. After a moment the officers come over and start grilling him about what's going on. To which I speak up and ask why they're there. Apparently neighbor had called claiming that he (uncle) was threatening the guy, and that they were afraid. Plus he was violating a restraining order. During this time guy comes over and is standing in my yard with this smug look on his face. However the officers aren't stupid and see that Uncle isn't doing anything wrong. Not to be outdone, I speak up, asking where guy can hear if I am within my rights to have guy arrested if he sets foot on my property. Tresspassing. The police confirm that yes, I am. All I would need to do is sign a warrant out against him. He blanches.

    They leave, and I suspect have serious words with him. he left that other house quite quickly afterward and I've not seen him since.

    Court is the 26th. I'll post then what I find out.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    So not only are they living in your Uncle's property and aren't paying rent, they actually put a restraining order against him from setting put in his own piece of land?


    I'm totally baffled.

    But yes, keep us updated!
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


    • #3
      Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
      So not only are they living in your Uncle's property and aren't paying rent, they actually put a restraining order against him from setting put in his own piece of land?
      and our wonderful legal system /sarcasm (i'll leave it at that, more would cross into fratching territory) actually granted it... great, just what we need, as if it's not bad enough having spineless managers we now also have spineless judges...
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        So, guy gets house, never pays, violates his lease, does no upkeep, commits fraud (I'm assuming here, that if someone is paralyzed, and suddenly not paralyzed, that either a miracle has occurred, or something fishy is occurring), refuses to leave, gets a restraining order against the person he'd be renting from, if he had payed any rent, and attempts to get him for terrorizing him for trying to fix/protect his interests due to the above?

        I'd like to hear the end of this.
        I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
        In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


        • #5
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          and our wonderful legal system /sarcasm (i'll leave it at that, more would cross into fratching territory) actually granted it... great, just what we need, as if it's not bad enough having spineless managers we now also have spineless judges...
          I think it was a Temp.RO, on the basis of some bullshit claim about the Uncle terrorizing them or something, which will be booted at the trial.
          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


          • #6
            I pity the poor police having to be caught in the middle of this. And Oy, what a pain for your family. Am I the only one thinking that you should "conveniently" film the wife running around like a she-demon? Wouldn't it be interesting to "accidentally" let slip to the insurance company what this poor, unfortunate soul has been up to?

            Good luck with the court date. I know I can't wait for an update!
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              well also technically in the US (n certain states and citys and i am not a lawyer im jsut remembering some stuff i remember asking about in highschool) we do have squaters laws that allow people illegal living in a premises to remain for a certain ammount of time without the owner being able to do anything about if the build wasnt oppucied or apparentment or space but one else... so i think that could have something to do with some of the RO stuff


              • #8
                Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                well also technically in the US (n certain states and citys and i am not a lawyer im jsut remembering some stuff i remember asking about in highschool) we do have squaters laws that allow people illegal living in a premises to remain for a certain ammount of time without the owner being able to do anything about if the build wasnt oppucied or apparentment or space but one else... so i think that could have something to do with some of the RO stuff
                Actually, "Squatter's Rights" is the equivalent of "Finders' Keepers'". It means that a person who takes up residence on an unused parcel of land (including in abandoned houses) for a term of time (in the order of several years, IIRC) without an attempt by the owner to reclaim the property, then they become owners of that property.

                If, however, the owner makes their claim known before then, they have every right to kick the Squatter out as with any other form of trespassing.
                And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                • #9
                  Should be an open and shut case. I hopes these deadbeats actually show for the trial. They will be arrested, I presume, if they don't. I look forward to updates on this matter. I feel bad for your uncle, but he should win & get backpay as well. Are they American citizens? They might flee is why I ask.
                  When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


                  • #10
                    Actually, I think it's good the guy received the temporary RO. The courts should hand those out like candy ... because those who need them, NEED them. However, if caught with your hand in the candy jar when it shouldn't have been ... the penalties should be harsh.

                    Based on my experiences with these kind of renters, your uncle is going through the normal grind of getting deadbeats out of his home.

                    At least in his case they were catering food ... and not drugs like it was in mine.
                    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                    • #11
                      Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                      I pity the poor police having to be caught in the middle of this.
                      Well, apparently the police in repsac's town have dick-all to keep them busy, considering that they sent three cruisers with sirens blazing to check out a basic restraining order violation.

                      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                      • #12
                        Heh. We've got a population of about thirteen hundred. No kidding there. TINY little town located about fourty or fifty miles north west of Savannah. Our biggest thing before all this junk started, was a series of protesters getting arrested.

                        Now, I guess if you wanted to be technical, you could say we've got a population of about five thousand...however only thirteen hundred are free. The rest are in the various (three I know of) prisons around the city.
                        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                        • #13
                          Oh, before I forget. Update:

                          Talked to the uncle yesterday after this got posted and forgot to add this story:

                          After being run off his own property, Uncle decided to head up to the court house to figure out what he could do. The police apparently told him that d--- head (yes officer said that) could do this, and in order for Uncle to get his other things, he needed a letter from a judge.

                          So, heading up to the court house, he wanders into the magistrate's office. Padding up to the counter Uncle waits a bit and chats up this nice lady there. When she asks what he needs, he relates his story and problem. Adding "Now, apparently I need a Judge to sign a letter saying I can go into my own shop to get my own tools and take them off of my own property. That's a load of bull isn't it? So, where am I going to find a judge?"

                          Lady looks up at him and says wryly "I am the judge."

                          He hopes to have his letter tomorrow.
                          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                          • #14

                            As I understand the law, a judge can issue a R.O. without any sort of hearing, based exclusively on the complaint. But I think the one the R.O. is issued against does have the right to challenge it. In this particular case, I think that order may well end up permanently rescinded.


                            • #15
                              IIRC, certain jurisdictions issue a mandatory restraining order for certain types of complaints-- usually domestic abuse-- and the RO goes to the person who doesn't live at the property where the incident occurred, by default, to keep the complainants apart until court.

                              Probably what occurred there.
                              My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                              Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.

