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Commuting (long rant)

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  • Commuting (long rant)

    Commuting in my area is a real pain. Frequent strikes, delayed trains without explanation and, of course, the other passengers. My commuting includes an about an hour train ride, so when I get in my train, I just sit in a corner and generally try to catch some more Z. I don't have to worry about missing my station, since I get off on the terminal.

    About two weeks ago, I was awoken by a bunch of very loud passengers. I thought nothing of it but I was not in a good mood. Rather than sticking together, they literally scattered across the car while continuing their conversation. That annoyed me to no end. This group of passengers seemed to be at least three generations of the same family. There was a little girl, looking about four, running around and about the car, shouting like any happy kid would if they weren't in a public place.

    The car was a two-level unit. We were in the bottom level, and the little girl went up and down the stairs to the upper level, which means she was out of sight of any member of her family, a few times before anybody reacted. One of the girls / young women, who could have been her sister, aunt or mother, finally went and grabbed her, taking her in her arms. I thought : "Good. She'll calm down, now." I smiled to the older girl. I shouldn't have. Not two minutes later, she came to me, the little girl still in her arms, and asked me for money, in a very broken French, with a very heavy accent.

    Nope, young lady, not happening. It's not because you're from a foreign country, not because you're not speaking French very well, it's because I don't feel comfortable with the idea of supporting bad parenting when it's been displayed right in front of me. And by the looks of you and your family / friends, you don't really need my contribution. I can't afford the shoes you're wearing and I have a job.

    This made me quite cranky for the rest of the day. I deeply despise that particular kind of beggars, who use their kids for the cute factor and to get sympathy, when they have blatantly expensive items.


    Now that was two weeks ago. Since then, I've had a few commuting woes, the worst of which was last week.

    I take the same train every day, unless I'm late. Both this train and the one I take when I'm late take off from the same platform, platform 14. Every day. But I still check the information screen displays and signs, just in case. That day, I was late, and missed my first train. I still walked over to platform 14. The info screen stated "This train doesn't take any passengers". Weird. Usually, this particular message is not displayed until the train is actually there, and it was a good 20 minutes before it got there. I checked the other screens, to see from which platform my train would take off : platform 12. I got back to platform 12 and checked the info screens there. It stated was indeed coming here, at the usual scheduled time. No biggie. They even said it over the public announcement system.

    So I waited. And I waited. And I was not the only one who waited. And ten minutes after scheduled time, still no train on platform 12. So I went to the ticket booth, inquiring about train for Paris <station> at <scheduled time> and I was told it left at <scheduled time> from platform 14. I managed to keep my temper but, deep inside, I was boiling furious. "Excuse me, I just wanted make sure you were aware that every display in the station announced it would take off from platform 12 and that there even was a public announcement stating the same thing." The lady began to tell me that was her co-worker who did the announcement that she was pretty sure she said "platform 14" and began to call her co-worker who was in another room. I wasn't listening any more at that point, I repeated : "I just wanted to let you know." and left.

    Because either the person who did the public announcement made a mistake, or the twenty or so people, looking very annoyed, who stood on platform 12 and I misheard said announcement, and there was no point in arguing about that. Next train was also announced platform 12 on the displays, but the public announcement was right this time and it was indeed on platform 14. I ended being 1 hour late, rather than half an hour. Fortunately, I'm not on a fixed schedule. As long as I show up and do my hours and, more importantly, my allotted task, I'm fine. I could even show up at noon and leave at 8pm and still be fine (could lose a half day worth of salary by doing so, though).


    Now, what motivated this post. Remember the group of people in the first story ? I met them again this morning. I was late, but so was my train, so I ended not being as late as I thought I would be (15 minutes rather than half an hour). Lucky, but not enough to put me in a good mood. So, I take my usual seat (yes, I even have a usual seat on this train), take off my glasses and put them in my shirt pocket, pull my cap down over my eyes and try to sleep the bad vibes off.

