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The Saga of the Rentors...

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  • #31
    Quoth Alexandra View Post
    I have to disagree with not being able to run a business from your home--even if you're only renting.

    That's a slippery slope, because next thing you know you won't be allowed to sell on eBay from your home.
    There's a difference. If you're working from home or self employed in something like web design or any business that uses the internet for communication it's not the same as running a business that entails traffic that is beyond what is normal for a residential home (something repsac mentioned seeing). Residential insurance simply cannot be expected to cover a business like that and you have other issues such as parking, hours of excess traffic in a residential neighborhood, etc.

    "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


    • #32
      This is better than an episode of Law & Order...


      • #33
        Quoth Amina516 View Post
        This is better than an episode of Law & Order...

        <cue slap bass>

        Wow, repsac! Quite the saga!

        <me gets too>

        "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
        I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


        • #34
          Quoth Amina516 View Post
          This is better than an episode of Law & Order...


          I'd do anything to be a fly on that wall.
          "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


          • #35
            Well Repsac, serving your mother and your uncle's wife is just step one.
            In a town that size, I suspect the squatters will serve EVERYBODY.
            Then, when everyone in town is at the courthouse they will.....

            ......RUN AWAY!!!!!


            • #36
              Quoth SuperB View Post
              There's a difference. If you're working from home or self employed in something like web design or any business that uses the internet for communication it's not the same as running a business that entails traffic that is beyond what is normal for a residential home (something repsac mentioned seeing). Residential insurance simply cannot be expected to cover a business like that and you have other issues such as parking, hours of excess traffic in a residential neighborhood, etc.
              Not only that, but it was implied that it was a catering business, and I think in many areas, you have to have a health inspection/permit before selling/serving food, especially from a residents. Like not being able to have any pets. Of course they all vary by jurisdiction.
              "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


              • #37

                I've only read community college level textbooks on the law and I can pick out at least seven major errors these dipshits have made without even trying to figure in the actual act involving the house. Unless they've got some sort of super-Chewbacca defense, any semi-conscious judge is going to eat them for dinner.

                *skips on popcorn, makes noodles* (The way I eat them, they're a finger food )
                "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                • #38
                  When my grandfather died, we started renting his place out. We've had several different rentors, only one of them was honest.

                  We had one crazy guy who was so nutter-butters he wouldn't leave when we evicted him. It just didn't register in his noodle that he was no longer welcome. So, we had the cops come out to evict him for us. It was pretty easy actually, they came with a couple warrants for his arrest due to shoplifting. So, they just took him away.

                  Apparently, he's so crazy he would just walk into stores and take what he wanted and walk out. No real concept of, "I have to pay for this" more like, "I want it, it's here, it belongs to me".

                  We threw away most of his stuff, which was mostly junk. He had a really nice camera though. I looked at my dad after he showed it to me and said, "So, where do think he stole this from?" Oh well, score for us.
                  Check out my cosplay social group!


                  • #39
                    Wow... I am DIGGIN this story.. Thanks for the fun! Sorry that you have to live through it!!


                    • #40
                      I have worked abroad on and off since 1993, and for the first 5 years we rented our house out so it would be there on our retirement, or whatever. In the end we sold it at a massive loss, because we couldnt stand the heartbreak of seeing one set of tenants move out leaving a horrid mess that we had to get fixed before we could relet it.

                      One time, the tenants complained that the gas fire in the lounge had "fallen away" from the wall. WTF? It was cemented in, it was basically part of the wall. So we fixed it. Our letting agent checked on the place a few weeks later, after we had got it fixed, and it was hanging off the wall again. We think they were using it as a cupboard...

                      Another set of tenants destroyed our 3 piece suite in a way that could only be achieved using a large hammer. Maybe they were looking for coins behind the cushions, and got carried away.

                      The final straw was when we returned to our empty house, wanting to stay in it for the summer, to find that half the ceiling had fallen down, and was literally plastered (sorry about the pun) all over the replacement 3 piece suite. Under the remnants of the ceiling were a half eaten takeaway, several newspapers from weeks ago, the furniture, and so on. The kicker? The agents had never been told of this, and the tenants had moved out weeks ago. They probably decided to run away from the situation, but were scared to report the problem.


