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my fiance and an insurance agent

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  • my fiance and an insurance agent

    so im sighting two fiance, and the insurance agent the responded.

    some backstory. we recently received our renewal information in the mail, for our dodge stratus. the monthly payments jumped up from $178 to $204. we couldn't understand this, because niether of us had any tickets or accidents or ANYTHING in over five years. so fiance called, and they said they raised their rates. after consulting whatever they consult, they said they could lower the payments down to $194. now, this is for a 2006 dodge stratus. because of the payments being so high, we coulnd't afford to insure the truck, or the motorcycle this year. so for one vehicle, they wanted so much. we went to State Farm yesterday. for all three vehicles, they want around $185, with all the same collision amounts and whatever they are called. so we are switching.

    here is fiances suck.
    he wrote progressive online last night, and explained the situation, saying how ridiculous it was. at the end, it said,"so much for a customer loyalty discount. congratulations on losing a customer of over five years." so he was sucky. i admit.

    there was an email response today from a representitive. she said they will stop the insurance after our final payment and blah blah blah. nothing really wrong with that. but at the end, she said,

    "Also, i would like to "thank you" for being a customer since 2006."

    it irritated me, cause only ONE of the vehicles were insured since 2006. the motorcycle was since 2005, the truck for alot longer than that. this is the first year we haven't been able to insure the truck and motorcycle. im pretty sure my fiance has either been under his parents insurance, or his own policy since he started driving, when he was 16. he is 27 now. so she took the most recent policy and went off that, and grouped us into that horrible category of customers who claims long standing accounts when they don't have it.

    i think my fiance was more sucky than the progressive person, but it irritated me that she responded that way. then i became a tad sucky.....i wrote back explaining pretty much what i explained about the vehicles above, and to check all the records before responding with a saracastic remark.

    so..suck all around!

  • #2
    I don't really find what your Fiance said sucky. It was a tad uncooth, but not pure suck.

    Her comment though was over the line. I guess she wanted to show how he was "lying" but really she shouldn't have said it at all.


    • #3
      I have a pretty snarky and/or cynical attitude, so I'm failing to see the suck in your fiance's response. If they talk about customer loyalty discounts then you should be seeing it. If you don't get a discount, there is no suck in calling them on it.


      • #4
        Quoth Gerrinson View Post
        I have a pretty snarky and/or cynical attitude, so I'm failing to see the suck in your fiance's response. If they talk about customer loyalty discounts then you should be seeing it. If you don't get a discount, there is no suck in calling them on it.
        i see what you mean. i didn't think to put this in my original post, but on the policy renewal letter, it said we saved $19 in loyal customer discount. so even after the discount, we were paying an arm and a leg.


        • #5
          Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
          so even after the discount, we were paying an arm and a leg.
          Yeah, that does seem a bit high. Right now, my insurance both cars ('07 Toyota Corolla, '69 MGB GT) is $112 a month. How so little? Well, I hadn't filed any claims with USAA (who is awesome, BTW) since 2000, and the MG is on a class-car policy. I can't really complain about their service, since I've never had problems. The best part is...every so often they pay out dividends to members
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
            we recently received our renewal information in the mail, for our dodge stratus. the monthly payments jumped up from $178 to $204.

            he wrote progressive online last night,
            It's this kind of stuff that I don't get. I've got Progressive, too. I just got my renewal and mine is dropping $25! The only think I can think of is that I have a '96 Saturn SC2. I have had a wreck, but it was completely her fault and her insurance paid for it.
            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


            • #7
              I just dropped Progressive fore AAA and am saving half of what I was paying to Progressive. When they asked WHY I was leaving I told them it was because they were riping me off of hard earned money that I really don't have to send them.

              The call went pretty smooth after that with no more about trying to keep me as a customer.


              • #8
                I too have USAA - love it! Because I've had their insurance since I began driving (either under my parents or in my own name), I get discounts galore and we also switched our homeowners insurance to USAA - we got more of a discount because I've been with them since forever.


                • #9
                  a little update!

                  as i said in my OP, i wrote them back saying they didn't need to respond with a sarcastic remark. i received a new email from them!

                  a different representitive responding, apologizing for the experience we had. he said that the systems doesn't have all of the policies up, just which one we were cancelling. understandable.

                  so that is that.


                  • #10
                    I have Geico and pay monthly some 88$.
                    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                    • #11
                      I'm pushing the big 4-0 mark and for the first time in my life my driving record has been great (past 5 years) and was paying 63 a month for full coverage on a 02 jetta.

                      I just got notice that they are raising it to 73.00 for the next 6 months. When I inquired as to why, they informed me that when I signed up with Progressive I got a 50.00 online discount for signing up.

                      Sneaky bastards.

                      Their next helpful paragraph was to offer me the 50.00 discount again, if I paid 6 months in full right now.

                      Yeah....I'm a single mom, like I really have 400.00 just sitting around, unaccounted for.
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pagan View Post
                        I have had a wreck, but it was completely her fault and her insurance paid for it.
                        It's funny, I was in an accident when I was 17, completely the other person's fault, and my poor old beloved truck was totaled.

                        3 years later I'm in the insurance office getting my own policy (had to wait for a ticket to clear before I could leave my Dad's) and they ask about accidents. I told them none (since it was 3 years old and not my fault) and then they see that accident.

                        AND MAKE A NOTE OF IT IN MY POLICY!

                        Despite the fact it was 3 years old, and they never shelled out a dime for it, they just knew about it because I had to buy a new truck, it had to be noted on my insurance.

                        $120 a month (but only for 9 months a year) for Liability only 96 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and full coverage 04 Ford Explorer. 1 ticket (64 in a 55) and 1 claim (someone hit the Explorer in a parking lot a week after we bought it (and the day before our wedding) and ran off.


                        • #13
                          I'm about $180/month for a '08 Nissan Sentra with pretty minimum insurance from Progressive.

                          I'm 25, have one accident on my record from about 3 years ago (my fault), and live in an expensive area to insure in. I've also just found out that Sentras are one of the most expensive cars to insure.

                          When I first got the car, I called Safe Auto because it's supposed to be really cheap and no-frills insurance - they advertise primarily to those that have no insurance and need to meet the state minimum. They were the most expensive. They wanted something like $400/month! That's almost twice as much as my car payment.
                          Last edited by trunks2k; 07-25-2008, 06:53 PM.


                          • #14
                            I've been with State Farm for 21 years straight. The original agent retired, so I've had a new agent the last few years, but they've always been great to deal with, except for one issue with the previous agent's son, which ended up getting settled quickly when it was pointed out that I had followed his instructions and my MIL is a lawyer (it's handy).

                            I get about four different discounts, and a few years ago I received a letter that stated that due to my long-term status that I would never be cancelled for an accident or driving record, as long as I paid my premiums.

                            FTR, I've seen nothing but bad happen for people who had Mercury and had accidents, even though the accidents were not their fault. Mercury is cheap for a reason, they never pay unless you get a lawyer.

                            Companies like Safe Auto charge an arm and leg because they're insuring people who cannot get insurance with any major company because of their driving records.
                            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                            HR believes the first person in the door
                            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                            Document everything
                            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                            • #15
                              Quoth trunks2k View Post
                              I'm about $180/month for a '08 Nissan Sentra with pretty minimum insurance from Progressive.

                              I'm 25, have one accident on my record from about 3 years ago (my fault), and live in an expensive area to insure in.

                              wow must be expensive area, I pay $110/month for full coverage on my husband's 06 Sentra, with two accidents(neither his fault) in a year and having his license less than 2 years at age 23.
                              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

