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Cashier puts SC in her place!

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  • Cashier puts SC in her place!

    So I'm in large bath and houseware store, in line, waiting to pay, and as they had just opened, the only register was at the customer service desk. Customer ahead of me is being rung up, and I am waiting patiently. Another customer (potential SC) comes in, and just stands there, waiting. Cashier asks if she has a question - she holds up a huge bag, asking if she could have another as she was going to a function, and this one was crumpled a bit (The gift was wrapped IN the bag, with a ribbon). Cashier says, yes, just a minute.

    So its my turn, and the cashier greets me, etc. SC says "are you going to help me?" Cashier turns to her and says, yes, but she (me) was before you, so as soon as I'm done, I'll take care of you. SC made a cat butt face, but didn't say another word. HAHAHAHAHA - I'm sorry, but what part of customers AHEAD of you makes you think you are special, and will be helped first. If it had been simply handing over a bag, no problem, but it appeared she needed to re-wrap the item in a new bag.....

  • #2
    Oh yeah I get that all the time selling special games during Bingo at the church. They yell and demand my attention when I'm in the process of serving someone else. If they do it too much then I just start working slower.


    • #3
      I get people who walk up next to me as I'm ringing on register and just stand there. Usually, as I'm wrapping the customer -in- front- of- the- counter's purchase I turn and ask "what do you need help with?" Then, if I can't find another associate right away, I tell them that I will help after I am finished with ringing everyone in my line. I just acknowledge them so they just don't stand there staring at me, breathing down my neck, and let them know I WILL be with them. MOST of them time they are okay with that, but I just can't stand that some will think they will be served next or that I will ignore my current customer because they don't want to wait in line.

      Why do people stop and shop if they're in a so-called hurry?*

      *Rhetorical question


      • #4
        Quoth Meegz View Post
        Why do people stop and shop if they're in a so-called hurry?*

        *Rhetorical question
        Another rhetorical question... why do people stop and do grocery shopping at a busy time of day RIGHT before they have to work?
        Confirmed altoholic.


        • #5
          I was at a busy railway terminal, looking for the right platform for a changeover. I had precious few minutes left. There was a bit of a queue at the info desk, so I stood behind the two or so people waiting and waited my turn. A train unloaded nearby, the place got CRAMMED with people. They stood beside me, in front of me, around me, not so much queueing as mushing.

          Of course, the staff there opened another window and took the nearest people. Sigh. I think I had about 5-6 people who arrived there after me get served before me. Fortunately I didn't miss my train, but it pissed me off. "I know you are late for your train - ME TOO! And I'm freaking waiting my turn, so you can too, asshat!"


          • #6
            I can't stand it when I am ringing up a customer and somebody walks over to me with clothes they want to put on hold. We have one line for all registers and people freak out and think the line is too long for them to wait and want all of their crap put on hold so they can come back later when there is no line. I tell them they are going to have to wait because Iam helping a customer right now.

