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F***ing cyclist!

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  • F***ing cyclist!

    So today I am coming home from work. I took a different route than normal and I am going up a hill, approaching a blind corner. When all a sudden a cyclist comes flying down the middle (i.e. on the double yellow) of the road. I missed him by a few inches. I honked the horn and the asshole flipped me the bird. I watched in my rear view as the guy continues down the road toward a red light. He blows the red still in the middle of the road and I hear a few tire screeches and horns, including that of a semi. I can only hope this jerk get stopped by the Police.

    Normally I will give good law-abiding walkers/cyclists ample room when I pass them. But these are the jerks who drivers remember. I deiced to Google this and found that many cyclists don't like to stop at red lights, even thou it my state it is the law, because they have built op speed and don want to waste the energy to start again. Well what to you think drives have to do. Use more gas to start the car moving again. Ass holes.

  • #2
    Quoth mattm04 View Post
    I deiced to Google this and found that many cyclists don't like to stop at red lights, even thou it my state it is the law, because they have built op speed and don want to waste the energy to start again.
    The world needs more organ donors. It's a good thing they don't do brain transplants
    Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 08-14-2008, 02:57 AM.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Cyclists don't think they have to stop like regular traffic?

      Tell that to the cyclist who is in critical condition at the hospital who pulled a similar stunt the other night and got hit by an SUV who had a green light and the right of way.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        Cyclists don't think they have to stop like regular traffic?

        Tell that to the cyclist who is in critical condition at the hospital who pulled a similar stunt the other night and got hit by an SUV who had a green light and the right of way.
        I had a friend who was in his car when a wrong way cyclist hit him. By chance a police car was behind him(he was at a red which turned green and cyclist blew the red the cross traffic had) The cyclist was not injured really bad, but he destroyed his front tire and was forced to call a cab. The cyclist also got ticket from the cops. The cyclist tried to sue him for the damages to the bike and cab ride and some medical bills. The friends dad was an attorney. The cyclist ended up paying for the damages to the car.


        • #5
          Way back when, just before I got my driver's licence, I was pulled over by the police on my 10-speed after blowing a 4-way stop.

          After that lecture, I never did that stunt again, and am not brave enough around here to even try to run a full red on a bike.

          "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein.
          I never knew how happy paint could make people until I started selling it.


          • #6
            I always hate that with cyclists - drivers have to treat them like cars, but half the time they don't act like them. I'd be fine having to slow down to a crawl to pass a bicyclist on a 55mph road, if they wouldn't fly the wrongway down one way streets late at night.
            My Pointless Links collection.


            • #7
              The cyclist tried to sue him for the damages to the bike and cab ride and some medical bills.
              kinda hard to make something that stupid stick
              not when the police report states that the biker was at fault for the accident


              • #8
                Around here we just have people riding double breasted, which is really annoying when there's traffic. It's a small country road, yes, but it has too many corners to safely do that (it's illegal anyway, so just stop) And it's much harder for me to pass 2 of you.

                Next time I believe I'll drive right in front of them and go slower than them. That would accomplish nothing, but I might try it.


                • #9
                  too bad that the drivers who try and run me off the road every day can't meet these cyclists and make it safer for the rest of us.
                  They say crime doesn't pay. That must mean what I'm doing at work is illegal.


                  • #10
                    I remember a couple years back. I was just dropping my GF at the time, off at her place. As I was a stop sign, I ran into a person riding a bike. The person was wearing all black, his bike was black & there was no lights. And I had good head lights and I still didn't see him. Also, he didn't have a bike light of any kind.

                    A police man had seen the whole thing. He said that I was not a fault, since he couldn't see him neither. He only saw him after I got out to check and he came driving up.
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                    • #11
                      Because a bicycle doesn't have an engine does NOT mean that you can ignore the rules of the road. Do that & you're more than likely to end up as a nice juicy red stain on the pavement


                      • #12
                        Just because you're smaller doesn't mean the road rules do not apply to you. I'd love to see stronger enforcement on bicycles here. It's illegal to ride on the sidewalk, yet it's done anyway (they know that's not enforced). There used to be a common courtesy of alerting pedestrians if coming up from behind, but no more (and then the pedestrian gets made to feel like they're encroaching on the cyclist's sidewalk--that's what the bike lanes are for, but everyone seems to think they're "too dangerous").

                        Newsflash: the chance of surviving a meeting with a semi/SUV/honking huge vehicle of choice around here is directly correlated to your size relative to said vehicle.

                        **note: I have nothing against cyclists, only the inconsiderate ones**
                        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                        • #13
                          I get so sick of the Armstrong wannabes who are adament that they will ride in the middle of the road and go with regular traffic. Sorry, but not even a person in ideal physical shape can keep up with traffic like that. I have nearly had a coronary when I've been behind some cyclist riding in the right lane going less than 20 mph in a 30...and traffic backs up and up and up for blocks and blocks. Just because the idiot HAS to be a part of traffic. Get to the side of the road before you cause a jam or someone hits you!
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            oh as someone who occasionally bikes to work I'd like to share in everyone's frustration about douche bikers... though in defense of the sidewalk riders, I to am guilty of using the sidewalk, but is mainly in the places where my options are sidewalk or traffic lane... and I know there is no way in hell I'm going to be safe in the traffic lane so I slow down and do my best to weave around pedestrians (and yes, I slow down a lot, like down to 5-10MPH at most, so I'm not one of those jackasses that goes past with inches to spare at 20+ MPH)
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #15
                              Oh the sidewalk cyclists drive me nuts!
                              Here if you ride anything with a wheel larger than 24" (so a child's bike) on the sidewalk you can be fined something like $90 on the spot.
                              IMO if you want to ride you need to be on the road, and if you want to be on the sidewalk you need to walk your bike, not ride it.

                              When it comes to obeying the rules of the road I just WISH I was a cop in Toronto.
                              Cyclists here are constantly up everyone's ass because many city streets don't accommodate for bikes, making their rides more dangerous.
                              OK, I sympathise with you there, but there is NO way to add a bike lane to a street like Queen St., especially when at night it's reduced to one lane each way because of parking.
                              Because they're pissed that the city is not more bike-friendly a lot of them see this as an excuse to give rules the bird. They blow red lights, weave in and out of cars, jump from the sidewalk to the road, SPEED down the damn sidewalk (one of these days I'm shoving a stick in their spokes, I swear it) and don't obey any of the road rules.
                              I can understand going down a residential street and, if it's safe, not stopping for a stop sign, but when you're on a major street and the light turns red you damn well wait for it to turn green again!

                              And do not even get me started on the ones who take their bikes on transit! (New buses excluded because they have bike racks.)

                              Cyclists make me angry.

