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Serious Cop Pwnage

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  • Serious Cop Pwnage

    So I just came home and had to share this with you.

    I was on my way home from the store and had some asshole tailing me the whole way. A lady in a bright pink jacket stepped out into the crosswalk ahead of me, so I slowed to a stop because...well, because it's what you're supposed to do. It wasn't real busy or anything, so I could see her wanting to cross there to get to the apt complex on the other side of the street.

    Well Mr. asshole behind me is having none of it. He blares his horn at me as she crosses in front of me, then whips his car around and floors it, speeding past, flipping me off. Pink jacket lady literally had to jump back about a foot to avoid being hit, and nearly lost her balance. I mean it was damn close, she could have been creamed easily.

    Suddenly two cop cars come screaming out of the apt parking lots on each side of the street and pull Mr. asshole over. Pink lady then finishes crossing the street, and starts jogging over towards them. I then realize what had happened---it was a setup. The cops were pulling people over who weren't stopping for pedestrians, and pink jacket lady was, most likely, a cop herself.

    I sat in my car and laughed my ass off for a good thirty seconds. Literally, I had tears in my eyes. It was that awesome.

    As I went by I saw that the two cops had pulled Mr. Asshole out of his car---it was a 30 something uber-yuppie driving a huge SUV---and were yelling their heads off at him.

    I hope he got lots of expensive tickets.
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

  • #2
    Beautiful....just beautiful!
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #3
      Geez I'm glad I always stop now.

      I fear the consequences of hitting a cop wearing pink.
      If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”.



      • #4
        Quoth Balgram View Post
        I fear the consequences of hitting a cop wearing pink.

        I think she was dressed so brightly so people couldn't use the excuse that they hadn't seen her.

        She was dressed very brightly.
        Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


        • #5
          That's classic.

          On a similar note, I nearly witnessed instant karma a few months ago when I stopped to let a trucker pull into a business parking lot/loading area from the oncoming lane. The guy behind me (in a Miata or some similar tiny and expensive convertible) blared his horn at me as soon as I stopped, then swung around into the opposite lane (in a no-passing zone, complete with signs and double yellow line) before swerving back in front of me and gunning it for the road beyond the truck.

          The truck was already making the left from the oncoming lane into the lot, and came within inches of pancaking him. Luckily the trucker had started to brake as soon as he heard the horn and the asshole didn't get smeared all over the road. Unfortunately, though, there are no cops in this story, so the dick got away with it, but you can be sure he won't try to cut off a big rig next time.
          "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


          • #6
            I stopped for two kids in a crosswalk a few weeks ago and the asshole behind me flew past me, almost hitting my car. One of the kids (about 12-15) ended up jumping on my hood to get out of the way. Thankfully neither were hurt, I took off after the idiot who by chance wend down the road that goes by the Police station. The 911 dispatcher said they had several complaints abot the car, including a earlier hit and run involving a car at a light. According to the Police logs a driver was stopped and arrested on multiple charges near the station in a similar car to the guy I saw.


            • #7
              completely off topic, but is there any relation between MMATM and mattm, or is that just a coincidence?

              back on topic... I love stories about idiots getting pwned in such obvious traps...
              I can always tell when it is a trap because the plant will be completely out of character (ie, someone who isn't setting up a trap will look both ways anxiously before making a mad dash because they know people aren't going to stop)
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                completely off topic, but is there any relation between MMATM and mattm, or is that just a coincidence?
                Just a coincidence.


                • #9
                  Beautiful! I LOVE it when some jerk in one of those Suburban Assault Vehicles gets busted! Go cops!


                  • #10
                    I swear I pissed myself laughing the day some idiot in a Honda van didn't like me only going 10 over the speed limit and blew past me at nearly 50 mph as a Sheriff's deputy was in the oncoming lane coming right at him! OH MY GOSH it was TOO FUNNY! I immediately pulled over and let the cop whip a U-turn and pull that dumbass over. He didn't even sit on the radio or in the car for a few mins like a normal pull-over, he got right out, slammed the door and stomped over to the van idiot.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      I am glad the lady was crossing in a cross walk and wearing bright pink.

