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The little ones acted better!

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  • The little ones acted better!

    Yesterday, after working for days on end, I had a day off. I decided to treat my younger sister to the movies. After a while, we decided on The Dark Knight. I had seen it four times before and had to convince her to go. Then, we decided to pick up my girlfriend (yes. I have a girlfriend now. I'm staying away from guys for a while.) and her younger sister.

    Seriously, you have no idea what kind of treat this was for me. I had been working long hours and my best friend had left a few days before for college. I had just received the biggest paycheck I have ever gotten in my three years on the jobforce. I just wanted to enjoy an amazing movie with my girl,my sister, and a friend.

    There was a bunch of kids sitting in the way back, just chatting. I didn't care so much during the previews. When the movie started, they would not stop talking or laughing loudly. The people two rows ahead of me looked back at them after a bit. You could tell they were getting ticked. After a while, I decided that enough was enough. I don't mind a comment here and there if it's whispered, but all that loud chattering and giggling was ruining the movie.

    I put my napkin of popcorn on the empty seat beside me and went up the stairs a few rows to the kids.

    Oh my gosh! They didn't even look old enough to purchase a ticket for a PG-13 movie! They sure didn't act like it.

    I whispered "Hey. Could y'all keep it down? We are trying to enjoy the movie."

    They said sure, but when I turned around, they were making weird,immature sounds and said "No you're not."

    As I walked back to my seat, the people sitting directly behind me mimed clapping while looking at me.

    The noises continued from them and I felt popcorn hit my back and head every once in a while. They even hit my girlfriend with popcorn! As I was about to go back up there to give them a piece of my mind, the guy sitting behind me got up and left the theatre. I knew what he was going to do. I bet you anything that they had some popcorn hit them and they were sick of the talking.

    Sure enough, an usher came up and talked with them.

    That usher kept coming back more often than they usually do and watched the back row.

    The kids decided to walk around until they reached the very front rows and stayed there.

    Funny thing was, there were two very young children (couldn't have been older than three) who acted so much better than they did. I only heard a peep out of the little ones twice. One time, they needed to go potty and the second time, the girl was going to cry because the Joker yelled "Look at me!!" The little girl and boy looked so cute in their Batman garb!
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!

  • #2
    Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
    Funny thing was, there were two very young children (couldn't have been older than three) who acted so much better than they did. I only heard a peep out of the little ones twice. One time, they needed to go potty and the second time, the girl was going to cry because the Joker yelled "Look at me!!" The little girl and boy looked so cute in their Batman garb!
    There were little kids in THE DARK KNIGHT?! Yikes! That is not a kid-friendly movie.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      Quoth JustADude View Post
      There were little kids in THE DARK KNIGHT?! Yikes! That is not a kid-friendly movie.
      No, but I watched Pumpkinhead as a kid A little Dark Knight won't kill 'em, just put the fear of Mr. Ledger in 'em.


      • #4
        Next time, just ask them if they want to see a magic trick


        I do agree though, it sounds like they had no business being there. I know adults who came out of that one shaken. Not sure exactly why, as I just thoroughly enjoyed it, but I can see where it would be somewhat disturbing.
        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


        • #5
          Personally, I wouldn't have taken a child under 10 or 11 to see Dark Knight, but that's neither here nor there.

          It never ceases to amaze me how ill behaved preteens and teenagers are, particularly when they're out with each other and away from their parents. The husband and I caught Iron Man and the dollar theater last week, and there were a bunch of teens in the back corner that would not shut up. And while we were on vacation at Sea World San Diego, it must have been the day every school in the area was there for a field trip. If a gaggle of them showed up at the exibit we happened to be viewing, we left because of how obnoxious they were.
          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


          • #6
            XD I didn't see this post earlier! Are these the kids we're going to throw crabs at?


            • #7
              Yeah I thought the movie wasn't child-friendly either, but my boyfriend's 5 year old son apparently went & saw it & wasn't scared at all (he lives with is mom). I am guess when they are that young they don't really understand the whole "sick, disturbed world" theme.
              When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


              • #8
                Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
                They said sure, but when I turned around, they were making weird,immature sounds and said "No you're not."
                "No, I'm not, and you aren't helping. Shut up or get out."
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  Quoth McGoddess09 View Post
                  Yesterday, after working for days on end, I had a day off. I decided to treat my younger sister to the movies. After a while, we decided on The Dark Knight. I had seen it four times before and had to convince her to go. Then, we decided to pick up my girlfriend (yes. I have a girlfriend now. I'm staying away from guys for a while.) and her younger sister.
                  (my apologies, this song just popped into my head)
                  She has a girlfriend now.
                  She has a girlfriend now.
                  She has a girlfriend now, she said "guy's don't do anything no more".

                  "You never loved me, like i wanted you to"
                  "i loved you baby, what do you want me to do?"

                  she said she found someone who's gonna hold her hand
                  she said she found someone who's gonna understand
                  she don't need nobody to be her man
                  she don't need nobody to be her man

