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SC at the Golden Arches!

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  • SC at the Golden Arches!

    Sighting at The Golden Arches

    I am waiting at the McDonalds near my work cause I need my caffeine fix before having to enter my little box of hell for the day! I was waiting in line for maybe 2 minutes and then girl served the 2 ladies in front of me, served me and then the "gentlemen" behind me. He was doing that foot tapping thing... which drives me totally insane!

    She started making the coffees but had to keep stopping and taking orders cause she had no one helping her which slowed her down. I have worked in this kind of situation so I have a lot of sympathy and I had 1/2 an hour before work so I wasn't in a hurry.

    Sucky Guy starts sighing and grouching and generally making grumpy noises. Girl makes the ladies coffees gives them to them and has a massive freaking line. Guy walks up to the counter

    SG: Sucky Guy
    PG: Poor Coffee Girl
    Me: Caffeine Deprived Me

    SG: Whats taking to long
    PG: I'm sorry It shouldn't be to much longer!
    PG: *Flinches*
    Me: *glares at him* Hun just make his first I'm not in a hurry.
    PG: *look of relief* Really?
    Me: Yeah its cool. Just go ahead!
    SG: *Still grouching*

    Girl starts making his coffee and is almost finished when he starts grouching at her again

    SG: Hurry up I'm going to be late to work!
    PG: Almost finished sir!
    Me: Hey! I let her make yours before mine! If you were going to be late to work you shouldn't of got coffee!
    SG: *ignores me and yells at her* COME ON!
    PG: *Is pouring the milk and jumps nearly pouring scalding milk on her hand!* Almost done sir! *shaking*
    Me: *Turns to him and stands at the counter as she goes to hand it to him* Hey. Seriously leave her alone! She is doing her best here! Your being a total arsehole!
    SG: Stay out of it!
    PG: Excuse Me!
    ME: One second Hun. *to him* No I don't think I will! *turns to her* What is that? *points to drink*
    PG: A Latte
    Me: *Spots manager heading this way and winks at the girl* I suddenly think I might want one of those. Its mine right?
    Pg: *looks confused and then realises what I'm doing* Yep Yours was the next drink on the board *gives me a big grin* Have a great day ma'am
    SG: Hey! But! *Spots manager and looks defeated*
    PG: Ill make yours now Sir. Won't be long! *Massive Grin on her face*
    Me: *sails out of store feeling victorious*

    So I didn't get my Caramel Mocha Latte on skim but I started the day on a good note. I went back in their later that day to get a cookie and the same girl was on and wouldn't let me pay for my cookie either! Normally I'm not this aggressive but lack of caffeine has this effect on me!

    As the saying goes "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an Emergency on my part"

  • #2
    You and the girl ROCK.

    The SC can go pound sand.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Please tell me what makes a grown man think it's ok to tap his feet and act like a spoiled rotten toddler.

      Well, I mean, any adult shouldn't act that way, but there is something SO not masculine and completely not sexy about a grown man acting like a child.

      Hopefully he took out his anger on his Beemer on the way out and no one else.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

