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slow walkers

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  • slow walkers

    Now before someone jumps down my throat - I do respect that some walk slowly by choice or my circumstance.

    However, equally, I am a fast walker and can duck and weave my way around if there is space.

    What I hate, is a herd of slow walkers, esecially when they ignore me saying 'excuse me' (nicely).

    One even started to lecture me about 'taking my time' - but I was walking to fast to listen to the old bat's lecture

  • #2
    They're annoying when they herd their way over the entire space/path/aisle, aren't they? I respect your right to move slowly. Please respect mine to motor it.


    • #3
      some days, the growing misanthropic side of me just wants to use my 6'5 300lb frame like a sidewalk bowling ball and skittle the lot of the slow walking herd


      • #4
        Quoth Damien View Post
        some days, the growing misanthropic side of me just wants to use my 6'5 300lb frame like a sidewalk bowling ball and skittle the lot of the slow walking herd
        You too, huh? Nice to meet another member of the "2 Meter Brick Wall" club.
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


        • #5

          Hey, I just had a thought, imagine a herd of us 2m brick walls encountering a herd of leperous inbred sidewalk hogging slowies?



          • #6
            Are we talking about the elderly who can't move quickly, or are we talking about idiots?

            In either case, this site doesn't condone violence, which is where this one is starting to head.



            • #7
              Methinks they're talking about the herd of idiots that decide to stop in the MIDDLE of everything and have a family reunion.
              You can't fault the elderly for walking slowly - that's their top speed!
              The report button - not just for decoration


              • #8
                Apologies for the perception of violence - not my intention (just venting - will keep that to myself from now on)....I shall speak nicely of these people then.

                As stated in my OP (and bold typed) I respect that some want or have to walk slowly, it is as iradney said - the herd of lovely people that have a delightful meeting in the middle of a sidewalk. They make it very difficult for violent idiots like me to pass.


                • #9
                  Quoth iradney View Post
                  Methinks they're talking about the herd of idiots that decide to stop in the MIDDLE of everything and have a family reunion.
                  You can't fault the elderly for walking slowly - that's their top speed!
                  Actually, we're mainly irritated by the old ladies who walk in groups taking up the entire aisle/hallway/sidewalk. No one begrudges them a slow walking speed. We would just like them to leave a passing lane.

                  I run into this a lot due to my leg length. A normal walking speed for me seems fast to most people, even when we're taking the same number of steps per minute. Nothing is more agravating then knowing exactly where you are going, but having to take half steps because a slow group is taking up the entire walkway.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.


                  • #10
                    I have a couple of experiences specific to this - but, I fear they will be misinterpreted.


                    • #11
                      I get this all the time in the local mall, one of the reasons I avoid it whenever possible. There's enough space for 5 or 6 people to walk abreast and you get a herd (usually with a stroller or two) and just spread out until there isn't enough room to walk past them or through them. And if you do pass them, they glare at you like they've just caught you performing unspeakable acts on the putrid corpse of a dead otter.


                      • #12
                        I especially hate this when I'm doing carryouts.

                        I was trained to get the item to the customer in 3 minutes. We used to be timed on this. We aren't any more, but AFAIK the 3-minute expectation is still in effect.

                        If you want to walk slowly, or just can't move any faster, please leave me space to get past you, because I do have somebody waiting for me.

                        Another one I dislike: Couples who walk holding hands, or with their arms around each other, yet still take up the entire aisle. I mean, I don't want to have to be the one to ask them to break their passionate embrace so that I can get to where I'm going.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          I encounter herds occasionally too, but perhaps this is partly because I have a very long stride for my height and thus move *quickly*. There's usually room to manoeuvre around them, perhaps with a delay of a few seconds, but it's still mildly irritating.

                          The annoying part is when there *isn't* room to go around, and I have to catch their attention - and they close straight back in after I've passed, so that other people have to do the same.

                          And doubly so if I'm on my bike. I should *not* have to slow to below normal walking pace, then ring my bell, to remind you that you're taking up the entire path, half of which is clearly marked as a cycle lane. Joggers (even when in packs) are quite good at keeping the path clear, but families are not.


                          • #14
                            When I'm out and about with my boyfriend, I never seem to have a problem. I like the taller guys, and they take bigger strides, so my boyfriend usually tugs me along and being tall, he can see up there better than I can, and he can get us right through the masses of slower people.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              i seem to b encoutering the escalator stoppers more and more these days. theres nothing more annoying than people who get off an escalator and stop dead. i have knocked people over for doing this. not intentionaly, just by accident (thought i better clear this up)
                              The mere fact that we have the flamethrower means that someone, somewhere once said "You know, I'd really like to set those customers over there on fire, but don't possess the means to do it"