                      I was making a right turn onto a street at a light . . .on green.
                      Now I know to be careful at this intersection as I have seen two people with guide dogs and another with a red and white cane that use the intersection on a regular basis. (Therefore I check the crosswalk before making my turn even on green)
                      I make the turn and half way up the street some idiot is crossing at a saunter. I hit my brakes and the car beside me hits his brakes and lights . . .I pull over . . .he hollara at me to go on. (I have the top of the car down) The pedestrian got a ticket. Due to crossing in the middle of the street instead of walking to one of the two corners he was between. (one of which is at a light with a crosswalk signal)
                      The cop (who knows me, my car, and the secured dog in my car) later called to tell me about writing the pedestrian a ticket. Guy kept saying pedestrian has the right of way. Apparently that only applies if the pedestrian is following the rules of where to cross.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, the pedestrians have to follow the rules too, even if they don't believe it.

                        Unless you wind up with something like we have in my town here. It's a college town, so they finally wound up just posting signs at every road that enters it saying that in the city, pedestrians have the right of way everywhere. Which seriously sucks, because when you watch them, it FEELS like it's only a matter of time 'til you wind up wearing one as a hood ornament. I drive an old Explorer (hey, I'd love to get something new and fuel-efficient, feel like loaning me 20K?) and it weighs something like a couple of tons... I'll be barreling down one of the hills around here going about 40 (35 zone, but the traffic around me does 45)- and this hill is something like just shy of half a mile, straight, from top to bottom- and someone will just decide that, hey, he needs to cross five lanes of traffic *right now*. Half of them will watch me coming for a second and THEN step out. The others don't even look.

                        ...but yes. Cop traps are funny. One of the three speeding tickets I ever got... it wasn't a trap, per se. But it's why I only do 40 on that hill. See, that hill makes up one half of a sort of saddle between two hills. The opposite hill is every bit as steep. And on that hill, close to the bottom, squats a very crooked building. It is the local police station

                        I was in a hurry to get to class one day, and the light at the top of the hill came green so I dropped the hammer and headed off. Took my foot off the gas once I hit 35, but - at the time - I liked to let it all coast, because if the light at the bottom was green I could make it most of the way up the other side of the hill before touching the gas again.

                        ...yeeaaahhhh. There was an unmarked car heading back to the station. They paced me long enough for me to get to 46, then popped in behind me and turned on the lights. Nothing like getting pulled over RIGHT in front of the station.

                        ...and now I only do 40 on that stretch of hills

                        (to clarify, the students cross on the hillside opposite where I got pulled over. Even when I used to speed on that road, I didn't speed on that hillside. The side I would speed on had nothing on the other side of the road except a steep face going up about 20 feet or so)
                        "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


                        • #13
                          The guy in the OP sounded like he deserved it, but I've always wondered why police can get away w/entrapment. Guess they aren't reaching their quotas.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Willis View Post
                            why police can get away w/entrapment. Guess they aren't reaching their quotas.
                            That's not entrapment. Entrapment is when you pressure someone into committing an illegal they wouldn't do normally. Classic examples are offering a bribe to an official, or an undercover officer posing as a hooker offering sex in exchange for money. Police aren't allowed to do those things, as without the overt act, the subject may not have done those things.

                            Radar traps, and stings like this aren't entrapment. The person would have done the same thing regardless of the police's actions, as any traffic block would have caused the same situation. If you want to argue whether or not it's actually entrapment, or anything of that type, you need to take it to Fratching.
                            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                            • #15
                              Quoth Arm View Post
                              I'll be barreling down one of the hills around here going about 40 (35 zone, but the traffic around me does 45)-

                              ...and now I only do 40 on that stretch of hills
                              Technically, though, you would still get a speeding ticket.

                              We've got a column in the paper here, "Road Warrior" that people write in with traffic questions. One was about the police giving you 5mph over the posted before they would pull you over and the old "go with the flow". Neither of which are allowed for. If you are going 36 in a 35, you're speeding, no ifs, ands, or buts.

                              Of course, I've never encountered a cop that anal!

                              And totally OT -
                              Arm - your name makes me think of Trogdor ( for some reason.
                              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

