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I don't know where to put this.

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  • I don't know where to put this.

    I'm not sure if this is a sighting or not, but it really struck me as a WTF moment.

    I've been away. (Duh, I know Away post elsewhere describing this.)

    In the past time that I've been gone, close to a month now, I've been working for a company based out of Australia to help produce content for a game that's due out in 2009. Now, it's funny really, there's not a whole lot of secrecy going on about it, heck the company even told us he didn't care if we told anyone. Only thing we couldn't do was share the alpha files that the developers like myself have been using. Oddly no one is really talking about it in the first place, making the mystery deepen.

    Couple days ago, needing some time out of the house, I packed up the laptop and decided to head to one of my favorite hang outs and do a bit of work. Paying for a nice cup of coffee, I proceed to open up the computer and set about figuring why on earth what I had been working on had started to misbehave and erase a good hour of my work. While I'm sitting there, poking this, moving that, I happen to notice this kid looking over my shoulder.

    I use the term "kid" loosely. This guy was in his teens I know, but how old is beyond me. Either way he's watching me for the longest time, and it's starting to bug me. Turning to him I politely ask him to go away. Ok, not politely. I said something to the effect of "What do you want? Oh go ****er off."

    This didn't deter him, the kid started spouting off about how he loved games and played this and that on his PS3, and how...ok, I didn't pay him much attention. I tend not to do that to gamers.

    Grumbling, I turned so I didn't have him behind me and went to work. Looking over my shoulder again he commented "What's a *censored*? Dat you? What dat, your gamertag? Sho nuff dat one stoopid gamertag. Wat you tinks you is?"

    Groaning softly I looked levelly at him. "Game developer. Now go play in traffic."

    I shoulda kept my mouth shut.

    I tried to ignore him next, but he started going at length about how he once knew a guy who knew a guy who worked for XYZ company, and he sure didn't know anyone who would work on anything like I was doing, so I must be lying. He knew I was (to put it his way) "Steppin" So I best just back my little poser rear down before someone came in and embarassed me. He even went so far as to turn to one of his friends (who I'd missed) and make some joke about it. Turning back to me, he said the wonderful words. "Prove it."

    I keyed in two words. These were those words that I've chosen to censor. Turning to him I point to google, to the fourth result link and click it. This brought up a public page that displays the work I'm doing, complete with my username there, and a rather convenient picture that was exactly what I was working on.

    He just stared at me. Looked at the page, back at me, then to the page. Closing the laptop (man I shoulda saved that) I slowly stood and packed up, turning to leave.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    i hate it when people talk to me in public and i'm obviously busy on my laptop
    i try to be nice when they're just complementing me on my pink macbook (plastic over-case my bf bought for me), but sometimes i secretly want to say "go away i'm checking email".


    • #3
      Quoth repsac View Post
      Groaning softly I looked levelly at him. "Game developer. Now go play in traffic."

      I shoulda kept my mouth shut.
      Yup, bad mistake. The only thing that trumps that is 'female game developer'. Especially if you're 'hot'.

      At least among certain types of people, and it looked like you encountered one.
      Seshat's self-help guide:
      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


      • #4
        "What's a *censored*? Dat you? What dat, your gamertag? Sho nuff dat one stoopid gamertag. Wat you tinks you is?"

        This would not have warranted a response from me. At least, nothing short of a puzzled look and "I'm sorry, I only speak English" and turning away. Engaging something that speaks in this manner to other people in something akin to conversation is a path down which only madness lies.


        • #5
          Any chance you can tell us what game you're working on? Just wondering if it's on my shopping list for next year
          Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time

