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my fiance and an insurance agent

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  • #16
    I've heard too many horror stories about Progressive. Don't know if they're all true though. The only one I *do* know, is some idiot in a pickup backed into my parent's '97 Saturn shortly after they bought it. The only thing damaged was the hood--it was a bit bent up. The pickup driver said that he simply didn't see the car, and admitted it was his fault. He just wanted it taken care of...but Progressive wouldn't pay the claim... Eventually, it all got taken care of, after a little chat with our attorney

    I can't complain about State Farm though. (I got hit by one of their clients back in 2000.) Some idiot in a Lexus rear-ended my Tercel. My car was drivable, his wasn't. I'm sure his wife was pleased when she found out he'd just fucked up her brand-new car... But seriously, State Farm came through, and made my 9-year-old car look like new.

    As for Safe Auto, the reason their rates are so because the people they insure have driving records that suck. They're desperate, in other words.
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


    • #17
      I also should mention this...some of your rate depends on where you live. For example, I live out in the 'burbs. Outside of the city, you don't have to worry that your car is going to get stolen or messed with. Also, traffic isn't as bad, and most people have garages. Compare that with the city--many homes do not have garages...even in the nicer sections.

      The type of car you have also determines some of the rate. I do know that my base-model (CE) Corolla is about $30 cheaper to insure than my now-gone Mazda Protege ES...mainly because that car really did have "BMW verve for half the price..."
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #18
        I'm with Mendota at the moment, but switching over to Haulers when I renew. $51/mo for a bit above the basics, or I could get comprehensive for $105/mo... and I don't even have their Preferred status.

        Haulers only takes people with clean records, though.
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


        • #19
          I'm with State Farm, as my parents have been with them for years. I have both renters insurance, for my apartment, at about $120 for a year, and my car insurance on my 01 Monte Carlo, at $652 for 6 months.
          Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

          This happens more often than most people want to believe.


          • #20
            Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
            a little update!

            as i said in my OP, i wrote them back saying they didn't need to respond with a sarcastic remark. i received a new email from them!

            a different representitive responding, apologizing for the experience we had. he said that the systems doesn't have all of the policies up, just which one we were cancelling. understandable.

            so that is that.
            That's exactly what I was thinking was happening. Unfortunately in systems, we can't always see all of the info for a customer - only what is attached to what we are directly dealing with. I'm glad you got another response though!

            Just an FYI for everyone paying "a lot less" with a different company - make VERY sure that it is the same coverage and same deductible. And for smaller companies, check their business record. I've heard too many horror stories from people who got screwed by their insurance company after an accident. I'm gladly paying 20 more a month to know that I completely trust who I am with and know they will fight FOR me, not AGAINST me.


            • #21
              Quoth Reyneth View Post
              That's exactly what I was thinking was happening. Unfortunately in systems, we can't always see all of the info for a customer - only what is attached to what we are directly dealing with. I'm glad you got another response though!

              Just an FYI for everyone paying "a lot less" with a different company - make VERY sure that it is the same coverage and same deductible. And for smaller companies, check their business record. I've heard too many horror stories from people who got screwed by their insurance company after an accident. I'm gladly paying 20 more a month to know that I completely trust who I am with and know they will fight FOR me, not AGAINST me.
              i understand that. i just think that adding the response was unneccesary.

              we have many stories on here that have customers who claim they have been customers for years, when the employee knows better. how many people actually point it out to the customer?

              i took my last progressive statement with me to state farm so they saw what we were getting from them, and they matched everything(they said so, at least), so im hoping im getting the same. my parents have been with State Farm since 1981 or 1982, and they haven't had any problems before.

              also, just so its out there, i am in no way bashing progressive. in all actuality, i didn't even realize i put the name in my original post. i wasn't really paying attention. i just typed it, cause it was one of those days. yes, i was unhappy with the service, and yes, i was unhappy with the representitive, but i don't hate the company.


              • #22
                Quoth Ljt09863 View Post
                i understand that. i just think that adding the response was unneccesary.
                Oh, ITA with you. I see where the rep was coming from but not why they decided to add that snark in there, so I'm glad someone else apologized!

                Glad things are good with your new company coverage - again, there are some crummy ones out there so everyone should be warned/aware.

