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Above and Beyond and left her in shock

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  • Above and Beyond and left her in shock

    Mods- not sure if this is the right place - didn't see a thread for the odd now and then greatness by an employee

    As several of you know I had some surgery at the first of the month. One of the delightful side effects is a swollen throat. To combat this and make it possible to eat/ drink I eat ice.
    I have a mug I carry everywhere with crushed ice.

    Well this past Friday I was finally off narcotics and ready to go out and be around people. So my friend and I went to a groovy artsy little local breakfast chain. We sit down and I realize I have left my mug at home. I ask the waitress if they have a way to "crush ice"
    (It is still early and slow at this point . . .maybe 3 other tables occupied and at least 2 other servers on the floor)
    She spends the next 5 min or so at the blender. She wasn't sure if it would work or not for me . . .so she dumped it out. . .then came over and told me she wasn't sure it was what I wanted. I said it would work great not knowing she had dumped it . . .so she went back and re-did it.
    After it arrived and before the food I spotted the manager . . .I signaled her over and complimented the young lady.
    When it was time to go we got our ticket . . .mine was _____and some change. I gave her a ______ and said I only wanted _____ back. When she brought me my change she asked if I was sure I only wanted _______ - very politely done.
    I pointed out that she went to extra effort on my behalf . . .in my book that equals monetary compensation. She said Thank you with a very shocked look on her face. (I left the amounts blank as I don't want this to turn into a conversation about proper tipping amounts . . .lets just say I paid normal for me after having been in the industry tip plus $5 extra)

    What can I say I felt she went above and beyond . . . .

  • #2
    You know, its always refreshing when a story on here is about good customer service/people you see around you instead of the dinks that we normally get surrounded with.
    My Karma ran over your dogma.


    • #3
      Quoth Emrld View Post
      Mods- not sure if this is the right place - didn't see a thread for the odd now and then greatness by an employee
      There's a section called 'praising customers and colleagues' under Sucky Customers that would have sufficed, but here is fine.



      • #4

        What would we ever do without you?
        I am slowly becoming more tech savy . . .this site helps.


        • #5
          It's so sad when a server is literally shocked when someone gives them praise and a nice tip. Stiffing the waiter/waitress happens way too often and it's great that you made her feel good.
          I am but a tiny, barren, insignificant rock caught in the glorious orbit of your shining sun. Gravekeeper.

