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Tram woman gets pwnd!!

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  • Tram woman gets pwnd!!

    On the tram today this woman kept arguing with the driver that her ticket should get her all the way home even though there's a time limit on how often you can swich trams. You have three hours to switch to your final tram and then you can get home without having to pay again. But this woman was on another tram and needed to switch again which meant that she needed to stamp again and she kept arguing about it so the tram never left the station.

    We were all getting annoyed with this woman because we wanted the tram to start moving and then suddenly a guy shouts to her "sit down so he can drive for christ's sake!!" and we all laughed and she sat down and paid for her ticket!
    It's been a long, long, long, long time...

  • #2
    We don't have trams here, but I was recently in Manchester and used the tram service there. There was a 2-stop trip I needed to make at the end of my day. I (naturally) purchased my ticket, but I did wonder how often one could get away with not bothering if you were a regular rider - what's the odds the ticket inspectors will get on in those two stops?

    Guess what? Yup - they got on.


    • #3
      i was about to post about the trams in manchester, only to realise just in time that the poster is from New Zealand so it's not likly to be the UK manchester's trams he's talking about.


      • #4
        I did see a woman booted off CalTrain one night for not having the correct ticket. The tickets are sold by zones (the distance you travel): 1 zone is $3.50, 2 zones $3.75, etc. (Amounts are approximations.) She had a ticket for one zone trip and had traveled into a second zone.

        However, at least half the time I've been on Caltrain, the conductor never showed up to check tickets. But I'm not risking getting kicked off and having to wait a half hour or more for the next train. Besides, they might get angry enough to file a complaint and never let me ride again.
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        • #5
          Hehe - yes go ahead, it was Manchester, England. I was over there for a week last month.

