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Priorities, damn it!

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  • Priorities, damn it!

    I just needed to rant a bit.

    I have a wonderful dentist. Competent, minimal pain (for a given value of "minimal", of course. She is a dentist), actually tells you what's going on and listens to what you say, unlike the last two bozos that were inside my mouth. The one thing I have troubles with is that she absolutely thinks that routine dental appointments are The Most Important thing in the world. I can understand her concern, given that I spent over twenty years between dental visits. But still....

    I got home from running around today, to pick my daughter up from the hospital. She had been in it a week, my wife had been with her the entire week, and I was ready to see both of them, when my oldest son told me the doctor had called about the appoinments for my youngest three. Once I figured out he meant the dentist, and not the guy who had sent my youngest off to the hospital, I called up the dentist to explain that sorry, we forgot in all of the hubbub.

    "Well, can you bring them in?"
    "Uh, no: I have to pick up [youngest daughter] from the hospital."
    "Yes, I know, we'll have to do her later. Can you bring in [older boy] and [older girl]?"
    "Uh... I have to get my wife and daughter from the hospital. I can't do it right now."
    "No, I mean drop them off and pick them up on your way back."
    "You can drop them off and pick them up on the way back."
    "... I don't know how long they'll be. [Youngest] is getting one last set of platelets before they're willing to release her and I don't know how long that will take."
    "They can stay here. They'll be fine."
    "I need to talk to my wife."

    I mean, do you ever get that deer-in-the-headlights feeling when you're talking with an SC who just refuses to comprehend what you think is obvious? This was insane. Fortunately, when I called back, I got her receptionist, who could grasp the obvious concept of "hospital time", and it was a good thing, because we didn't leave the hospital until after the dentist closed for the day.

    (BTW, I deliberately didn't say what the issue is for a reason. I've been explaining it often enough that I'm tired of both explaining the problem and listening to the expressions of sympathy. And while I appreciate the sympathy, too much of it, too often, (and usually said in the exact same words every time) wears you out. I hope you all understand. Just say that it is serious and she's in for a long series of sessions with medical people.)

  • #2
    Good luck with everything. And I'm glad the receptionist had more of a clue than the dentist. I mean, you were talking a hospital, not soccer practice.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      That is a little weird. Are you sure she's not Lemming of the BDA? After all, It's a Man's Life in the BDA.

      (I have a problem with sympathy, too, but from the other side -- I hate expressing it because the words either a) sound hollow, trite, and cliched, or b) is the same thing everyone else is saying. I'd much rather offer my time and effort to help someone going through a rough period than just say some words that, in the end, really don't help all that much. In that situation, actions speak volumes more than mere words.)


      • #4
        That reminds me, I really need to find a dentist in the area.
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          Quoth Record Store Tough Guy View Post
          (I have a problem with sympathy, too, but from the other side -- I hate expressing it because the words either a) sound hollow, trite, and cliched, or b) is the same thing everyone else is saying)
          The second part is the problem. After you've heard "I'm so sorry to hear that" twenty or thirty times, you find yourself saying "Yeah, thanks. Anyway...." Which isn't horribly polite. So you have to force yourself to slow down and answer sociably (the sympathy is appreciated. Really. Just annoying at the same time.) And you have to agree to call them if you need anything, anything at all, despite the fact that you have a large extended family and a well-organized church, and that despite what they're thinking, there's not a lot that they can do. Honestly. I'm just warning them so that when they see the physical results they don't freak and ask why you didn't tell them.


          • #6

            Weirdness. The Doc may be nice and relatively painless, but I think she's a little pushy.
            Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

            Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

            Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


            • #7
              I totally feel you on the sympathy thing. One of my co-workers just lost her husband to lung cancer last week, and I felt awkward at the funeral home because I lost my dad the same way and I know how it feels when you have a hundred people saying they are sorry in almost the exact same way.
              "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes

