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She did, indeed, try to kill me

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  • She did, indeed, try to kill me

    I was doing mounds of shopping today, as I have two kids going back to school soon. By my last stop tonight, about 8:00 pm, I'm tired, my back and hips are killing me, and I just want to get the last few things on sale so that I can go home.

    I'm at the intersection, two people in front of me in a light-controlled left turn lane. Light changes, first car enters parking lot with an older Lexus in front of me, me, and another car right behind. Lexus enters parking lot enough to be off the street, then, inexplicably, stops. I am now stopped right in front of two lanes of cars going straight, which means they will be going straight through the right side of my car. There is a car a few feet behind me, hovering in the area in front of the opposing left turn lane.

    I push my horn. Lexus doesn't move. I start screaming out my window, "I'm stuck in the intersection, MOVE!" I hit my horn a couple more times.

    The Lexus sits there. A hand comes out the driver's side window, makes a waving gesture, then retreats into the car. Lexus still does not move.

    Now, I'm screaming out my window and I hold the horn down. It's a loud horn, befitting the large, American car I am driving. Lexus does not move.

    By now, I know, the light has to have changed, the car behind me has managed to back up back into the left turn lane. I am sitting in the middle of a busy intersection. The cars sitting there may see me, but I'm worried. There have been some dumbass accidents in that intersection.

    I press into the horn again, screaming. I start rolling the car forward, thinking that perhaps I can push the brain frozen hosebeast out of my way.

    Then the miracle happens. The Lexus moves. I let off the horn and pull into the parking lot about 2/3 of the way. (Big American car.) Lexus stops again. I hear the woman in the SUV who is trying to exit the parking lot saying, "I don't understand. I don't know why she wouldn't move. I kept telling her."

    Then I don't hear anything more because I am back on the horn. A few more seconds pass. Then the Lexus moves. She actually pulls forward and goes up to the front of the buildings and turns right. I went left.

    I just don't understand. Well, yes, maybe I do. Many people in my neighborhood have the unfortunate habit of being unable to drive and make a decision at the same time. They will stop in the middle of a busy street as they attempt to remember why they're on that street, where they are going, and what that lever is on the side of the steering wheel column that makes a rhythmic sound when they lift it up or push it down. They can breathe and do one other thing. Anything more than that and their brains seize up like an engine without oil. They then sit and their mouths start flapping as if trying to frame a question that can only be answered by an omniscient deity. Finally, synapses fire and they move on to the next brain seizure moment, which often occurs right in front of me.
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    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

  • #2
    There's something about totally oblivious people that make me want to get my sharp poking stick....

    ....but they probably wouldn't notice.
    "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."

    Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance.


    • #3
      I get this sort of thing a lot in the parking lot while pushing carts. People always seem to forget that they have the right of way, and thus when they slow down to let me go by, I'm not expecting it, and it slows both of us way down. Or the cars that just sort of crawl by, apparently thinking I'm going to step off the curb at any moment, which I want to, but I can't because there's that damn car would run me over if I'd do so.

      And then there's making an unprotected right turn onto a busy street. My car doesn't have the best acceleration so I wait until there's a gap in the oncoming traffic to make my turn. I time it until there's enough time for me to safely make the turn...but it seems that invariably right before I do, the last car in the line will inexplicably slow down as if to allow me to make my turn. The problem is that I cannot make the turn in that amount of time, and by slowing down, he's now destroyed the gap that I was planning to use behind him.

      Grats on not understanding right of way and simple traffic rules. By doing so you have delayed yourself for no reason and made me wait often times several more minutes before being able to make my turn.


      • #4
        Maybe she was stalled, or otherwise having car trouble?


        • #5
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          Maybe she was stalled, or otherwise having car trouble?
          That happened to me and my ex with his old car, except we were both the ones who had stalled out and the ones stuck in the middle of a busy intersection.
          NOT fun!


          • #6
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            Maybe she was stalled, or otherwise having car trouble?
            That crossed my mind when it was going on, but her car didn't make any kind of shaking or shuddering moves or noises that cars usually do when they stall. At first, before I laid on the horn full-time, I was listening, and I did not hear her trying to start the car. It also doesn't jibe with what the woman in the SUV said.

            I sincerely believe that she simply froze up when she couldn't decide which way to go. Maybe she didn't turn into the right strip mall, or she suddenly noticed that the store she wanted was closed. Instead of pulling forward out of the way to regroup, she stopped to think about it.
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #7
              Quoth spookysonata View Post
              There's something about totally oblivious people that make me want to get my sharp poking stick....

              ....but they probably wouldn't notice.
              I keep asking for a cattle prod for my birthday or Christmas. But nobody will get me one....probably out of fear that I'll use it!
              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


              • #8
                She may have seriously had car trouble.


                • #9
                  I should think the OP would be able to tell if they had their brake lights on or not.

                  If the brake lights were on it's seriously doubted that it was a stall or car trouble. If their tranny slipped or the fluid burned off, it usually creates a very VERY loud gunning noise, as I know all too well. I got stuck in 1st gear in the middle of turning onto Route 1 due to having a clogged filter in my transmission.

                  Also if I had car trouble like that and people were laying their horns behind me I'd honestly get out and tell them I had car trouble and was attempting to move it. Hell I'd get out and push it before sitting in the middle of an intersection.


                  • #10
                    No because I've had brainless idiots stopped in the road and on the side of a road going past a hotel or store entrance. You finally get fed up and start to go around them and they immediately start moving. And then they honk at you like it's your fault. That's why I now do the "1,2,3 rule". I count to 3 and if you're not moving by then I stomp on that gas so you don't have time to react to me getting ready to go around you.


                    • #11
                      This type of situation is exactly what a bush bar is for. IE: Put it in low and push them out of the way.

                      Perfectly legal if you can seriously claim to the officer that you seriously thought your life was in danger.
                      Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                      • #12
                        See, that only works if your bumper is at the same height as theirs. I've driven over the front end of a car before, and it's not as much fun as it sounds. You can actually ding up your own car, doing that.
                        "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey

