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Election Fraud

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  • Election Fraud

    I do publicity for a political organization at my university. We're having an event in a few weeks, and I got a little blurb about it published in the newspaper. Problem is - they published my cellphone at the end of the article as a contact number (which I really didn't want them to do).

    So I get a call from CG (crazy guy):

    CG thinks he's a bigshot in local politics because he ran for Senate years ago - yet know one I've talked to recognizes his name. I looked up his race and he lost to Popular Senator (PS), like 90% to 10%.

    CG calls me to tell me that PS, Dick Cheney, and the Russian Mob, control two-thirds of all vote counting machines in the country, and all of the voting machines in my state. CG states that PS, Dick Cheney, and the Russian Mob have hand picked all of the presidents in the past 15 years.

    CG gives me about 20 websites to check out, all of which seem to be defunct. CG states that Football Coach is on our side. CG states that several local politicians are henchmen for the the Mob. CG reiterates that Football Coach is on our side.

    CG wants me to call several state senators and the state party chair (presumably to tell them about the conspiracy, although it is never stated).

    CG then tells me he will buy everyone in my group steak dinner if I can prove him wrong.

    CG then tells me he is going to run for Governor. CG then hangs up.

    My Pointless Links collection.

  • #2
    i would suggest contacting the paper and telling them of the issue.
    if anything they should pay the fee of changing your cell number. after all their actions are running up your cell phone bill


    • #3

      I can certainly see being concerned about vote counting machines or whatnot... And allegations of fraud are always a concern... but at the same time, it would seem a little odd to report those concerns to YOU... I mean, you're part of a political group. If such fraud is going on, shouldn't you be a part of it? Or if not, shouldn't you be trying to be?

      Next time, tell him that now that you KNOW that he knows... you'll have to make sure that Big Larry comes out to 'address his concerns' ya know whadda meeen?
      "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


      • #4
        Next time he calls tell him to watch out because the flies are recording.
        I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

        "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras

