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Sucky driver pawnage

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  • #31
    Having "unmarked" cars that you can spot from a mile away kinda defeats the point of having unmarked cars in the first place, don't you think ?
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


    • #32
      Quoth Samaliel View Post
      Having "unmarked" cars that you can spot from a mile away kinda defeats the point of having unmarked cars in the first place, don't you think ?
      Oh yes, I'm rather glad ours are rather subtle, and a mix of Hondas, Skodas and BMWs as well as a couple of others (all high end, metallic paint and alloys, exactly as a 'normal' one would be).
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #33
        Karma is guilty of pwnage of the 1st degree.
        "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." - Albert Einstein


        • #34
          Quoth Samaliel View Post
          Having "unmarked" cars that you can spot from a mile away kinda defeats the point of having unmarked cars in the first place, don't you think ?
          My town and other smaller towns have "Resident State Troopers." Basically state Police who patrol a few towns or one town if the town is too small to have it's own Police. Since they may patrol several towns their cars are unmarked, except for the spot light and light bar, painted in a variety of colors. They also have some unmarked cars with no light bar on the roof in either a Explorer, Crown Vic or Impala.


          • #35
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            Personally, I like to brake-check tailgaters.
            Me too.

            When I had a crappier car, anyway. My insurance is fine - not only would it cover it, but we have some kind of "2 claims before you lose your no claims bonus" thing or something anyway.

            Besides, I *am* taking care. I'm taking not to hit that bunny that darted out on the road in front of me without warning. I swear. Honestly, there was a bunny. Poor widdle thing. Can't hit a bunny - what's a girl to do but brake suddenly in surprise and shock?


            • #36
              they have 2 or 3 new cop cars here for patroling the highway that i love to see. instead of being a blatant b&w, or a badly done hidden car, they take your generic vehicle, keep the lights on the inside, and put all the "police" markings in a reflective, white paint. you can only see it at night when lights hit it, or at juuust the right angle in the day so many people get tagged by these guys.
              though i guess it helps that most of the cop cars we have are repainted cars that were taken during a bust, and were in good enough condition to use instead of auctioning off. gets rid of that whole "predictable model" thing. Heck, we even have a nice, late 90's camero and a 2002-ish SUV.

              Hobby Twitter.


              • #37
                Quoth Samaliel View Post
                Having "unmarked" cars that you can spot from a mile away kinda defeats the point of having unmarked cars in the first place, don't you think ?
                Never said the ones around here were smart. Just this past weekend we had one of the Albuquerque PD officers popped for DWI down in Las Cruces with some firearms in his car....including his service revolver.
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #38
                  The worst tailgaters around here are on the canyons. I was coming home from work over on the west side in Beverly Hills and it was pretty dark and drizzling. Some guy in a Audi was so close on my bumper, I couldn't even see his headlights and I drive a mid sized car. All I could see was part of his hood and him through his windshield. The road was Mulholland Dr., this road is so bad they've made movies about it because it has so many dangerous curves, has had who knows how many deaths and stretches for some miles.

                  Anyways this guy is just on me for the longest at the point where it's only one lane and I was already driving a little over the limit as it was when he approached. I'm a pretty peppy driver myself, so I was wondering why he was acting like he was driving behind a granny. If I needed to slow down significantly he would have rear ended me and caused one or both of us to careen into the LA valley below. It was pointless break checking him and I'm not one to do that too much anyways. When I did break check him it was like he was so on whatever it was like he was connected to my bumper cause it didn't phase him one bit. I could not wait until we hit Sherman Oaks where it starts to split off into 2 lanes. Once it did this asshole is just gunning it like he running from the cops or something. When he drove past me he had the audacity to glare at me and flip me off only to get one himself at the light. After I flipped him off he wouldn't even look over cause he couldn't go anywhere then.


                  • #39
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    Go around or deal with me going 70. Deal or no deal. If you pick no deal, back your ugly face and your even uglier
                    I can't stand that. The highest speed limit around here is 65, including the Parkway and the Turnpike. I refuse to drive 80 miles an hour for any reason. 70 is about the fastest I'll go, unless I'm in the middle of passing someone. Don't like it? Too bad.

                    Quoth Miyon View Post
                    I got home, called the pizza place, they knew how I was talking about even without his name. Mgr said he would be having a nice conversation when the guy got back.
                    I had a similar experience. When I was 17, I went with my parents to my mom's department picnic for work. I met them at work (they worked in the same building) and then I drove us all to the picnic site at a state park. A pizza driver got behind us and tailed so close I couldn't see his license plate in my mirror. He was behind me for a good couple miles, and had at least 2 or 3 perfectly clear chances to pass me in passing zones, but he just stayed on my bumper. Finally we got to an intersection, where he pulled into the right turn lane, while we were going straight. He pulled up next to us, and my mom took note of the pizza place, and what the guy looked like. When we got home, she looked up the pizza place in the phone book, and described the guy and the color of his car, and the manager said that she was the second person to call and complain about this kid that week.

                    I remember reading a story years ago (might have been in Readers' Digest) about someone driving on the NJ Turnpike when they noticed that everyone was going really slow for no apparent reason. Looking around, the writer noticed a state trooper in the midst of the pack. After a few minutes, the trooper got on his loudspeaker and said something along the lines of "Let's go people! I'm a Pennsylvania state trooper!!"
                    Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 07-15-2008, 01:11 AM.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #40
                      Dear idiot tailgater behind me last night:

                      You had two completely empty lanes to choose from, why not use one of those to break the law? Because anything that passed me would have broken the speed limit.

                      also, I bet it sucked that we passed that unmarked Monaro...


                      • #41
                        The cops around here just got two new Chargers.

                        My new boyfriend and I are just dying to challenge them to a race.......

                        I think this is a lie, but my old coworker has a pretty new Mustang, and he got pulled over for speeding, and when the cop came to his window, asked him "Is that the best you can do?!"
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #42
                          Unmarked cars of all types are easy to spot if you know what to look for. I can always, tinted windows or not, see the candy by the rear view mirror, embedded in the front grill, and in the back window.


                          • #43
                            Quoth Pezzle View Post
                            Unmarked cars of all types are easy to spot if you know what to look for. I can always, tinted windows or not, see the candy by the rear view mirror, embedded in the front grill, and in the back window.
                            All the unmarked cars round our way have the lights behind the grills and at the base of the window, on the dashboard or parcel shelf. Colour is normally metallic grey but since they're high performance BMWs and Audis they're very hard to pick out, best way is if you spot the radio gear in the car (although they don't have the tons of aerials on the roof)
                            Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                            • #44
                              Quoth Blas87
                              The cops around here just got two new Chargers.

                              My new boyfriend and I are just dying to challenge them to a race.......

                              I think this is a lie, but my old coworker has a pretty new Mustang, and he got pulled over for speeding, and when the cop came to his window, asked him "Is that the best you can do?!"
                              My dad use to race the local police years ago when I was really little. I'm upset that he did it but strangely proud since he usually won.
                              "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

                              Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm

