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Verizon Suck

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  • Verizon Suck

    So Mom's going to be dropping her Verizon pre-paid phone. She's already looking at TracFon models. Plus when she drops the pre-paid she's also planning on dropping her main phone plan too.

    They sounded upset when she told them that, but not upset enough to fix their system.

    Two months ago she tried to make a payment to her phone plan online and it declined her card. She went into the store and used the same card to pay in person and it went through. Their excuse was that it was "system updates".

    Yesterday the same card was again declined - both on the phone and in the store. Their excuse again was "system updates" and that she should contact the bank. Yet... the card worked just fine in another store, so therefore there was nothing wrong with the account, just another Verizon glitch.

    I suggested that it was one of their ploys to force her off her pre-paid plan. She's on one of those old roll-over plans that they don't offer anymore, but they can't legally boot anyone from it... all they can do is make things difficult.

    So... if they can't get their system fixed... it's time to deal with someone less sucky.

  • #2

    I was trying to setup tv/internet online at my house with Verizon and it kept telling me that my debit and credit cards weren't good. I eventually had to find the card to some guy that lives in my neighborhood that works for Verizon and get him to get my account setup. Pretty sad that they can't create a website that actually works.

