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Im so sorry for making you do your job!

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  • Im so sorry for making you do your job!

    So K and I are selling our apartment

    we want to take our seperate washer and dryer with us so went to buy a cheap but brandnew stacker w/d to leave with the apt as its apprently customary to sell all appliences in this city with the house...

    As we had already shopped around before and a store had one on sale for $899 which was in our price range so we go last night to buy it so we can pick it up Saturday.

    We went after k got home from work around 6pm, walk to the area of the store and start looking for a salesman after about 10 minutes we cant find anyone so K walks up to the service area and askes if they can call someone.They do and we hear the floor manager say oh theres only one salesman on but he has no customers at the moment. This store usually is crawling with staff, you cant walk 10 metres without being greated.

    he takes another 10 minutes or so to wander over, with the FM calling him every couple of minutes over the intercom (we can see him by the way and hes not with anyone) and after the 2nd call I ask if she can just put through the sale as we dont need advice we just want to purchase something. She cant but finally the guy arrives. He says "hey I hear you want help?" in a tone that really stated that god he hates life and breathing is an effort

    No shaking K's hand nothing, barely a greeting, he ignores me not even eye contact and walks straight past us to the w/d and starts talking about this option and this option and K says "no we already have it picked out we want this one please"... the guy looks at him with a cat butt face and walks past me and says "well that ones our cheapest (pauses) but this ones only $150 dearer and"
    at this point I interrupt him and say "no sorry we are not looking at upgrades, we want this machine and this machine only Okay!?"

    he totally ignores me again - Im looking at k with Im going to cut his nuts off eyes- and keeps rattling on about the upgrade. K tells him again that we have already picked out this machine and thats the only one we need to look at. The guy gets the picture and walks over to the sales counter without a word and starts asking k questions, name, phone number. If this guy smiled his face would crack and hell would freeze over

    he spends the entire sale giving us the cat butt face and acting like this is the worst day of his life, I start looking around and see the FM giving him a filthy look (as we walked out she came over and checked everything was ok)

    One of my friends works on the displays for this store (setting up the little fake rooms and such) so we know that people in that store work for commisson on sales but they are also on a fairly decent hourly wage to. But come on we handed you a sale and you act like that! Now you guys know me, I dont want anyone kissing my arse because im a customer but I dont think its too much to ask that you make eye contact and dont act like its the end of the world to help someone buy someting!

    there were days I had at work that I wanted to shoot something but I didnt take that out on someone who just wanted to get what they wanted and get out, both K and I greeted the guy and K tried to shake his hand, we both smiled at him...if he cant at least put on an "I dont hate my job" face then buddy dont work with the public.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    while i don't work with that company, the company i do work for also pays me a half way decent wage, and i get some comission.

    if somebody came in, and decided to buy a whole crapload of commision items and i didn't need to do a damn thing but ring them up, you bet your sweet booty that there will be a smile plastered on my face, and i will be offering every bit of assistance possible. and that has happened.

    i never get it, why even if you hate your job, why you must take it out on customers. and vice versa. if you ahte your life, why take it out on employees of stores you shop at. but no matter how bad of a day im having, the last person to know is my customer.


    • #3
      I know it was the one you needed, but man I would have looked at the manager and said "I'm sorry if he can't be bothered to a) come up hear or b) act like a human then I'll be taking my business elsewhere.


      • #4
        That guy was a moron. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE customers who know what they want, let me ring it up, and GTFO!!!

        Customers like that are great because you make your commisson, and they are out the door!

        You are then ready to take on the next person and make more commission... rather than spluttering around, waiting for a decision, maybe landing the sale, dealing with what happens if they aren't sure and try to return it, taking forever and maybe missing out on the next customer....etc.

        My hourly is decent, but my commission is what keeps me from going broke!
        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


        • #5
          shit i would i turned away and told the manager if he cant ring me up then not to bother.
          seriously he deserved nothing from you


          • #6
            I tell you what, if I had a job that paid on commission and was that easy, I'd rub your feet and scratch your back for you as well as sell you whatever you needed.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              I've run into a few stupid salespeople. Here are a couple memorable ones:

              - About 20 years ago, shopping for a vacuum cleaner. I told the salesperson that my limit was $x because store Y had a suitable one at that price. When it turned out the cheaper ones they had were "electric brooms" rather than real vacuums, he asked how flexible I could be on price. Didn't he hear the part about another store having one at a specific price, and if he couldn't beat that I'd go to the other store?

              - About 12 years ago, shopping for a fridge. This was at the time when R12 was being phased out in favour of R134a, and I wanted one with the newer refrigerant (concerned that any service that involved opening up the coldworks would need a recharge, and didn't want one where I might not be able to get it recharged - hasn't needed service, but now it's illegal to add R12 to a system, so my concern was justified). At an appliance superstore, I was walking down the line of fridges. At each fridge, I'd open the door, look inside, then move onto the next. Eventually, I got to one particular fridge, opened the door, looked inside, then took out a tape measure and started taking measurements - clearly I'd found something about this fridge that I liked, which the others didn't have (builder's label said R134a instead of R12).

              A salesman came along (had been hanging around watching me), asked what I was looking for, and I explained. He told me he had just what I was looking for, and showed me a fridge that I had already rejected that had a big ad on the front about how it was ozone-friendly (non-CFC blowing agent for the foam, but still used R12 as the refrigerant). No dice - the blowing agent for the foam never needs replacement. How could he have not seen that I had already looked inside that fridge and moved onto the next based on what I saw inside?
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #8
                we went back today to pick up the stacker and the dispatch guy said he had to call the salesman to sign off that we had picked it up

                K pulled him to the side and said that someone else needed to come out because I was going to let James have a piece of my mind if he showed his face

                the dispatch guy laughed and said "I would love to see that, its just what that guy needs"

                so K askes me to go hop in the car and he would take care of it, the FM comes out and I hear the words "is a prick" and "cant believe", "attitude adjustment". The FM just stands there nodding. K told me after that the FM agreed with everything and said that it wasnt the first complaint against him.
                K asked why he was still employed the FM gave him a vague answer

                Im so glad thats over, we were at K's parents house last night and it turns out the SAME salesman tried to screw them over with a TV purchase
                K's mum had a good rant about him as well.... it was cathartic
                I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

