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My trip to Pennsylvania.

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  • My trip to Pennsylvania.

    So today I drove out to Elizabethtown, PA, where I went to school, to visit with some friends and see their little ones. My one friend, K, and her family are camping out that way until tomorrow, and they just adopted a little girl from China (she's almost 2 and they brought her home in May), so we got to meet her for the first time (she also has a 4-year-old). My friend S has a 3yo and a 1yo, and C has a almost-5yo and a 1yo (the one-year-olds were born a week apart last July). Plus we had their husbands, and me and 2 other "single" girls (one's married but her hubs didn't come).

    We met up at school, had lunch in the cafeteria (which was at least once voted one of the top 10 college cafeterias), and went to a nearby park where we could chat and the kids could run around. We had a lovely time visiting, the kids were adorable and well-behaved, and it was a little overcast so the sun wasn't killing us, though it was kind of humid. When the kids started getting tired and the meltdowns were imminent, we headed to Wendy's to get some frozen dessert (and air conditioning).

    While we were there eating our Frosty goodness, C went up to the counter to get some juice for her older son (he'll be 5 in September). They didn't have any apple juice so she asked for lemonade, which she thought was bottled, but it isn't. So she asked what size the cups were (meaning she wanted to see the cup since she didn't want too much). She was polite, it was a simple question, and took an extra 10 seconds, maybe. The customer behind her was getting impatient, and said to the cashier, sarcastically, "It's difficult serving the public."

    After she told us about this, my friend B told us her own story. She was next in line, but it wasn't her turn yet. Her phone rang, and it was her sister. Since she wasn't ordering yet, or anything, she answered it, and said "I'm in line at Wendy's, can I call you back in a little while." The person behind her said to her that if she hadn't hung up the phone she would have just gone ahead of her because she wouldn't wait for people on cell phones.

    And I thought small towns were supposed to be friendly.

    Then on my way home, I was in the middle lane of the NJ Turnpike, going 65-70 mph (speed limit is 65, there wasn't much traffic around me, only one car sort of close behind me and in the right lane and one slightly ahead of me in the left) and I see this car just flying up behind me. He had to be doing at least 100. At the last second he swung into the right lane to go around me (scared the hell out of me!) and then back into the middle, then to the left, then had to slow down when he got into some traffic ahead of me. I was so hoping that I would see him pulled over further up the road but no such luck. Just once I want to see one of these jackasses get their comeuppance. Is that too much to ask?
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

  • #2
    so... uh... I can't tell. Did you have fun?
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      Yeah, we had fun. Lot of driving (3 hours each way for me, but I had the longest drive and at least I didn't have 2 little kids with me) and a little warmer than I like, but it was nice to see my friends. We're all scattered - K lives on Long Island (NY), S lives near Philly, B lives near Bethlehem, PA, C lives out near Harrisburg, and M just moved back to PA from Arizona (plus there's people in Boston and Georgia). If we see each other twice a year that's a lot. On my way home I stopped at the first rest stop on the PA Turnpike to get something to drink, and when I went into the bathroom there was S washing her hands. She said both her boys were out cold by the time they stopped for gas (which was not 5 minutes from the Wendy's).

      S's 1yo was flirting with me when I was pushing him on the swing (he does this really cute eyebrow-raising thing) and when I was holding him he was grabbing my shirt (he's still nursing; he'd have been sorely disappointed with me, though ). Most action I've gotten in a long time . I told him if he's got any friends in the 30-35 range to pass along my number

      C and her husband (also C) could probably have done without the emergency trip to Kmart, though. Their 5yo had a little "accident" at the park, and they didn't have a change of clothes for him (they only live a half hour away so they didn't think to bring one). They basically had to strip him down, put him in the car and go to Kmart to get him a new pair of shorts. He was soaked; almost looked like he'd just gotten out of a pool.... He also had a bit of a meltdown at Wendy's. He thought K's daughter broke one of his Ninja Turtles and yelled at her. She said she was sorry and he said "It's too late!" When his dad told him to apologize he wouldn't and he was getting upset, so his dad picked him up to take him outside until he calmed down, at which point he started yelling "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He's cute but he's a handful.

      Oh, and Greenday if you're reading, I drove by the West Chester exit and thought of you!

      Oh, yeah, and when I was almost home I saw an older guy in a little yellow sports car (Honda something) with a license plate that said OVAFIFTY
      Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 07-27-2008, 02:19 AM. Reason: afterthoughts
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Hope you had fun here in PA! I live about 15 minutes from Etown...and I constantly hear from people who arent local to here, how rude every one that lives here is. I was surprised to hear it at first, but slowly I have noticed that people here suck! Glad u had fun anyways.


        • #5
          My very first time out of the South was a trip to Pa. to visit a friend who lived in Reading. I wouldn't say that the people up there suck, but they were...

          ...ah, the hell with it. The clerk at the Wendy's we went to up there had apparently been beaten with a bitch stick before coming in to work. I ordered my food, she brought it up, threw the tray down and said, "Here." Then she turned on her heel and walked away.

          And at the Philadelphia Zoo, when I complimented an employee on what a beautiful facility it was and mentioned what a great time I was having, she snarled, "Whatever," and went back to unloading a box.

          It was jarring, that approach. In the South, we're taught from an early age to be very subtle, so that when we're being vicious, the victim's shoes are already smoldering before they know they've been given detailed instructions on how to go to hell.
          Drive it like it's a county car.

