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It happened again!

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  • It happened again!

    Working today at the Gaming Store. I was helping a couple of customers, shooting the breeze. Two little kids (about 4 and 6 with their dad) came up and asked me where all the games were. I blinked, the 2 customers I was waiting on (a kid & dad duo) just gave me this type of look: and my eyebrows ascended so far into my hair, I think they made their way to the back of my head.

    I asked what type of games were they looking for (RPGs, Miniatures like Warhammer, board games). They replied games for some sort of electronic gaming system. I swallowed a snort, and said those are the only types of games we do not carry, we carry games you need at least one other person at the table to play with. The father of the 2 kids looked really confused like he'd never heard of these alien games before.

    *le sigh* When is it going to end?

  • #2
    You mean, they make games that don't require some sort of TV-like monitor?
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      You mean, they make games that don't require some sort of TV-like monitor?
      I'm rather fond of the 5000 piece puzzles and monopoly.
      I'm sure you've never heard of them, they were popular a few years back.
      Last edited by Soulstealer; 07-06-2008, 03:24 AM.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        Quoth idrinkarum View Post
        The father of the 2 kids looked really confused like he'd never heard of these alien games before.
        Complete opposite of my dad. He was a D&D nerd growing up. At least I know where I get it.


        • #5
          Personally, I like board games.
          Under The Moon Paranormal Research
          San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            You mean, they make games that don't require some sort of TV-like monitor?
            Yeah, NERD GAMES.

            (says the man who owns every 3rd Edition GURPS book, 3000 miniatures for use with RPGs, and a hefty collection of 3rd Edition D&D ... having sluffed the 1st and 2nd because of moving to the Philippines ... not to mention Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, and various board games)
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              Well, ass man told me and a customer (who is actually in his RP group who was just shooting the breeze with ass man) that a guy came in a few days ago, on the phone the entire time, and said these immortal words: "Yeah, I'm in this Gaming Store, and there are no games here" and then walked out. Both the guy & I were like:

              I've been told by people that since we have the word "game" in the title, we should have those types of games. We also have a word that's similar to "small living room" and we don't sell sofas or coffee tables neither. So there.

              If my daughter would figure out to just sit in a chair long enough to play a game and willingly take turns, I'd take her up to the Gaming Store, sit her down and play board games with her for a few hours. Show her off to the customers who wander in with blank looks on their faces. (I swear, the electronic gamers look like zombies).

              BTW, I'm not sure if I've said this but, here are the following stores that carry electronic gaming (all within a less than 5 mile radius of the store):

              1 Wal-Mart
              1 K-Mart
              1 Target
              1 Best Buy
              1 Circuit City
              1 Costco
              1 BJ's
              1 Sam's Club
              3 Game Stops (1 in the mall across the street & 2 in 2 different shopping centers right next to each other).

              So why do people come here for their electronic gaming needs?


              • #8
                Face it..

                Tabletop games are a dying breed.

                We'll go down fighting, kicking , screaming, but just like D&D took over the civil war minature conventions, something bigger has come along. Those collectors never went away, they just lost the lion's share of enthusiasts coming in new to the hobby.

                Magic the gathering isn't the juggernaught it once was.
                Comics are all but gone (despite what WHOLLY-ODD thinks!)
                Places are closing up right and left.

                All I can do is buy from my local stores and hope.


                • #9
                  Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                  I'm rather fond of the 5000 piece puzzles and monopoly.
                  I'm sure you've never heard of them, they were popular a few years back.
                  I love monopoly, especially getting boards from other countries, in fact I don't own a normal UK version ( I draw the line at cartoon/film tie ins and that god awful version with the 'debit cards'.
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                  • #10
                    My parents have a UK Monopoly from when we lived in England back in the 1970's. We have the American regular kind. I'm thinking of getting the Snoopy/Peanuts one. I do have the Muppet Show one. And I also have the Star Trek version.

                    I'm seriously taking daughter to the Gaming Store on her birthday, I think. I'll figure something out for her to do, you know?

                    I must be getting old. My hubs, who is a big table top gaming fan, was excited about getting 2 used games from Game Stop today. However, I did pick up the Marvel Heroscape for him as it was marked down from $29.99 to $24.99 and then another 20% was taken off the $24.99 price and it was brought down to $19.99. He was happy about that. But one question: How many people are needed to play Heroscape?


                    • #11

                      But it's more fun with 4


                      • #12
                        Quoth idrinkarum View Post
                        I must be getting old. My hubs, who is a big table top gaming fan, was excited about getting 2 used games from Game Stop today. However, I did pick up the Marvel Heroscape for him as it was marked down from $29.99 to $24.99 and then another 20% was taken off the $24.99 price and it was brought down to $19.99. He was happy about that. But one question: How many people are needed to play Heroscape?]
                        Two. It's a fair "casual" game. Not the best, not the worst. If you want recommendations on other games, just drop me a line.


                        • #13
                          Quoth idrinkarum View Post
                          So why do people come here for their electronic gaming needs?
                          Maybe they're hoping to find their favorite board game in electronic form. There are a couple of board games (Yaquinto's Ironclads, for example) I would love to have on the computer. Alas, it does not appear to be destined to happen.

                          On a side note, I did see an Ironclads game listed in a shareware catalog some 20+ years ago. I didn't buy it since I though it was too expensive. Now I can't find any trace of it.
                          "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                          • #14
                            Ironclad -

                            Never thought of that, though I did buy for my DS a 4 bundle game in one cartridge that has Battleship, Connect 4, Sorry!, and Trouble.

                            When we tell them we don't sell electronic games, all of them look absolutely shocked. They all have this face: Unlike C & L, I cushion my explanation like this: "We sell the old school games. You know, the kind where you get a bunch of your friends over to someone's house, bring a bunch of junk food, sodas, and then call out for pizza or something and then spend hours playing board games." Then they're like: and leave, but I still can't understand why people can't grasp that some people like social games?


                            • #15
                              I wouldn't dare to mention Settlers of Catan to those people. I wouldn't even be surprised if they asked me what's a Monopoly.

                              Seriously, board games are awesome (Throne of Iron, Knights of the Round Table...)

                              Funniest games ever, though they might not be published abroad : Democrazy, Cash'n'Guns.
                              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