                      • #41
                        So, what's it been? Couple days with no update?

                        Well court is tomarrow, and I think when last I left you, my mother had been summoned to court as a witness...for the DEFENSE.

                        as of today, thanks to the timely work by her mental health doctor, mother is off the books. She is formally excused from testifying, though this has brought with it a whole new host of rather hilarious little problems. Not for Uncle, but for the rentor.

                        So, where to begin?

                        Oh, he's counter suing my uncle. Apparently, he claims that the rent checks he's sent my uncle total around ten thousand dollars. (remember, lease to buy.) Problem is several of them turned up missing. Now he's claiming that Uncle is lying, that he (rentor, now named Wonder Idiot) sent them to a post office box in kentucky. His suit, is for the money he's paid, plus interest. A good deal of interest from what I heard.

                        There's a small problem for him here. (one of the funny ones.) While it is true that WI did send checks to this box, he's claiming he sent them to the location before he could have known about it, since Uncle didn't have the box when WI was first sending his checks. Uncle has a signed affidavit from the Post Master there to prove this, as well as the date he rented the P.O. Box. Uncle's lawyer plans to be nice about this, discovery and all, and will be handing them copies of that...tomorrow morning an hour or so before trial.

                        Problem two:

                        He further claims that Uncle is responsible for the failure of Wonder Idiot's cafe. Now how he figures this is beyond me, but the story I get is WI wanted to open a cafe here in town. Bought a building began painting and all, and then decided to try to get a liquor license. However, he made one minor logistical error. His cafe is located directly across the street from a local church. Meaning that under Georgia law, he's too close to the church, to sell alcohol. It didn't hurt that he was intending to sell on sundays, which for the record are dry in this state. Now the thing is, all this is said to have happened weeks before Uncle came back. So, how is it his fault? WI seems to think so, and for the life of me I've yet to figure out HOW.

                        Problem three:

                        The judge has stated, in no uncertain terms, that Uncle's wife may NOT testify as to what she saw or heard Uncle say. Two little words play here: Spousal Privilege. In short, anything said in confidence can not be used in court. So Wife is off the list.

                        However Wonder Idiot isn't beyond throwing us for a loop. Now he's summoned my UNCLE to testify...for the defense.
                        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                        • #42
                          At the rate Wonder Idiot is digging himself into this hole, he's going to need some heavy duty equipment now that he's hit rock bottom.

                          Summoning the guy you're countersuing.. to testify for your side?
                          A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                          • #43
                            Quoth repsac View Post
                            However Wonder Idiot isn't beyond throwing us for a loop. Now he's summoned my UNCLE to testify...for the defense.
                            This guy has a problem, and no court decision is gonna help him... He might want to look for a psychiatrist.
                            "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                            • #44
                              Quoth repsac View Post
                              Now he's summoned my UNCLE to testify...for the defense.
                              I think I shall quote a line from Slayers: "You know that part at the beginning? "Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows"? Yeah, that's me summoning him (Shabranigdo?). Using Dragon Slave on him would be like me saying, "Hey, you, help me fight you". "

                              The stupid, it burns us, Precious... It burnsss!
                              Last edited by Imogene; 06-23-2008, 04:59 PM. Reason: Finally remembered that name
                              "I call murder on that!"


                              • #45
                                At least they were smart enough to know the wife's name . . . .

                                Once upon a time a money grubbing idiot decided to sue my Dad . . .then they wanted to add his wife into the case however instead of serving her . . .the name was mine. Yup their lawyer was such a mental genius . . .not only did he verify that all the properties he claimed Dad owned were still his (we rehab houses while we own them . . .the record system he used is known to be 6 months to a year behind in information) he thought I was his wife.
                                Sadly her husband "was cleaning his gun" in the house with her and their 5 kids their. Well the rest as they say is an unfortunate event. (I call her money grubbing - two years later after claiming accident with us to get us to settle - no way we could have won with a jury with her sob story - she was now saying her husband shot himself based on something this other person had done - make up your mind . . .was it an accident or not?)

