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When Captain Obvious isnt fail.

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  • When Captain Obvious isnt fail.

    This is a sucky employee and not a customer.

    I was at Taco Bell with my husband, son, lil sis in law, & little brother. We seriously could not have looked more like a family if we tried. Not to mention the spiffy matching wedding bands my husband and I wear.

    So, we're eating and I could swear the one kid behind the counter is staring at me, but everytime I look, he happens to be looking somewhere else. Weird but whatever. We eat we finish and walk outside. I hear someone go "Ma'am?" and turn a round.

    One of the female cashiers was walking toward me so I go up to her and she hands me the guys name and number on the paper. Seriously, looked like it had been scribbled on trash with a crayon and tells me that the guy inside thought I was pretty.. LOL

    So, I walk over to my husband and flash him the paper... Maybe I just wanted to let him know Im lusted after, I dont know..but I was cracking up the whole time.

    Needless to say he didnt think it was too funny....and took the paper from me......and WALKED BACK INSIDE....and laid the paper on the counter. He then looks the guy in the eye and says "My WIFE doesnt need this."...

    *cue cool exit music*

    I think its safe to say he defended his manhood that day....

  • #2

    Tell hubby he's aces in my book!


    • #3
      I actually was involved in a similar situation.

      I was at work doing my normal big important work things when this guy comes up to me and asks "Hey, can you do me a favor?"


      "Give this (hands me a folded-up piece of paper) to her (pointing to a young, blond, rather attractive teenage female co-worker)."

      "Yeah, whatever."

      I took the paper from him, went to the backroom so I could have some privacy, unfolded the paper and started reading. It was a note.

      It was a love note.

      It was a rather cheesy love note, including the guy's phone number and the phrase "I think you are smokin'" (which is the only part of the note I remember).

      I read it, laughed until I almost wet myself, and refolded the paper. I should probably mention the guy who penned this love letter had no chance with her. He was a unshaven, fragrant, several teeth-missing, stained Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt wearing goof generally perpetuating the worst aspects of the Wisconsin White Trash stereotype.

      Some folk'll never ask out a girl
      And then again, some folk'll
      Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel!

      I then decided to show blond female coworker the note, and gave her a description of its author, so that if he came back in the store to try and chat her up, she'd know why. Just a little "Hey, this redneck kid came in the store and gave me this to give to you, he seemed harmless but he might start talking to you out of the blue." She got her own LULZ out of it, and then I tore up the note and threw it away.

      Sure enough, a couple weekends later, he came back into the store and started talking to her, and she told me she let him down as gently as she could. I never saw him again.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        Some folk'll never ask out a girl
        And then again, some folk'll
        Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel!
        LMAO One of my favorite characters.

        I can imagine it now: I think yer purdy....
        wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
        Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


        • #5

          As much as you just looked like five people (how do people "look like a family" anyway) and therefore a random person hitting on one of you is not that bizarre, one's place of work is not the right place for it.

          I think I'd have gone back in, asked for the manager, and asked "Is hitting on your customers considered appropriate here?" and shown him/her the note.


          • #6
            I hated when guys wanted my number when I worked at the gas station. Until I found the Rejection Hotline.....I memorized the Wisconsin one and gave it out to pretty much every nasty guy came in and thought it was the perfect opportunity to put me on the spot and give him my number (poor employee can't even stand up for themself in that kind of situation).

            Imagine the horror when they tried to call me. Ha Ha. Serves em right.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Not trying to incite an argument but I just want to ask this.

              Okay, first off I will say major points off that guy for missing the quite obvious.

              That said, if the guy worked for a fancy dept store instead of a taco bell would you or your husband have the same reaction? Just askin.'

              Quoth One-Fang View Post

              As much as you just looked like five people (how do people "look like a family" anyway) and therefore a random person hitting on one of you is not that bizarre, one's place of work is not the right place for it.

              I think I'd have gone back in, asked for the manager, and asked "Is hitting on your customers considered appropriate here?" and shown him/her the note.
              I can understand why bosses frown on employees asking customers for their numbers (customer complains, feels uncomfortable, never shops there again...). BUT, is asking a customer for her number really that different from chatting up a girl in a lounge/bar/anywhere and asking for her digits? As the old saying goes, you'll never know when you'll meet someone.

              My dad asked my mom out when he was working for an autobody shop and she was a customer. She didn't complain, and he didn't get fired. Well, I guess it helps if the boss is your grandfather.


              • #8
                Quoth sld72382 View Post

                That said, if the guy worked for a fancy dept store instead of a taco bell would you or your husband have the same reaction? Just askin.'
                Yes, because even at a fancy department store, I am still his wife....!


                • #9
                  I've been asked out at work, and as long as it was respectful and they took my polite 'no' for an answer I never mind, just like I never minded at a club or in the street. Get sleazy or pushy with me and you'll get the full force of my withering scorn.