    In my half sleep mode, I hear some loud chatter, but try to ignore it. But there's something else. A really annoying noise. Something... jingling ? And rushed footsteps, both on the upper level and the bottom one. I don't know how long I was asleep, I don't know how long I tried to ignore the noise and keep on sleeping, but at one point I woke up. I didn't have to look to know who was making that noise. While I don't understand their language, I can recognize it. It's them again. I still look, just to make sure I'm not making assumptions. While they might not be the exact same group of people, they displayed the exact same behavior : scattered across the car, talking to each other loudly and kids running around unsupervised.

    The rushed footsteps were those of the kids, obviously. There were four of them, the youngest looking 4 years old and the oldest looking about 12. One of them, a little girl looking 6 years old, had a skirt covered with little metal discs, jingling and rattling against each other whenever she moved. While it looked good and cute, it was annoying as hell. More than the other kids' enthusiastic shouts. Or so I thought, until the youngest kid starting to yell. I then covered my ears, and I began to have a headache. I was beyond annoyed, but not pissed off. Yet.

    Another kid came up to me and asked me something. I honestly don't know what he asked me. I don't know if it was because his accent was too thick, or because I wasn't quite as awake as I thought, or because he didn't speak in French at all, or because of any combination of the previous reasons, but I didn't understand a single word of what he said. No, actually, I understood ONE single word of what he said, and that word was "Monsieur". He asked his question three times and each time, I understood him less than the previous.

    First time, I thought I misheard because I was sleepy, so I looked confused and said "Pardon me ?" He repeated his question and didn't catch anything resembling a French word, so I was even more confused and I'm sure I had the "rabbit caught in the headlights of an 18-wheeler" look on my face. He asked me his question again, but it still didn't copy in my brain, so I shook my head and shrugged, with still that doomed rabbit look on my face. He had a quite unpleasant reaction. While I didn't understand what he said next, his gesture, attitude and intonation makes me think he said something along the lines of "Come on ! Are you an idiot, or what ?"

    From what I overheard from their following conversation, I think he asked me where the train was headed or if it was going to a particular station. But since they spoke in a language I don't understand at all (I'm not even sure what language it was), I'm not sure.

    Sorry for the long post, but I needed to vent just a little. But, at least, I didn't see any of my Public Transportations Arch-Nemeses in quite a while : people who listen to music on their cellphones without headphones.
    Last edited by Samaliel; 07-04-2008, 11:02 AM.
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

  • #2
    Venting: good.

    Apologizing for long posts: bad. Who are the people complaining about these? They need to be flogged and left out in the rain to rot.

    Keep posting long. Those are often the more interesting posts.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      wait, you have space to sit on your trains

      that is almost unheard of here (the gas prices are forcing more people out of their cars and onto the buses and trains... problem is that the transit authority has to cut costs somewhere because of fuel costs so they are running shorter trains).
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        wait, you have space to sit on your trains

        that is almost unheard of here (the gas prices are forcing more people out of their cars and onto the buses and trains... problem is that the transit authority has to cut costs somewhere because of fuel costs so they are running shorter trains).
        That's because France, like the rest of Europe, has had high gas prices for years and developed public transport. Sure it sucks at times but it's way better than the American one.
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #5
          Yeah, our trains are quite roomy. That, and I take it at the very end of the line, so I'm one of the very first in. On good days, I can even keep my legs laid for the whole trip.
          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


          • #6
            "keep my legs laid" ???

            This is a vernacular with which I am unfamiliar. I do know the word "laid", but it's not usually referring to things you do on a public train. .... well, most of us, anyway.


            • #7
              Well, I'm not a native English speaker, so I might have misphrased that in an... interesting () way. After looking it up, I appear to have mistaken "to lie" and "to lay", but both seem to be suitable to the situation, since Wiktionary states that one (it's even the first in the list) of the meaning of "to lay" is "To place something down in a position of rest", which was what I meant.

