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  • #16
    I wanna know how the ignant couple reacted. ^_^


    • #17
      It baffles me how anyone think they have the right to say those things to you, or to proclaim "how dare you turn your back on me". Seriously, who do these people think they are?


      • #18
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        It's not that they can't read. It's that they're ignorant.

        Didn't you see the episode of King Of The Hill when the Laosian neighbor (I forgot his name, I don't watch it that often) moves in, and Hank asks "So are you Chinese or Japanese?" and he responds "Laosian" and Hank once again asks "Chinese or Japanese?"

        It's kind of like that. They are just purposely ignorant and stupid.
        You forgot the best part! Dale says after "Laosian", "The ocean? What ocean?" To which the Laosian neighbor replies, "From LAOS stupid!!"


        • #19
          Quoth Gruesome View Post
          B - You are 6' 8", and this guy was threatening you?
          I was wondering the same thing! We have plenty of idiots like that in SW PA

          I had some little prick try to bust my balls at the hobby shop one time. Why? Simply because I was buying yet another Nissan Skyline for my collection. He claimed that I wasn't an "American" since I was interested in "Jap crap." (Since when does buying a n imported model kit make me less American? I was born here, dammit, and Tamiya kits are freaking awesome!) Then the more serious racial shit started Apparently, I'm supposed to hate Asians (not just the Japanese, but Asians in general) because of their "slanty eyes," Pearl Harbor, Bataan Death March, and other stuff

          Someone's still pissed about that. Oh, did I mention he was only about 15 or 16, and about a foot shorter than yours truly? I didn't stoop to his level (why bother, he was doing all the work in making himself look like an ass...) but I got a good one in. As he's ranting away, I reached over to put the kit back...and then it happened. I took one step towards him...he turned and ran...

          ...right into the glass door The shop owner nearly fell off the counter he was laughing so hard
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #20
            Quoth blas87 View Post
            "Chinese or Japanese?"

            To which the proper answer, given Hank's redneck leanings, would be to ask "So, are you French or Russian?"


            • #21
              Gah! Now I have find something to clean my monitor with!

              Can I use this in my sig? Please!?! ¿Por favor?

              Quoth Damien View Post
              "Excuse me sir, but wil you please not involve me in your delusional racist fantasies"
              There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


              • #22
                You handled the situation really really well Respac! The quote from "The Mist"

                "Are you guys being willfully dense?" comes to mind!


                • #23
                  Quoth Gruesome View Post

                  You are 6' 8", and this guy was threatening you? I think the words coming out of my mouth sould have been a little closer to "Step up, Cletus. And send your mother outside first so she doesn't have to watch me hurt her little boy."
                  "And make sure you bring a baggie for your teeth."

                  I find this story mind-boggling.


                  • #24
                    wow! Thats good you let go at that and nothing escelated. Me and my big mouth would have landed me in jail or the hospital. My cousin had the same thing happen to him when he was 15 or so someone called him a 'w*tback' (degrogatory word for mexicans) and he looked at the guy and called him a racist mf bastard. My cousin was dark and he may have had mexican in him but he was also part portuguese and pordericin. this didn't sell with mr. racist and it almost came to blows between the two.
                    NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


                    • #25
                      Quoth repsac View Post
                      Background: While I speak several languages passably well, I'm trying to learn to write in Japanese. It's stupid really, I can understand if it's spoken to me, but when I see the Hiranga, I just draw a blank. So, I'm taking a pretty advanced course to learn that. Part of this course is homework that consists of a table of japanese words (phonetically spelled) that I have to translate into Hiranga. They're very repetitive, with some of the words actually repeating within the work. Typically there's 200 or 300 words on a sheet.
                      I feel your pain . I took a year and a half of japanese, 2 semesters at one school and 1 at another, and writing has been a total pain in the ass for me. I can speak it fairly well (from what I remember), but put kanji mixed with hirigana and I'm useless. My brain just does not like kanji at all. Hirigana took a long time, and heck if I remember katakana. I only know how to write my name, "aisu" (ice, or ice cream), and "se- ta-" (sweater) .
                      It's like the people in Vegas who have sex in video-monitored elevators.. -MoxisPilot
                      The elevators are monitored?!!! OH CRAP!!! -Sheldonrs


                      • #26
                        Quoth It's me View Post
                        Gah! Now I have find something to clean my monitor with!

                        Can I use this in my sig? Please!?! ¿Por favor?
                        Si! no problems