                  And as a smart, well-read girl with a lot of sarcasm and a good turn of phrase it can be pretty withering.
                  Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Amina516 View Post
                    Yes, because even at a fancy department store, I am still his wife....!
                    The reason why I asked that is because from your original post it gave me the impression that you or your husband were grossed out because a guy from Taco Bell thought you were attractive.

                    Now keep in mind that is only how I initially saw it, once you responded with what I quoted above, I knew my impression was wrong.

                    On a message board a long time ago, I started a thread on whether it was OK to chat up a customer and ask for her number. Some said it was okay while others said it is inappropriate and if she complains you could lose your job, not to mention a customer for the store. One really pissed me off, she said "I would complain on principal, after all most 'hot' girls find most retail workers to be creepy and loser-ish and most of those retail workers should know that those girls are way out of their league."


                    • #11
                      Quoth sld72382 View Post
                      The reason why I asked that is because from your original post it gave me the impression that you or your husband were grossed out because a guy from Taco Bell thought you were attractive.

                      Now keep in mind that is only how I initially saw it, once you responded with what I quoted above, I knew my impression was wrong.

                      On a message board a long time ago, I started a thread on whether it was OK to chat up a customer and ask for her number. Some said it was okay while others said it is inappropriate and if she complains you could lose your job, not to mention a customer for the store. One really pissed me off, she said "I would complain on principal, after all most 'hot' girls find most retail workers to be creepy and loser-ish and most of those retail workers should know that those girls are way out of their league."

                      Had nothing to do with Taco Bell. I LOVE taco bell and can only imagine having a BF that could bring me cheesy beefy goodness whenever I wanted...If I wasnt already married.. LOL. kidding. But, yeah ..the workplace had nothing to do with it. Just his apparent lack of attention paying.


                      • #12
                        If that happened to me, my husband would have just laughed and shrugged. He'd be flattered. I know, 'cause I just asked him.

                        "Would you be mad, or flattered?"

                        "Flattered. Why wouldn't I be?" he said.

                        That seems "manly" enough for me.


                        • #13
                          My most recent was at the bank. The drive-thru. With my wife driving. In the outermost lane!
                          I don't know if the teller just remembered me as a polite customer from my name on the deposit ticket or what, but she would have had a hard time seeing me, and if she saw me, she HAD to have looked past the woman driving the car to do so.
                          In any case, deposit ticket comes back, sincere thank yous are muttered across the intercom, and I toss the deposit slip down on the console.
                          My wife glances over a few minutes later and says "What's this?" Teller woman had scribbled her name and number on the back of my slip
                          Wife ribbed me, and continues to do so. If there's some sort of time discrepancy in chit-chatting about our days, I'll occasionally get the "Oh, hanging out with Lakesha again, huh?"

                          I have to agree with the general thought here - no harm, no foul. If the asker isn't pushy or obnoxious.....


                          • #14
                            I also have to agree that if it's not pushy or anything they may not even realize.

                            As much as you think that it's obvious, it isn't.

                            Here's an example: My husband and I went to visit relatives for a congrats party for a cousin whom made it into the police academy. While we were there my aunts (knowing that we hadn't had a night out together in long time due to our trusted babysitter moving away. No not a date night or anything like that just a night where both of us could have some drinks and know that our children were being taken care of.) took care of the kids and we went out to watch the playoff football game with my brother and cousin.

                            We sat in a U shaped booth. My husband was on the outside of the left of booth, then was Me, My little brother, and then Cousin. (So I am surrounded by husband and little brother.)

                            Well, at one point in the evening Cousin (who's from the area) spots a friend. He goes over and talks to her and comes back with a WTF? look on his face and chuckling.

                            His friend asked if I was his new girlfriend! (and cousin's friend doesn't drink or do drugs. She's the regular DD.) and even if she was drunk, why couldn't I be with one of the guys that are sitting closest to me? If I was his GF wouldn't I be sitting next to him?????


                            • #15
                              Quoth Titi View Post

                              We sat in a U shaped booth. My husband was on the outside of the left of booth, then was Me, My little brother, and then Cousin. (So I am surrounded by husband and little brother.)

                              Well, at one point in the evening Cousin (who's from the area) spots a friend. He goes over and talks to her and comes back with a WTF? look on his face and chuckling.

                              His friend asked if I was his new girlfriend! If I was his GF wouldn't I be sitting next to him?????
                              Not necessarily...friend may have thought your little brother was actually your child, and was therefore sitting between you and "BF." A lot of couples sit with the(ir) child in the middle to make it more difficult for the child to get into trouble.

                              You don't mention any ages, so it's difficult to tell if you looked like parents and child(ren), or just a group of friends.
                              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

