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Sighted a sucky salesman with sucky game at Alpine Pontiac-Buick-GMC

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  • Sighted a sucky salesman with sucky game at Alpine Pontiac-Buick-GMC

    Ok, I wrote a really long post on this and the forum ate it by logging me out while I was writing and then saying it couldn't publish my post because I had logged in since the previous page was loaded... so, instead here is my Yelp review of the dealership I visited last night:

    "Car dealerships aren't usually Yelp-worthy, but knowing how many gorgeous ladies frequent Yelp Denver, I felt obliged to toot a warning horn about Alpine Buick-Pontiac-GMC. If you're interested in test driving cars, go elsewhere; you'll be test-driving corny pickup lines and plucking eyeballs from your cleavage if a certain Alpine salesman whose name rhymes with "Shmeric" gets anywhere near you.

    I showed up at the Littleton dealership on the spur of the moment late in the evening, hoping to check their lot for late model used Toyotas taken in trade, and was greeted by "Shmeric" and another salesman, whose name rhymes with "Shmack." I had my longtime boyfriend in tow with an arm around me, and his brother along for the ride, as Little Bro will be car shopping soon.

    "Shmeric" had "Shmack" take the guys inside and sit them down, and as I went to follow, he stopped me and asked for my keys to appraise my trade-in. The instant the guys were inside, "Shmeric" started asking me personal questions, and, no kidding, in the tone I'd use with a newborn puppy, telling me, "Oh yes, you're a sexy girl, yes you are."

    He then asked me if I was married-- I lied and said I was, since the boyfriend and I have been together longer than most marriages last these days. Then "Shmeric" started asking personal questions about my "husband."

    I had given "Shmeric" my business card-- stupid decision, but as I look pretty young, I was trying to make a show of the fact that I have a good job that gives me business cards, so clearly I'm able to pull in enough dough to make car payments. I'm now torn between worrying that he'll call for me, and hoping that he does, but calls my office number so our spitfire VP of Communications, who answers the phones, can tear him a few new ones!

    Anyway, I declined to buy from Alpine. No manager was obviously available, so I just excused myself as soon as I was able to do so without being rude to "Shmack."

    And the kicker is, my car hadn't moved an inch-- so "Shmeric" asked for my keys when he did ONLY to get me away from the big tall intimidating boys I was with in order to run some of the worst game I've ever seen by me.

    Memo to car salesmen: Most women are NOT so desperate for a compliment that we'll buy a goddamned car because you tell us we're sexy, and the VAST majority of Denver ladies are self-assured enough to take the high road, then promptly report your harrassing remarks to your supervisor the next morning.

    I got a "quality assurance" call this morning from an Alpine representative, filed my complaint, with "Shmeric's" full name, and I'm now waiting for a manager to call me to let me know how they'll be handling it. I'm the type who tips 25% for good service and 15% even if it's lousy, who refrains from telling the cashier, "Ha, ha, I just printed those yesterday!" when he checks my bills with a pen to detect counterfeits, who is polite even when telling telemarketers not to call me again-- but my tolerance has boundaries, "Shmeric," and ya done crossed one.

    So, ladies of Yelp, I suggest that you either avoid Alpine Pontiac-Buick-GMC, or that you show up on weekday evenings to pay "Shmeric" a visit and to point, laugh, and whisper to each other, "It's true! He IS the worst pickup artist in Denver!""
    My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

    Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.

  • #2
    Aw man.
    My name rhymes with "Shmeric".
    But I work in a grocery store.
    "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


    • #3
      Told my daddy

      He's giving the GM a call, since the jerks won't call a girl back.
      My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

      Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


      • #4
        Saydrah, I dont' mean to pick on you, but your post here illustratates a pet peeve of mine very well.

        Why did you feel compelled to not be rude?

        The guy was disrespecting you, not only as a potential customer, not only as a woman, but as a person. He was disrespecting your boyfriend as well. He was disrespecting your "marriage."

        I personally feel like a lot of women get into trouble, particularly in situations like this one, because they are so conditioned to "not be rude" that they endure insane rudeness on the part of others. I'm not immune to this, I have been caught flat footed by rudeness I should have returned in kind but didn't. I know you are a nice person by your posts, and here's this guy treating you like that. It really makes me boil (probably because I can so relate.).

        Maybe this is off topic. Sorry.


        • #5
          Well, the other guy was nice, and was not present when the creepy guy was hitting on me, so I didn't want to make his day harder than it had to be by being rude to HIM-- and honestly I was raised to be polite to strangers, and of course I think of a million things I SHOULD have said after the fact, but when someone is right in my face creeping me out or being rude to me, all I can muster is a frosty stare and changing the pitch of my voice to "Go to Hell," but still SAYING things politely.
          My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

          Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


          • #6
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            Why did you feel compelled to not be rude?
            I liked and understand Saydrah's response to this, but I understand and echo your sentiment as well. Several years ago I was at an outdoor concert with my gf and her sister. Sister was a boy magnet, and I watched in amusement as they approached, were eased down gently, and left. Until frat rat. He came up, threw out his lame line. Then put his arm around her waist! In the process, he slopped his beer onto her sandal clad foot. I lurched toward him and froze because she had pulled back, shaken her foot and said "I'm sorry." That's right. She APOLOGIZED for him spilling beer on her!!!! I realized then that there is some conditioning that just isn't going to be overcome by me pummeling some poor dumb-ass. I wish it weren't so, and try to vocalize it when applicable, but...


