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Ew. (possibly kinda gross)

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  • Ew. (possibly kinda gross)

    I was checking out at the local Wal-mart. A young lady and her boyfriend came up to the counter next to me. The young lady was the daughter of the checker. The exchange is as follows:

    Girl: Mom, I have something to tell you.
    Mom: *continues scanning items, nods*
    Girl: *throws an opened pregnancy kit on the counter*

    Um. Ew. I've never had to take one, but I know how it works. You have to PEE on the thing. And your way of telling your mom she's gonna be a grandma is to throw your USED pregnancy kit on the counter, where people have to put their FOOD products!!!

    Glad I wasn't buying anything edible that day...

  • #2
    And the cashier's response was....?

    Come on, don't leave us hanging!
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Er, did she put the stick on the belt, or just the box? I was assuming from the story just the box really - "Mom, I had to buy this and use it, and guess what?", not so much "Mom, look at the little blue plus sign".

      Tacky way to tell your mother, but I personally see no health issues in placing an opened cardboard box on top of the belt where I'm going to be placing food.


      • #4
        So much is wrong with that, I don't even know where to begin.

        1. Confronting her mom with this information while her mom is at work.

        2. Forcing a stranger to witness this.

        3. Dumping a used test in a public place. Specifically, a belt in a store that might be holding food.

        I don't know the situation with this little family, but the way you described it seemed like that girl was trying to get a rise out of her mom.


        • #5
          Can we be optimistic and hope it was just the empty box? You know, so she wasn't stealing?
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Wow that is embarrassing! I feel sorry for the mother. She must have been mortified. Plus that is so gross
            Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

            Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
            Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


            • #7
              It was an opened box. Granted, it could have been completely empty and just her way of saying she was pregnant. I didn't look inside the box. But there was the possibility that the used test was in the box, and being a girl myself in a field of work where I have to take drug tests often, aiming isn't always easy...and if she didn't clean up any mess on the stick properly, there's a small chance some fluid could have soaked through the box and onto the belt. *shrugs* I mean, it's urine and therefore technically sterile (I learned that from House!), but there's just kind of an "ew" factor, once I had left the store and really thought about it.

              It probably was just an empty box, and she got her point across to me, a complete stranger, but you just never know with people...

              As far as reaction, this all happened as I was finishing up so I didn't see the full aftermath, but the mom, to be honest, didn't seem fussed about it one way or another. But she may have been avoiding a public scene, or trying not to give the girl the rise she might have been seeking.


              • #8
                Actually, Urine is sterile INSIDE the bladder, when it leaves the body through the 'proper channels' it is not sterile anymore, it picks up 'stuff' on the way out. To get a sterile urine sample, you need a long needle and a syringe....


                (lol, don't ask how i know that! )


                • #9
                  Thanks, MouseToy. I've been sick of hearing that "urine is sterile" as an excuse for guys not washing their hands after using the restroom.

                  The urine may be sterile, but your penis isn't.
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                  • #10
                    Quoth wagegoth View Post
                    The urine may be sterile, but your penis isn't.
                    I could make a joke about that being the reason I don't go near one, but I'll refrain.

                    See, nobody in my family would break the news that way. In my aunt and uncle's case, we found out cos they drove five hours to get up here one weekend without telling us, then gave us a present: a tiny baby shirt with the words "congratulations uncle/aunt/cousins" in Spanish.

                    Much more interesting.


                    • #11
                      Quoth MouseToy View Post
                      Actually, Urine is sterile INSIDE the bladder, when it leaves the body through the 'proper channels' it is not sterile anymore, it picks up 'stuff' on the way out. To get a sterile urine sample, you need a long needle and a syringe....


                      (lol, don't ask how i know that! )
                      I'm gonna hazard a guess and say, also House? :P (There was an episode where he had to do that to get a sample during a seizure to do a certain test.)


                      • #12
                        Nope, I don't own nor watch TV. But I've performed enough Cystocentesis on animals to get a sterile sample for testing. I can't imagine having it done though, I would need lots and lots of drugs...



                        • #13
                          Quoth MouseToy View Post
                          Actually, Urine is sterile INSIDE the bladder, when it leaves the body through the 'proper channels' it is not sterile anymore, it picks up 'stuff' on the way out. To get a sterile urine sample, you need a long needle and a syringe....
                          yeah i knew that too... not about the needle & syringe but about the being sterile part... but once it sits for a while stuff grows in it... and it's only sterile fresh from a healthy body.

                          and even if it was totally fresh urine... normally you don't put it directly where you'd put fruit and veggies. i hope the cashier had some sanitizer-spray handy. bleh