              Is that use of "to lay" really old-ish or do you have your mind down the gutter ?
              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


              • #8
                Quoth Samaliel View Post

                Is that use of "to lay" really old-ish or do you have your mind down the gutter ?
                both... at least in the States typically when one uses the term "laid" and it's not in the context like "I laid down to sleep"... other uses have kinda gone out the window....
                often times "laid" is used in the context of "I got laid" translates to "i had "
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  Well, Samaliel, you may not be a native English speaker but you do so very well.

                  Probably, if you're in France, the language the kid was speaking was German. I was thinking it was possibly Spanish, but at this point I'm really doubting it. Do you remember a word or two that he said? Spelled phonically is fine.
                  Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                  Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                  Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                  • #10
                    Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                    Well, Samaliel, you may not be a native English speaker but you do so very well.
                    ii'll second that... until Samaliel told us that he wasn't native speaker I would never have guessed (well other than I knew he was in France...)
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      Quoth Samaliel View Post
                      On good days, I can even keep my legs laid for the whole trip.
                      I think part of the problem is that in the States shorthand is considered best at all times. So we would have used "On good days, I can even keep my legs up" instead of "keep my legs laid up". That and the native American speaker generally can't tell you the difference between "to lay" and "to lie" anyway.
                      My NaNo page

                      My author blog


                      • #12
                        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                        ii'll second that... until Samaliel told us that he wasn't native speaker I would never have guessed (well other than I knew he was in France...)
                        Indeed. I know he mentioned elsewhere how English wasn't his first language, but I assumed it was for the same reason English isn't my first language*.

                        *Long story, but it basically boils down to learning to speak French by watching Canadian Seseme Street. When my teachers discovered that I (and my sibling, RW) wasn't speaking English, they assumed it was gibberish (Proud they'd never been out of the county). So they demanded that I stop watching the show. Mom is still upset about it because I no longer speak french and it'll take years for me to be fluent again. I very rarely use it in my work (though lots of Canadians are in Houston for some reason) and there's no one to speak french with.
                        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                        • #13
                          Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                          Well, Samaliel, you may not be a native English speaker but you do so very well.
                          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                          ii'll second that... until Samaliel told us that he wasn't native speaker I would never have guessed (well other than I knew he was in France...)
                          Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                          Indeed. I know he mentioned elsewhere how English wasn't his first language, but I assumed it was for the same reason English isn't my first language*.
                          Thanks to you all ! I began learning English when I was in elementary school (two years before entering Junior High, I'm not quite sure what class that would be by your standards) and I almost always had great teachers. It just stuck to my mind, you know. It was almost natural. One of my teacher even commented "You're a natural !" on one of my test sheets.

                          Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                          Probably, if you're in France, the language the kid was speaking was German. I was thinking it was possibly Spanish, but at this point I'm really doubting it. Do you remember a word or two that he said? Spelled phonically is fine.
                          I highly doubt it was either German or Spanish. While I'm not fluent in either language, I'm quite familiar with both, especially with German (I took it German for 5 years in high school, and was quite good at it).

                          While I'm not one to judge a book by its cover, by the looks of him and of his family, it was probably more something like Romanian or Hungarian. I can't remember what he said at all, though.

                          I think I'm just good with languages. I can understand a bit of German and Spanish, I can tell Spanish from Italian and German from Dutch, even though I can understand very little Italian and absolutely no Dutch. I can even tell Japanese from Cantonese, even though I understand neither, but that's because I've watched too much anime.
                          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                          • #14
                            anyone who knows these languages know how they sound compared to each other
                            i dont speak any language not english, exept i do know some chinese.
                            but im very comfortable around French, German, and Spanish, though i hate spanish with a passion, to me it has a become a language... that people learn to be lazy, dont fight just know how i feel. and German sounds different, but has a flow like French and spanish.
                            my pet is arabic, or russian


                            • #15
                              you know slice, your post reminded me of something that my roommate did. I have a german copy of the Book of Mormon (I love reading scriptures out loud in foreign languages) and it was funny because he picked it up and started reading it out loud using the same pronounciation as spanish
                              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

