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I'm WALKING here!

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  • I'm WALKING here!

    Short one.

    I wanted a donair, so I went out to get one. Was crossing the street..

    Now me, I'm PARANOID of stepping in front of cars. Been hit once on my bike, and nearly hit three times or so by people NOT LOOKING before they turn into traffic.

    So I never step in front until I know they see me. No big deal...

    Now this guy had an older type truck, one of the squareish ones, with fog lights on top, huge off-road tires and jacked up ... springs? Looked like a mini monster truck.

    He was about 10 feet, stationery, in the lane of the road. I couldnt see from there what he was doing, so I started to cross (Impatient, hot), but since he was so far back I thought he was parked.

    Well, just as I got in front of him I heard the engine 'grunt'. That is, he had revved it up, the truck jerking forwards a little. I turned towards him, still crossing and shrugged my shoulders, hands up in a 'what the heck, buddy? ' way...

    And continued crossing. HE tooted his horn at me then but I didnt pay any attention, but still... dont sit in the middle of the road, then rev your engines at nervous women crossing when you dont show any inclination of going ahead, and then toot at them when they want to know WTF you're doing.

    I dunno. Is this really a sighting or a suck on my part?
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

  • #2
    Sighting. If he was sitting there, he can suck it up and deal. It's not like you slowed down and to five minutes to cross.
    The High Priest is an Illusion!


    • #3
      Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
      It's not like you slowed down and to five minutes to cross.
      ...Like I might have done in a similar situation...

      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        I must have a giant bullseye on me that only drivers can see, because they love to come within inches of running me down.

        One day I was crossing to get to the mall and the street I have to cross is very busy. I waited for my turn, looked both ways, then heard the sea creature of a woman's car barreling towards me.
        She was on her cell (of course) and speeding around the corner and had to slam on the brakes to keep from hitting me.
        I flipped her off and her response was, "Real lady-like, honey!"
        Like I care about being lady-like when not two seconds ago I could have been road pizza.


        • #5
          My Dad nearly got run over by a car when crossing on a pedestrian crossing (er..cross walk? I have no idea what Over The Sea people call it). Here in Third World Country, if someone is on the pedestrian crossing, it's illegal for a vehicle to cross it till said pedestrian is safely on the other side.
          So my Dad's walking, hears a car, jumps back just in time for the car to go past, and with surprisingly fast reflexes, kicked in the rear passenger door of the car. He broke his toe. The driver never stopped, but had a lovely big dent in the door. Hehehe
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            Quoth iradney View Post
            So my Dad's walking, hears a car, jumps back just in time for the car to go past, and with surprisingly fast reflexes, kicked in the rear passenger door of the car. He broke his toe. The driver never stopped, but had a lovely big dent in the door. Hehehe
            I figure that had to hurt when your dad did that, but the satisfaction of kicking a dent into that door had to be worth it.
            A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


            • #7
              I have almost been run down twice...the first time I was just in shock, and froze. If not for the driver's quick reflexes, I would have been but a smear on the pavement. Of course, the driver flipped me off and sped away.

              The second time, I jumped and landed right on the car's hood, which then carried me another 20 feet or so before the driver even bothered to try using the left pedal. I was scared, bruised, and getting screamed at for "fucking up" the driver's car, which I was apparently, "totally going to pay for." At least that was the driver's perception until the responding police officer cited the driver for Reckless Op. and Failure To Yield In A Crosswalk. Luckily, I wasn't hurt too badly. The driver's ego was, though.
              "She didn't observe the cardinal rule: Don't F**K with people who handle your food"
              -Ryan Reynolds in 'Waiting'


              • #8
                Many's the time I've nearly been hit in one of the crosswalks near my apartment.........when I was walking home from work one night, a car full of college-age guys came barreling around the corner, and the guy sitting next to the driver yelled "Get out of the road, bitch!" as they sped off. The another time, my daughter and I were crossing the street to go to McDonald's, some older guy in a truck almost hits us, and starts honking/shaking his fist because we were in the crosswalk.


                • #9
                  I've almost been hit numerous times while walking.... one day a car swerved to hit me not once, not twice, but three times! Every single time I had the right of way (even the signs that say "slow down for pedestrians" -- at a park, since the walking trail crosses the "road" (park's road). The third time, since I was missed the prior two times -- they circled the park to get another shot at me! Intentionally trying to kill a pedestrian.... cops wouldn't do anything (despite me having the license plate [temporary the bastards], car make/color... they wouldn't even put back in the speed bumps (apparently the park's manager gets a kickback from drag racing in the park.... he had the speed bumps removed that were preventing kids and people from almost getting hit, and some getting hit [fortunately none requiring paramedics] so there's no other reason why they were removed [even the people in town ask why and get no reply]).

                  One day a car threw something at me while they were driving at least 30mph. I heard the car, felt something hit my neck, then I was picking myself up about 5 ft from where I was (after I think breaking my nose as glasses [sun glasses] haven't fit right since, and there's sometimes a pain there from where I have a flat spot). They drove off to make sure I couldn't ID them. I have a neck problem as it is -- the can they threw just happened to hit that spot which causes me to temporarily not be able to feel anything from my neck down. I was laying face down in the ditch (fortunately hadn't rained.... otherwise I'd of been screwed as it'd of been in water) for almost 5 minutes before I could get back up.

                  So uh, anyway.... people in cars that do things like that are always in the wrong in my opinion -- and pedestrians do have the right of way (if at a crosswalk or such at least someplace they should be walking) I think most places [USA anyway] as well. so it's a backed up with law thing.

                  I just wish they had a "press charges for harassing people walking" -- people in cars make bad customers seem like saints. And sadly, I run into a jerk almost every single day I'm out. I almost got run over one day -- I almost wish they were an inch closer to me as I'd of taken off their side mirror (that close to being hit). I'd of been severely injured probably, but at least I'd of gotten them in jail for it -- as it is, they got away with it.


                  • #10
                    Quoth IT Grunt View Post
                    I figure that had to hurt when your dad did that, but the satisfaction of kicking a dent into that door had to be worth it.
                    Oh yeah. I was six at the time, so my Dad was trying REALLY hard not to cuss. hehehe. It's too funny to see a full grown man hopping around going "Oh HECK! This is DARN sore!"
                    The report button - not just for decoration

