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slow walkers

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  • #16
    I spent my middle and high school years (and college too, come to think of it) in a very large city where much of the population walks, so the sidewalks are always full. My friends and I got really good at the "human pinball" as we called it of bouncing all over the sidewalk to get around people that were trying to slow us down. Come especially in handy when you're running late to school / class and are trying to beat a clock.

    It comes in handy sometimes, but when there's a herd that covers the ENTIRE sidewalk, there's not much you can do. Is awfully annoying.
    Gryffltherclaw: Because who says you have to pick just one?

    Proud to have crushes on fictional characters.


    • #17
      This is my life.
      I'm a fast walker by nature and I get that not everyone is and some people can't physically move any faster than they already do but my word, MOVE!
      I live in a very busy city and it seems like everyone around me moves at -400km/h.
      It's a good thing I've mastered the art of darting through a crowd.
      I can make it from one end of a balls-to-the-walls crowded bar in 30 seconds. I'm like a crowd ninja.


      • #18
        This reminds me of the other day when I was leaving Blockbuster. It shares a lot with a large, very busy Kroger store.

        Me and my ex-bf we're driving through the lot when we came upon a couple of people who had decided to have a reunion, in the middle of the road.

        Yes...the middle of the road between the lot and the store.

        Idiot #1 had a cart with groceries in it and a BABY in a seat in the front basket, and idiot #2 had apparently stopped to chat with idiot #1 and to admire the baby....IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.

        I stopped my car and sat, and waited, stunned. I didn't honk because I didn't see the point in scaring an innocent baby. The baby is going to have a tough enough life with this WASTE OF SPACE of a mother, without me further traumatizing it.

        So I sat, in slackjawed silence, for at LEAST 30 seconds, waiting for them to get out of the street.

        My ex finally found HIS voice and said, "It's clear, you can go around them".

        I drove AROUND the two idiots and the poor, unfortunate baby as other shoppers just stared at them as they walked and drove by.

        I drove to the exit stop sign and traffic was heavy and I was making a left turn. I was there for about 1 minute at least, and was instructing my ex to keep looking back to see if they were there. They were. Forcing traffic around them, in the middle of the road.

        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


        • #19
          Oh no, it's believable. It's so very sadly believable.


          • #20
            I would have simply used the horn and/or revved the engine. Or simply yelled out the window. If the baby starts crying, it's *their* fault for putting it in danger.


            • #21
              Better the baby be upset at a horn than in a grave should a driver not see the cart in that very unexpected place.


              • #22
                In hindsight, you're all probably right.

                It's not often that I'm speechless or shocked to the point that I'm , but I was just mystified and stunned speechless.
                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                • #23
                  Quoth Peppergirl View Post
                  This reminds me of the other day when I was leaving Blockbuster. It shares a lot with a large, very busy Kroger store.

                  Me and my ex-bf we're driving through the lot when we came upon a couple of people who had decided to have a reunion, in the middle of the road.

                  Yes...the middle of the road between the lot and the store.

                  Idiot #1 had a cart with groceries in it and a BABY in a seat in the front basket, and idiot #2 had apparently stopped to chat with idiot #1 and to admire the baby....IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD.

                  I stopped my car and sat, and waited, stunned. I didn't honk because I didn't see the point in scaring an innocent baby. The baby is going to have a tough enough life with this WASTE OF SPACE of a mother, without me further traumatizing it.

                  So I sat, in slackjawed silence, for at LEAST 30 seconds, waiting for them to get out of the street.

                  My ex finally found HIS voice and said, "It's clear, you can go around them".

                  I drove AROUND the two idiots and the poor, unfortunate baby as other shoppers just stared at them as they walked and drove by.

                  I drove to the exit stop sign and traffic was heavy and I was making a left turn. I was there for about 1 minute at least, and was instructing my ex to keep looking back to see if they were there. They were. Forcing traffic around them, in the middle of the road.

                  I would have given them a quick tap of the horn. If you are stupid enough to stand in the middle of the road, you deserve it. Now, the cyclists and walked who thing they deserve the whole road deserves another thread.

