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A GOOD sighting at the bank

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  • A GOOD sighting at the bank

    I went in today to deposit my severance cheques from work, one being about $500something and the other $600something (the dollars and cents of it brought the total to just over $1,200).

    The transaction went through quickly and even with waiting I couldn't have been in there for more than five minutes.
    I leave with my receipt and check it on the way out.

    It says $700something. Um... no... I'm not too good with math but even without the extra dollars and cents I know that 5 + 6 =/= 7.

    So I head back in, wait for an available teller and get the teller next to the one I originally had, as she was busy.

    Me: Oh hi, I was just in to deposit a couple cheques and I think the wrong amount was accidentally entered. The amounts were $500something and $600something.
    Teller: Which branch did you deposit it at?
    Me: This one. I was just in.
    (This teller was outside having a smoke when I came in she she didn't even know I was in there. I know this because I saw her walk around back as I was entering the bank.)

    Then the teller I made the deposit with stops what she's doing with the customer she's helping and hands me a new receipt.

    Teller: I noticed the mistake as soon as you left. One of my keys is sticking. I was going to try and catch up to you to give you the new receipt.

    I thought the gesture that she would have done that was exceptional and she was so polite about everything.
    I made sure I was calm about it, too, since I knew it was a mistake that could have been easily fixed.

    What I liked was at the beginning of the transaction. Seeing that the cheques said IKEA on them she asked if that's what their pay cheques look like. I told her it was just my last pay and that I had left (not wanting to mention I was fired) and she replied, "I guess they're not a very good company to work for, eh?"
    Oh how right she was.

    So there, a happy sighting.

    For anyone who lives in Toronto I would highly recommend doing business with my bank branch. Everyone who works there is bend-over-backwards-for-you nice and SOOO helpful.
    I'd marry them all if I could.

  • #2
    Quoth rerant View Post

    For anyone who lives in Toronto I would highly recommend doing business with my bank branch. Everyone who works there is bend-over-backwards-for-you nice and SOOO helpful.
    I'd marry them all if I could.
    I know the feeling! The tellers at my bank rock. actually, every branch but one that I've been in had great tellers. My regular branch, they know me by sight, and always say hi when I walk in. When one teller got promoted to a desk position, he'd still wave when I walked in! I love my bank.
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:


    • #3
      There is is few cashiers that would be willing to anything for me. Yes you pervs, maybe like that too. Well one would be anyway. Whenever I have a problem, they handle it professionally. Well except for that one, damn she is hot. But I can look, but just not touch
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Bank tellers do make mistakes. I once presented a check for $5 and change to a teller. I though it somewhat rude when she broke open a pack of twenties and started counting them, twice. I was about to say something when she handed me a stack of twenties and some smaller bills. I looked at the money, then asked her how much was that check for? She had mistakenly read a serial number on the check for the amount.
        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

