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I actually miss the SCs

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  • I actually miss the SCs

    I need to work again
    oh well, in the mean time I can post all my sightings

    hope in the face of racism
    Ok, on TRAX there was a group, a kid of mixed race, if I had to guess I'd say European of some sort and Hispanic with his uncle who was full hispanic and a friend who looked to be euromutt. They're all talking and laughing when an older gentleman got on the train and made a comment "i can't believe a pure blood that young is being corrupted by those filthy people"... of course everyone else on the train was
    a lady who I assume is his wife comes on behind him and tells them "don't worry, he's just bitter that you'll live longer than him, and considering you aren't being held back by any backwards attitudes you'll probably live a happier life too"
    so yes, even though the guy was a jack ass the wife almost made up for it.

    same group as before
    the only advice I would add to what the older lady said to these kids is, wear an effin belt... and failing that don't be surprised when you are trying to show off by doing pull ups with the grab bar your pants fall down... yes, this may be a surprise to you but gravity does work on the train much the same as it does everywhere else on this planet.

    yay, one more on my easter egg hunt

    Would you believe that the community college requires a tax return to determine how much I pay for tuition... sadly the person at the IRS knew exactly why I was there when I asked for a copy of my return.

    we as a valley should take this is a compliment

    OK, so to get out to the IRS I took the 550 bus, I boarded at SL Central... there was a german couple that got on the bus, they were of course confused by the whole "pay as you exit" thing with buses leaving downtown... but while we were riding they commented about how the buses were so much more comfortable than back home... so yes, Salt Lake has done something transit related better than Europe... that is something to be proud of.

    kinda a self sighting
    this is a sign that I should go into town more often... have any of you gone somewhere that you used to go to all the time but hadn't been in a while. Well on the way back home I took a different bus than normal that goes along the north side of Temple Square rather than the west side... and there was a new building on North Temple... and I don't mean like a small restaurant or convenience store... no I mean a huge ass 3 story tall marble sided building... it was like "holy shit, where did that come from"

    yayness, downtown rising is coming along
    and is it huge, I saw the work on City Creek, they are working on the superstructure of the parking garage, 3 levels covering 2 city blocks... I now know why that whole thing will take 4 years to finish. This of course has nothing to do with sightings but I thought it was really cool.

    kinda scary
    eta- I'm doing laundry tonight... my roommate changed the water level and temp settings on my washer... and somehow despite the fact that I didn't notice until after my load was done... the clothes still came out clean... so much for my OCD concerning the water level and temp on my laundry (ftr, I prefer highest water level and coldest setting)
    Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 07-18-2008, 05:49 AM.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
    I need to work again
    oh well, in the mean time I can post all my sightings
    It's ok. I'm sure you'll find a new job soon and have many fun SCs to deal with any day now!

    Wow who would have thought the above sentence could actually be intended as an encouragement...


    • #3
      Quoth SG15Z View Post
      It's ok. I'm sure you'll find a new job soon and have many fun SCs to deal with any day now!

      Wow who would have thought the above sentence could actually be intended as an encouragement...
      the crazies actually helped keep me sane(r)

      though I have another to add

      Why is it that stupid people can't figure out they need to push the door open button to exit the train... let's see there is the big glowing sign right there saying "push to open"... and they pushed the button to open the door from the outside too, why do they think it will magically open on the inside... oh and even scarier, despite the fact that there is station platform on only one side of the train, the fact that all but 5 stations all exit to the same side and at those stations that are different they will announce it for the people who are too stupid to realize, hey the platforms on the other side, yet at every single fusking stop there will be at least one person who will madly press the button for the wrong side of the train

      gah I know I've probably posted about it before but these people seem to be riding the train way more often now.
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Kinda OT - hey! City Center project! My S/O worked on that project to put the steel braces in, and now in his new job, he's working there AGAIN for the fire sprinklers! It's really cool to see all the drawings of how it's gonna look.

        back OnTopic - I bet it's the new MAX buses they were talking about... I took the 33 to west valley one day, and it was like sitting on rock and suck.

        yeah... you can feel suck. It's like warm jello...
        Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


        • #5
          Quoth Fenrus View Post
          Kinda OT - hey! City Center project! My S/O worked on that project to put the steel braces in, and now in his new job, he's working there AGAIN for the fire sprinklers! It's really cool to see all the drawings of how it's gonna look.

          back OnTopic - I bet it's the new MAX buses they were talking about... I took the 33 to west valley one day, and it was like sitting on rock and suck.

          yeah... you can feel suck. It's like warm jello...
          oh yeah, I can't wait for that to finally be finished.

          Oh and 33 only goes as far as Millcreak Trax *cough*35 goes out to west valley

          and yes, those MAX buses are nice... really strange though... they have the engine in the middle of the bus who ever though of that
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            I would just like to say that ANY public transit, ANYWHERE, is better than German PT. -.-

            I'd even venture to say the same about Naples transit, but then, at least it's mostly comfortable, if not dirty and hot.
            "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint

