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Vacation sightings so far...

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  • Vacation sightings so far...

    So, I'm home on vacation, visiting my family, and as such have nothing really to post to the SC portion of the site. But considering how there are always idiots running rampant and free, I've a few to contribute to sightings since I started my trip.

    At the Airport

    This is when I was waiting to board the plane. I was standing in line at the southwest terminal, and waiting in my allotted spot. I can't tell you how many people in the C group thought they took priority over the people in the A group. (I was A 30). But what really took the cake was some douchenozzle who very clearly RAN between terminals, looking for his flight. After ascertaining he had the right gate, he declared to the airport personnel that he was handicapped and needed to be allowed to board the plane first, in front of the three people in wheelchairs and the poor man using a cane. He of course made no reference to said need for assistance when purchasing the tickets, or while running between gates. He naturally kicks up a fuss when he's told that if he didn't make arrangements, he had to board when his group was called.

    End of story? Not quite. He then goes to sit down and drags his carry on bag with him. He proceeds to open said carry on bag, and pulls out a knee brace, like the kind you can get at any drugstore. He puts it on, then goes back up to the gate and says he's handicapped, he NEEEEEEEEEDS to board first. The guy taking tickets at the gate told him to stop making a fuss, board with his group, or don't board at all.

    I don't know if he ended up on the flight or not, I wasn't paying too much attention after I got on the plane and started reading my book.

    At the Movies

    My sister and I went to see Hellboy II yesterday. GREAT movie, I think. Since it was opening day, I bought our tickets online the night before, and we just went in and picked them up. Now, the way this theater is set up, there's one line for regular tickets, and one line for the online purchases, where you just show them your confirmation number, or credit card you used to purchase the tickets with, and they pull up the order then print your tickets. It's much faster than buying them in person. Now, the line for picking up online tickets is marked with a HUGE sign with big bold RED letters.

    So, naturally, everyone gets in that line because there's no one in it, and thus get turned away when they have no confirmation number. It's the law of the universe of course. Well, I sent my sister in to grab popcorn, and went to pick up my tickets. I had everything ready and was done in literally less than a minute. I step to the side to get out of the way and return my credit card to my bag when a Mexican (Relevant, I promise!) family gets into line after me, and starts shooting off ticket orders.

    The employee of course asks them for a confirmation number, and they don't have one. When they're told to get into the other line because he can't help them, they naturally start flinging the race card in his face, claiming he's racist, and that he won't help them, just because they're Mexican, etc, etc, before they go into name calling in Spanish.

    I don't speak Spanish real well, but I understand it ok, I grew up in a border town with Mexico, so I picked it up as I went, but had no formal classes. Suffice it to say, they weren't being very nice. I turned to the employee and quite loudly said, "Maybe you should change the sign, since three inch tall red letters stating this is the line for ONLINE TICKET PICKUP just aren't legible enough."

    The employee kind of laughed with me, then turned to the family and in perfect Spanish told them he was the manager on duty, and guess what?they aren't going to be seeing any movies at his theater today. He then wished me a nice day, I caught up to my sister and we went to enjoy the film. Thankfully, there weren't any sucky people in the theater with us. It was a pleasant experience.

    This is getting kind of long, so I'll post more later, but those are the two that stand out the most at this point.

  • #2
    But we like it long! (I'm a dirty girl, don't mind me)

    Hope you have a good vacation, and can keep all your CS experiences to sightings (from a distance!) while away.
    "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


    • #3
      With that first guy, the gate attendant should've called up a few burly baggage handlers to beat him within an inch of his life.

      My reasoning being, if you're going to fake a disability so you can be among the first to get on the plane, why don't we give you a real one for free?

      I can dream, can't I?
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        With that first guy, the gate attendant should've called up a few burly baggage handlers to beat him within an inch of his life.

        My reasoning being, if you're going to fake a disability so you can be among the first to get on the plane, why don't we give you a real one for free?

        I can dream, can't I?

        see, to me, that's a LOGICAL train of thought, i.e. , it makes sense. So of course it wasn't going to be done, sadly. I would've looked forward to some preflight entertainment. But I'm just evil that way sometimes.


        • #5
          Quoth froglet View Post
          But we like it long!

          ooo invisatext-sneaky-didn't see it until I quoted to make a comment
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
            ooo invisatext-sneaky-didn't see it until I quoted to make a comment
            Hehe, I had the dirty thought, too, but I didn't see the text until now. Are we going to have to start highlighting every post?
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

