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Drinking and Bus Riding

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  • Drinking and Bus Riding

    I was getting on the bus to go to the mall earlier today and this guy in front of me tried to be slick about drinking liquor on the bus. The guy had his bike on the rack and out of eye shot, I saw that he had a six pack of malt liquor in the bus and had one of those giant slurpee type of cups in his hand. He kept trying sneak it on the bus to tell the bus driver "I ain't drunk, I ain't got no alcohol in there" blah blah blah. The bus driver wasn't having it and told him to throw it out or get out. He dumped out the liquor, but he had this incredibly loud conversation with some dude about making money by panhandling at one of the nearby shopping plazas. Idiot.
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

  • #2
    Fortunetly, with the Canada Day celebrations in local Metropolus (sp, I know) V, many people chose to ride the bus instead of playing Insurance Bumper Cars on the highways. Unfortunately, this resulted in many intoxicated people either urinating and*or vomiting on the busses. 15 busses had to be cleaned out with biohaz stuff, there were 5 broken and shattered windows, and lots of cleaning and fixing to be done. The worse part? It was even worse last year!
    Thankfully, the cops did a wonderful job with everything, but people need to ease off on the booze! I mean, do you really want to wake up July 2 either in jail, or in someone elses bed...beside a guy...who could have passed for Godzilla.
    Sorry, I just don`t get why people get drunk.
    But yeah, I`ve had my share of idiots on the bus. I sometimes wonder how these guys and gals drive us everywhere and manage to stay cool about everything.
    "Otherwise you are free to keep putting your hope in leprechauns, horseshoes and unicorn farts."-Gravekeeper


    • #3
      This was on a county bus and on the county bus, you can't drink booze on there. Even with that, we get the homeless drunks that come on the bus that reek of pee, booze and look like they haven't seen a shower in a decade. Besides that, sometimes you have seats that reek of pee or worse....vomit. When we used to have the Air & Sea shows in early-mid May on the beach, they'd have those little shuttle busses or trolleys that would take people from the parking to the beach which was far and unbearable with the Floridian humidity and heat. Some of the public bus routes were assigned to Air & Sea show, but also the Renaissance Festival.
      Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 07-06-2008, 02:17 PM.
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        Ugh! That's awful! But it looks like you and I are on the same boat here...there is very little that is worse on a bus than to be "playing sardines" with a bunch of complete strangers, some of whom are drunk. And some people just can't make it to the toilet, for any number of reasons.
        And there are those who choose to smoke on the bus. Recent regs here have pretty much banned smoking outright (can't smoke 3m within a doorway, air intake or bus shelter, and you can FORGET about smoking inside), and in some instances, the windows cannot be opened.
        But the place is small enough that it's rare to have a street person crawl onto a bus. Nevertheless, I have learned the easy way (while shrinking myself mentally into a small ball) the you do NOT screw with the transit employees here!
        "Otherwise you are free to keep putting your hope in leprechauns, horseshoes and unicorn farts."-Gravekeeper

