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I fear for our school system.....

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  • I fear for our school system.....

    Considering no-one in Sydney can apparently read a fricken large sign!

    For some unknown reason people can not read. I alight my train every day at Central station in Sydney Australia. Now Sydney Central is a LARGE station by most train station standards in sydney, it has something like 25 or so train platforms, and they are quite long.

    So to exit the platform (well my platform as it is above ground) you have to go down on of the set of stairs. Now there are four sets of stairs per platform, two exit and two entrance stairs. Now it is quite busy in the mornings and I understand you don't want to go to work or be catching public transport, but really can you read?

    I mean without a doubt there is some stupid sod who can not read and pushes their way through the people exiting through the exit stairs. And I'm not just ranting, as in there are two regulars that use the stairs in the morning, one is a woman with I think Cerabal Palsey who uses the stairs, but she is not very mobile and can not walk to the other entrance, and the other is a blind gentleman, however he can not read the signs now can he.

    But the other appearingly non disabled people blindly push through, and it so frustrates me, especially when this one woman pushes past me then turns and gives me cat butt face as if to say "why are you not getting out of my way?".

    However one younger man decided the other day to do the one thing I never could. He yelled loudly that these were exit stairs and they should not be walking up them. Whilst I agreed he however was using language and a tone which was not helpful.

    But seriously can people learn to read? I mean the signs are over a meter high!
    every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... for every person I can stand being around there is and eqaul and opposite idiot....... -_- damn stupid people

  • #2
    Quoth Kiarna View Post
    But the other appearingly non disabled people blindly push through, and it so frustrates me, especially when this one woman pushes past me then turns and gives me cat butt face as if to say "why are you not getting out of my way?".
    Ah, the joys of being a human wall. I have, literally, made a person walk back down a set of narrow stairs, marked clearly EXIT ONLY because he couldn't get around without me risking collapsing the wooden handrail.

    I don't remember exactly what I said when the guy refused to get out of the way and demanded I go back up, but it basically involved threatening to knock him off the stairs if he didn't get out of my way. I then proceeded to use sheer size to back the dipstick down the stairs, since his only other choice was the aforementioned tumble. At the bottom, he started beating his chest and acting like he wanted a fight... up until I started loosening up my neck and arms and told him to "bring it". Apparently he wasn't expecting me to be serious about fighting, because I never saw a wannabe street-punk slink away so fast in my life!

    Yes, it was over-the-top, but in my defense this was right after I lost my Fiancee* and I wasn't exactly in what one might call a "sane" state of mind.

    *This was years ago, and has been mentioned on the board before. I'd rather not hear another round of condolences, please.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      Signs are a source of magic that will always perplex people.

      Whether it was a sign advertising the "Sub Of the Month" at an un-named sub place I used to work at, or the "EXIT" sign at the end of the Greyhound Terminal, or even a sign saying "Do Not Enter" at a convention in Seattle I worked at...

      Doesnt ever matter- You could have that puppy up there in SCREAMING PURPLE NEON! twenty feet high and people would still saunter up and look confused when you pointed out that a sign had all the information on it.
      The only time people read a sign, I'm convinced, is when it says "FREE!" in big letters.
      Waiter? ... Waiter?
      Curses! When will I ever remember- Order dessert first and THEN kill everyone in the restauraunt.


      • #4
        It really irritates me when we exit Walmart and we have to squeeze past people using it as en entrance.


        • #5
          Quoth ditchdj View Post
          It really irritates me when we exit Walmart and we have to squeeze past people using it as en entrance.
          Quilty! I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I only use the Exit-as-an-Entrance when no one is using it. Still doesn't excuse me, I know. So I apologize and will rectify that in the future.
          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


          • #6
            Quoth Kiarna View Post
            Considering no-one in Sydney can apparently read a fricken large sign!
            A whole bunch of people I know are in Sydney right now to see Pope Benedict. I hope they aren't the ones causing trouble!


            • #7
              Are you implying that Catholics can't read?

              /flees with an evil laugh
     do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

              Chickens are Asexual!


              • #8
                Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                Quilty! I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I only use the Exit-as-an-Entrance when no one is using it. Still doesn't excuse me, I know. So I apologize and will rectify that in the future.
                For me, it's not what you do, it's HOW you do it. If I have to stop in the middle of the exit with my cart to let a group of people push their way in it irritates me. Otherwise it doesn't bother me.


                • #9
                  Quoth Can I have a cheeseburger View Post
                  A whole bunch of people I know are in Sydney right now to see Pope Benedict. I hope they aren't the ones causing trouble!
                  Oh no....this was happening LONG before then. And lets not start me on the Pilgrims.....(not that I'm against it but they do get in my way in peak public transport times!)

                  Also I have noticed people purposely go around the EXIT ONLY stairs and exit on the entrance stairs.....I'm like WTF?

                  But people astound me sometimes.
                  every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... for every person I can stand being around there is and eqaul and opposite idiot....... -_- damn stupid people


                  • #10
                    my other favorite idiots who can't read on transit, on TRAX the doors will ONLY open if you push the button that says Push to Open... it's in big letter, the button is lit up, the lettering is lit up, and you can see at all the other doors people pushing the button... yet people will yell "why the hell won't the driver open the door" because they are too stupid to read...
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

