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Finally had enough

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  • Finally had enough

    This may not go here, since customers were only peripherally involved, so mods please move if needed.
    I was in a fried chicken shack in Texas, standing in a line of seniors waiting for that artery-clogging goodness. I am the ONLY non-senior citizen in the place.
    I move forward slowly with the line, and when I am one person from the counter, the girl taking the orders suddenly just breaks. She says, out of nowhere, "I hate CHICKEN!" She turns to her coworkers behind her preparing the orders. "Don't y'all hate chicken? I hate lookin' at chicken, I hate smellin' chicken, I hate touchin' chicken, I hate cookin' chicken - I HATE CHICKEN!!!!"
    The elderly customers are AGHAST. They snort and scoff and harrumph. Not me. I break out in nearly uncontrollable laughter. Now I am the object of attention. Couldn't help it. I just kept wondering how long this had been building up in that poor girl's gut before it finally forced its way out. I completely understood.
    Good times.
    Life's too short to drink cheap beer

  • #2
    A "Colonel" of truth. lol!!!
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
      A "Colonel" of truth. lol!!!
      ::hands the KFC bucket trophy to Sheldonrs for that pun::


      • #4
        That's just great. My first real post and it's just fodder for punsters.
        I couldn't be more pleased.
        Life's too short to drink cheap beer


        • #5

          I would love to see a video of that!

          I'm actually almost to that point at my current job...


          • #6
            With few exceptions, old people are the dumbest people on the planet when it comes to hipocrisy. They seem to have grown up in an age where the concept was never taught to them so it could be recognized. They can't figure out why someone would complain about their job, but I guarantee you all of them did it when they worked.

            Not that this generation is better, but once they're hipocrisy is pointed out them, most will realize it.

