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I only asked you to stop talking!

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  • I only asked you to stop talking!

    Okay, so this happened way back when I was 14 (I'm 21 now), so quotes aren't going to be exact, but I definitely remember the basics of the conversation.
    My dad took me, my three sisters, and my cousin out to see a movie. Me, my oldest sister, and my cousin were sitting in one row, with my cousin in the seat closest to the aisle (this is relevant); my dad and two youngest sisters were sitting behind us. So, it's like 5 or 10 minutes into the movie, and this woman and her kid show up late. They're whispering excitedly to each other as they sit down about two rows ahead of me (I say whispering, but it was really loud whispering, considering that my dad, who was sitting behind me, later thanked me for getting the woman to shut up), which was annoying, but I figured they'd stop talking once they got settled down and started watching the movie. But no, they kept talking, so after a few minutes, I lean forward and ask the woman to please stop talking. She whips around and starts tearing into me, saying that I was being rude and that I should learn to respect my elders (yes, she actually said that!). I retorted, "I'm sorry, but I am trying to enjoy this movie!". She turns back towards the screen, fumes for a few minutes (quietly, at least!), and then grabs her kid and moves to a different spot, towards the back of the theater.
    But the best was yet to come; after the movie, my cousin (who was sitting in the aisle seat), says to me, "Did you hear what that woman called you after she moved?" I didn't, so she elaborated: Apparently when the woman got up to move to a different seat, her kid started complaining that he wanted to see the rest of the movie. His mother replied that they were going to stay, there were just going to move to a different seat. "Why?", the little boy asks. "Because she's a b****, that's why."
    Just for the record, I wasn't upset that this woman cursed me out; in fact, I thought it was hilarious. I am actually laughing as I type this. I feel sorry for the kid though; his mother has some serious anger management issues.
    It doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you look really cool doing it! -- Julio Scoundrel, Order of the Stick

  • #2
    I don't think you were rude. If anyone was, it was the lady that was talking during the movie.
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    • #3
      LOL, well you know that people like that will always call YOU the nasty names no matter how politely you've dealt with them, how valid your request, or how sucky THEY were being to everyone else.

      It's like you catch them out in their suckage, but to admit it would be sacrosanct. It would be admitting they ... (OMG) make mistakes!!! So they can't do that, so the only option left to them is to whine and piss and moan that YOU are being a b***** because you want them to consider that other people exist on the planet besides them.

      Never mind. You'll live longer.


      • #4
        I remember when me and an ex went to the movies and there were a bunch of prostitots a few rows down from us. The rest of the theater clapped when he told them to shut up.
        Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


        • #5
          I've been to a few movies where big groups of people have been talking/laughing during a movie. Everyone else in the theatre goes "shhhhh!" until they stop talking. It's great.
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          Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
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