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Pretty Disgusting!

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  • Pretty Disgusting!

    This happened last weekend and I'm still pretty ticked off about it! My husband and I and 5 friends went camping for a long weekend (to relax and get away from sc, at least that was what I was hoping, I should have known better).

    This is a new campground for us and we had heard alot of good things about it so we deceided to go. When we got there we checked out the bathrooms and we were so happy! Granite countertops, built in blow dryers, very nice showers, even piped in music!

    The weekend went great despite all the rain we had a great time until Sunday morning, I went to use the bathroom and it was closed for cleaning, fine no big deal it has to be cleaned, there was about 6 other people that were also waiting. The lady tells us that we can go in just be careful because the tile is wet. I go in and do my thing and went to wash my hands and had to walk around her very large vacuum (which was fine with me). She tells me she is sorry and I tell her no problem, she then tells me why she had to close the bathroom...........

    A lady with a 5 gallon bucket filled with humane fecus and urine had dumped it in the toilet and it over flowed all over the place!!! She told me that when she told the woman that there is a dump station for that and she can't do that here the woman said what is the big deal?

    I wanted to fine this bitch and rip her a new one! Not only because she just endangered every female that used that bathroom but the lady that had to clean it up. I would have quit right then and there. I felt so bad for her. I did email the owner and let him know, he called me and was hoping that I knew who the woman was but I didn't because my husband would not let me go find her because he knew what I would do. He is right, it is a family campground and I would have said things that little ones should not hear.

    Sorry this is long but I can't believe how stupid people are getting. Thanks for letting me vent.

  • #2
    Oh yes, pouring a whole bucket full of human waste into a toilet at one time is DEFINITELY a good idea.

    As a side note: I've never been camping (not my thing), but isn't the whole point to "rough it"? And don't bathrooms with granite counter tops and built-in hair dryers sort of defeat that purpose?


    • #3
      As a side note: I've never been camping (not my thing), but isn't the whole point to "rough it"? And don't bathrooms with granite counter tops and built-in hair dryers sort of defeat that purpose? :confused

      Well some people do rough it, but alot of people have there great big apartments on wheels and really don't rough it at all. I guess I'm still considered roughing it because we use tents. I have gone in the woods before but this campground frowns on that because it is a family campground (even though the guys have no problem going in the woods once it gets dark). I have to say I do like the thought of being able to take a shower


      • #4
        There's a difference between using a campground (which is popular among families) and "roughing it" which isn't as great as you would think it is. Trust me.

        Say, for example, you decide to wash your hair in the stream/lake? Forget it because the soaps in that shampoo bottle can kill a lot of the local wildlife (fish, small birds, make deer sick) and the fine you get from a Ranger if they find out? Forget it. It'd be cheaper to FLY to paris and stay in their ritziest hotel.
        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


        • #5
          Quoth Evil Queen View Post
          Say, for example, you decide to wash your hair in the stream/lake? Forget it because the soaps in that shampoo bottle can kill a lot of the local wildlife (fish, small birds, make deer sick) and the fine you get from a Ranger if they find out?
          they make environmentally friendly/harmless soaps
          Campsuds soap
          All-purpose, biodegradable soap for camping works in hot, cold and salt water.

          and no rinse shampoo
          Keep your hair fresh and clean when water is in short supply—NASA astronauts use this No Rinse shampoo during space shuttle missions.

          and body wash
          Concentrated, no-suds, earth-friendly formula requires only a few drops to be effective; works in hot or cold fresh water or salt water

          and going a few days without washing your hair will not kill you-I used to go backpacking for a week or two at a time-so I've used the body wash, but trust me the deer/bugs are not impressed by clean hair.
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            I like camping, but I refuse to use long drops. First of all, EW.
            Second of all, in elementary school, our class went on our yearly camp, and .... (Highlight to read) THE LONGDROPS OVERFLOWED!
            Never again! I'll go a few days without washing my hair, shaving my legs, etc etc, but flushing loos I cannot live without
            The report button - not just for decoration


            • #7
              I have great respect for the owners have the Campgrounds (they did keep EQ and I entertained and safe from the jerks, after all) but if I had stayed in that Campground adn found out about the woman doing that you can BET that I'd do something about it (find out whod id it and report their ass). There's a big fine for doing garbage like that and they should have gotten banned from the park.
              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


              • #8
                You're a bunch of crazies on here! I went to an all-girls private school - most of those around here are known for their long camps. We'd get dropped off at one point and then picked up at another 12 days later. That's 4 days of hiking, 4 of cycling (a truck with bikes would meet us, follow us for safety, then take the bikes when we'd finished) and 4 of canoeing. None of it was easy, especially when we were blown off course by rough winds so we couldn't finish our last day of canoeing to get to our pick-up point. We had to carry the canoes to get from where we washed up to the 4wds that came to meet us. Once we left our tents with the cycling truck (we could leave group equipment with them to be returned to the camp base), and just brought a couple of tarps to use as an "open-air" tent for the last few days. A thunderstorm blew in and pretty much my entire group (we were split into groups of 10-12 girls plus a teacher and a camp staffperson) got colds. Oh, and we had to dump our rubbish and get more food every few days. We had designated places for that so we had to stay on time with our distances covered each day (we also had designated camping spots which had fire pits and drop dunnies (toilets) so we didn't hurt the land). We'd get there and find big plastic containers of food - we took what we could carry and left our rubbish there to be collected, so we never made contact with anyone outside our group. It was insane.

                Anyway, in conclusion, "roughing it" invoves the above. If you just set up a tent and "go" in the woods for a few days/a week, you had a pretty relaxing break IMHO. But that's just my thoughts, I'm sure everyone has a different opinion.

                Oh, and yeah, the lady in the original post was totally out of line. That's just wrong. She should have been found and forced to pay a huge fine, then banned from that and all other campsites for life.
                Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
                Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
                <3 Arrested Development


                • #9
                  My dad used to go camping every summer with my cousin's scout troop (my uncle got him involved; my cousin is an Eagle Scout). They always wanted my dad along to cook.

                  I've only done campgrounds and when I was a kid we had a pop-up camper (which my dad parked next to the driveway and would often open it in the summer for us to sleep in at the house; and one particularly stormy night he even moved it into the garage and opened it up in there for us ). The summer after 4th grade we stayed a week at a campground in my town while my dad and a friend were renovating the kitchen. When I was 15 I camped at a campground attached to an amusement park with my best friend and her family. We had our own tent and one night it poured rain and our tent leaked. The next day we had our sleeping bags hanging over the clothesline to dry and we had to move the rest of our stuff into the trunk of the car.
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10

                    There's this lake I like to camp at in Upstate NY where the vast majority of the camp sites on the lake are boat access only. The only flushing toilets are at the parking lot/check-in; the closest you get at the individual sites are outhouses (complete with spiders and such). It's so quiet out there because you can't hear the car traffic and there aren't enough motorboats to make any real noise.

                    I've also been on six church-run girls' camp trips, as well as another church youth camping trip (that got rained out; we woke up in three inches of water, after hiking three miles for three hours in the dark around a mountain peak), and a few father-daughter camping trips as well. Only one of those had flushing toilets and hot water showers, and even then we were sleeping in tents. I have to laugh at my MIL's stories about the same camp outings their branch of the church has in Texas, where they've got air-conditioned cabins and everything.
                    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                    • #11
                      or some soaproot... but that's jsut what i remember from reading Clan of the Cavebear