            • #7
              Nope, see I'd be calling over my boyfriend and demanding that Mr. Salesman repeat what he just said to me and in the same tone he said it.
              Then I'd have Mr. Salesman walk me over to one of his managers then have him repeat it once again for them.


              • #8
                I hate to say it, but you also didn't do yourself any favors by having your father call back for you. It doesn't make it any easier for the next woman to try to buy a car at that lot. Not that that's your responsibility, but I'd make them take YOU seriously and deal with YOU and not your proxy/protector/male figure.

                Speaking as another female, either women want to be liberated and equal to men or they don't. You can't have it both ways.


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  Saydrah, I dont' mean to pick on you, but your post here illustratates a pet peeve of mine very well.

                  Why did you feel compelled to not be rude?

                  The guy was disrespecting you, not only as a potential customer, not only as a woman, but as a person. He was disrespecting your boyfriend as well. He was disrespecting your "marriage."
                  I'm with RecoveringKinkoid, you should've walked away the second he said you were sexy. It's unprofessional of him and degrading to you. My own car purchase several years ago I had to fight the urge to cut the salesman's balls off everytime he opened his mouth.

                  These days I would have just said something in the most polite tone possible "Sir can you find another salesman? You've just lost a sale by belittleing me and behaving in a most unprofessional manner towards someone who actually wants to buy a car."

                  Why do I never think of these things at the time they happen? And why was the car trip a few years ago when I didn't have as much confidence?
                  How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                  • #10
                    Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                    I'm with RecoveringKinkoid, you should've walked away the second he said you were sexy. It's unprofessional of him and degrading to you.
                    There are some things you just don't say to a customer...and that happens to be one of them. She's there to buy a *car,* not to get hit on! You want to hit on a customer? Fine, but don't be surprised you get into trouble for it...

                    "Sir can you find another salesman? You've just lost a sale by belittleing me and behaving in a most unprofessional manner towards someone who actually wants to buy a car."
                    Well played There's nothing like seeing them squirm a bit when they get called out for poor behavior. Even better, is having a chat with their *manager* about it. I'd like to smack the idiots who can't understand that by insulting their customer, they've possibly lost their commission on the sale. They all act like they're doing us a massive "favor" by choosing to buy a car from them.

                    Why do I never think of these things at the time they happen? And why was the car trip a few years ago when I didn't have as much confidence?
                    It's understandable.

                    When I bought my first new car, the salesman started going on about how young people needed to budget their money better. Keep in mind that I've just gotten off work, and still had my suit on. Need to budget my money better? Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't say anything, mainly because I was still in "did he just say that to me?" mode. Good thing I liked the car, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it there. At least that salesman later got put on "no duty, no pay" status later. Turns out he'd pissed off the wrong person
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      Oh hell no!! If that was me and SO, that salesman would've been ripped a new one and then some and topped off with reporting him to management. Hopefully that creep got fired for that behavior. Who the hell did he think he was to not only sexually harass you, especially in front of your guy and to degrade your relationship?!!
                      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                      • #12
                        Quoth computeraide View Post
                        I hate to say it, but you also didn't do yourself any favors by having your father call back for you. It doesn't make it any easier for the next woman to try to buy a car at that lot. Not that that's your responsibility, but I'd make them take YOU seriously and deal with YOU and not your proxy/protector/male figure.

                        Speaking as another female, either women want to be liberated and equal to men or they don't. You can't have it both ways.
                        Amen to that.
                        "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


                        • #13
                          I don't think of having OP's father call them for her as "protector/male figure" and breach of female liberation.

                          I'm male and I have the same temperament. When people start screwing with me (as in companies ignoring), I give the number to my father whose temperament is more like a pitbull drooling after the thought of having your bones rip out of your sockets. And things get done, I don't have the temperament to deal with a**holes.
                          I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                          • #14
                            Oops, almost forgot to update this thread!

                            As it turns out a woman owns the dealership! After dad got past the jerky sales manager (male) he got a call from the female owner, who was horribly embarrassed and said she had never had a complaint like that about this employee. She says she interrogated him thoroughly and he promises he has no plans to contact me or access my information in any way, and she has placed him on probation (which I think is the best outcome-- he keeps his job but closely supervised by a ticked off boss).

                            She also offered to handle my sale personally if I would like to return to the dealership, but I've since decided I think I want a Toyota Yaris... so I doubt I will take her up on that.

                            About having my daddy call: If it were simply a matter of being mistreated by a misogynist, or even a matter of the same incident happening at a different type of business where my personal information wasn't in the hands of the employee in question, I would certainly march back in and handle it myself. However, I think there's a fine line between making a point as a feminist, versus taking an unnecessary risk with my personal safety by going there in person if the manager wouldn't call me back. Doubtless it's not the first time this jerk has hit on a customer, so if nothing else, the fact that I reported it and it's now on his record does make it a little easier for the next woman who wants to buy a car there-- he'll either be better-behaved next time, or he won't be working there for long.

                            My dad and I don't always get along, but I'm glad I can count on him to be there for me when I need him.
                            My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                            Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.

