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Notebook nincompoopery

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  • Notebook nincompoopery

    Before going on lunch today, I purchased my normal 20-ounce soda. There was one lady ahead of me in line with a sealed case of 24 spiral notebooks that we have on sale for 10 cents each, with a limit of 18.

    Cashier opened the case and scanned one notebook, then upon seeing the case quantity of 24, told the customer "There's a limit of 18 on these for the sale price."

    Customer: "WHAT? That's stupid. I need all of these!" (It's also clearly disclosed in our ad flier and on the big-ass sale sign in front of the pallets of notebooks back in seasonal).

    Cashier: (grabs her copy of the weekly ad) If you want to buy more than 18, the price for each one after 18 would be 39 cents.

    Customer: NO!

    Cashier then removes 6 notebooks from the case. By this time I had moved to the adjacent checkout line because I could tell this lady was going to be a double pain in the ass with fries, a coke and a cookie.

    Customer: Hang on! I need all the purple ones! (cashier sets aside the purple notebook she had in her hand) I don't need any green ones...That one's blue? I want two of those. I also want all the yellow ones....

    Yes dear friends, she had the cashier rooting through the box and setting aside all the colors she wanted. Meanwhile a line was forming behind her.

    If she would've wanted the full case, she only would've had to pay about $2.40 more for the notebooks she was buying over the limit. Further, if she wanted to pick her colors, she could go root through the piles in seasonal like everybody else did.

    BTS is barely three days old and I wish it would die in a fire already.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Wow, what a freak! I buy notebooks like crazy during back to school sales (I go through one every couple weeks or even quicker, depending on how the writing is going) and color has never been an issue, as long as it has paper inside.

    I guess maybe her kids had favorite colors or something, but seriously- you can't always get what you want in life and this would be a good opportunity to teach that.


    • #3
      I can think of a reason on why she wanted/needed certain colores. I could be because of certain type of system she had set up. Doesn't make her any less of a SC though.
      Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


      • #4
        Actually, the reason why people are looking for notebooks with covers of certain colors is because their children's classroom teachers are requiring it. They say it helps to keep them organized.

        It's not unusual to see a school supply list that states that children need "1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 purple and 1 black notebook." They will also request folders in matching colors.

        If you ask me though, it's to give the parents headaches as they dash all over town looking for the elusive orange notebook that sometimes is requested. And then the parents transfer those headaches to us retail grunts just because Mead or whoever makes the notebooks doesn't make them with orange covers.
        Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 07-22-2008, 06:54 PM.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          I had a teacher like that, once. She said "Okay, for this class, you'll need a red folder, a yellow notebook, and a red notebook."

          I came to class with a green folder, a blue notebook, and a green notebook... she yelled, I laughed, still passed the class.
          Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            Actually, the reason why people are looking for notebooks with covers of certain colors is because their children's classroom teachers are requiring it. They say it helps to keep them organized.
            And to think I just wrote my classes on the appropriate ones. I'm such a bohemian.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              I know it isn't the stores fault that specific colors are not available.

              However I know of several school districts that have it set that specific subjects are to have a specific color notebook and folder. When class starts the student is to have their folder and notebook out. The teacher can take a quick check of whom is prepared for class. (This way you can't pretend your English notebook is your Math notebook as they are different colors.)
              It is a proven method of organization that has helped many. (not everyone but, more than if specifics weren't set)


              • #8
                Quoth Geek King View Post
                And to think I just wrote my classes on the appropriate ones.
                I started out each year with the "appropriate" notebook. Then I used the first one that I grabbed from my bag/locker. Finally I gave up and used one notebook for each class and as it ran out of paper moved on to the next notebook.

                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  If you use graph paper in math to keep your lines straight because your 3rd grade teacher is a hard-ass about straight lines, then you get yelled at. I stopped turning in my homework after that.

                  NOW in the local school it's a REQUIREMENT to have those marbled composition notebooks. They weren't allowed when I was in school (used them anyways).

                  I've already ran out of the three cases I recieved on my last truck and I'm not getting anymore on my next truck. Idiot schools.

                  Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                  Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                  • #10
                    Today I got to witness some woman completely uber flip out because we didn't have any notebooks with an orange cover.

                    "The list says Snotwick (not his real name, as far as I know ) needs an orange notebook and there aren't any here! Where are the orange notebooks? I looked and I looked and I couldn't find one! Where are the orange ones I need an orange one...."

                    I was ready to get the lady a paper bag to breathe into, and then grab her a notebook with some other colored cover and then escort her to the regular school and office department and hand her a tube of orange poster paint and tell her "We can fix the color."

                    Instead, I showed her one of the 5-star-ish notebooks that had a dayglo orange plastic cover. Her response: "That's too expensive! I ain't paying two bucks for one stinkin' notebook!"

                    Okay, fine lady, have fun looking for orange notebooks then.

                    The pallet with the wide-ruled notebooks was nothing more than a big heaping mound with notebooks strewn in every conceivable direction, with the boxes they came in tossed on the floor. This didn't happen before when teachers didn't require color-coding of notebooks and folders.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      I always got those giant spiral notebooks that had sections for each class when I was in school. I never saw the point of a bunch of little notebooks.


                      • #12
                        I remember having specific colors for notebooks. It irritated my mom times two because she had to do that for my sister too. At the Junior High, they were so picky about what kind of paper that was used too. My mom said "A piece of paper is a piece of paper. They can deal." and sent me there with the wrong kind. Did the teachers truly care? Psh. No.

                        I used to do the big notebooks with the different sections, but once I got into high school, they made us take so many notes, that I would run out of paper in once section within a week. I switched back to regular notebooks and all is well. Now, I only use two to three notebooks a year per class.
                        "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                        I belly dance with tall Goblins!


                        • #13
                          My teachers, at least through high-school, required loose-leaf paper in binders. That made it really easy because we could color code with tabs and usually could get away with only one or two binders.
                          My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


                          • #14
                            We did not have required specific colours for our notebooks, these were provided by the school.

                            However, my schools asked kids to cover textbooks in wallpaper or similar.
                            (As the textbooks were pretty tatty.)
                            Our English teacher gave prizes for the neatest covered books, and then was surprised that some parents were doing the work for their dear kids.


                            • #15
                              Hm, I don't remember about elementary school, and at my Jr. High/High School you were on your own as to organization. I had separate binders for each class. I do remember being sooo excited when I could finally use college-ruled paper instead of wide-ruled.

                              As for college, during undergrad I used one big cloth binder with dividers for each class. During my masters, I went back to separate notebooks for each class. Not sure how I'm going to tackle the doctorate classes yet. Maybe I should go back to a TrapperKeeper.
                              "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                              Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                              Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS

