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Overheard at MickyD's

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  • Overheard at MickyD's

    So I took my niece and nephew to McD's for a treat, and because they love to crawl around in the play area with all the tubes.

    Two ladies sitting at the table beside ours had a discussion - they were rather loud so it was hard to miss. Now I don't normally discuss personal appearance but its relevant for this post. SC1 was no more than 25 years old, about 5'4 and probably weighed close to 350lbs.

    SC - self explanatory
    SCF - her friend

    SC: So I saw my Dr last month, and he told me I've got diabetes.
    SCF: Man that sucks.
    SC: I KNOW!! How the hell can I be diabetic? I mean, now I have to go to this class and learn about all this stuff and take pills and poke my fingers with needles, and shit like that.
    SCF: Can you get rid of it?
    SC: Well he said I can learn to manage it without pills or having to use those injection things like Bob uses.
    SCF: Well that's not too bad - what do you gotta do to avoid that?
    SC: He told me I gotta watch what I eat and lose weight. Stupid asshole doesn't he know how HARD it is for women to lose weight? He wants me to go for WALKS!! F**k him!! He's not a help at all!
    SCF: Sounds like you need a new Dr.

    This occurring while SC munches her way through 2 Big Mac's, large fries, Coke, and an apple pie. Then they got hot fudge sundaes before they left.

    And she wonders why she's been diagnosed with diabetes and can't lose weight?

    (just background - I'm type II myself and manage it with exercise, and watching what I eat)
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

  • #2
    SCF: Sounds like you need a new Dr.
    I vote that as the "stupidest thing said this week" award.

    So... shop around until you get a doc that LIES to you and tells you that diabetes ISN'T a disease that can be controlled by proper diet & exercise?

    Stupid asshole doesn't he know how HARD it is for women to lose weight?
    kinda makes me want to cry, cos with that attitude... she'll fail any diet she tries because she's already decided they're too hard anyway.

    kinda wished she realized that... the doctor is only trying to keep her alive.
    and maybe a month at weight watchers cos... being around people with a positive attitude really helps when you're trying to lose weight.

    (former member of ww here... hell my group leader has repeatedly listed all the diseases her ancestors died from, including diabetes... and that she's already outlived them just from being healthy)


    • #3
      I really wish I could slap people like this! Seriously! Diabetes runs in my family so we all have to keep an eye on what we eat etc etc, So I know what some of the side effects of Diabetes are ... The worse for me being Gangrene! Amputatiuon isn't pretty people!


      • #4
        Ya know...if she were to cut out one fast food meal a day, and have something like, oh a chicken salad that she made herself, with a nice piece of fruit, and just tried parking at the far end of the lot and walking to the mall, she would lose weight. Not 50 pounds in one month, mind you, but a few pounds lost is better than none.
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          Ow. My brain hurts now from reading that.

          Hopefully that woman will soon get it into her head that diabetes is a serious condition that must be managed very carefully. I personally don't have diabetes, but I know some people who do, and it's a pain for sure!
          Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


          • #6
            I took a course recently on being a personal trainer. The class were astounded (I think I was the only one out of 12 that wasn't at all surprised) when the trainer said that most people, given the option after a diabetes diagnosis of "take these pills for a while to stave off the effects, but otherwise die soon and pretty horribly" or "make some changes to your lifestyle and potentially rid yourself of all effects entirely" will choose option A.

            This is a class of people honed in to health, exercising, being fit. They couldn't comprehend the mentality of "I'd rather take some pills to sustain me for a little while and die horribly". I get it. People really are that lazy. They really are that resistant to change. "Exercise" and "diet" really are THAT much worse for them than a horrible death.

            Which is to say, I understand THAT people choose that. I don't necessarily understand WHY.


            • #7
              I've recently gone from 280 pounds (i think that's rihgt, im doing a mental coversion from british to american) down to 240 in four months simply by switching to sugar free drinks and walking to and from work....such a simple change, and my weight is still going down nice and steadily.

              Once i'm down a bit more i'm joining an aerobics class.


              • #8
                Diabetes is a serious issue. Too bad she isn't taking it seriously.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Yeah, unless she goes to Dr. Nick Riviera, I doubt any competent doctor is going to tell her any different.

                  I hope that woman doesn't have children. That's neither a healthy environment nor attitude to grow up in.
                  Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?


                  • #10
                    Where's a Clue-by-four when you need one?! UGH.
                    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                    • #11

                      I don't know what to say (write)...

                      That is really really sad.


                      • #12
                        I thought I'd heard everything.

                        Now I know I was wrong...
                        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                        • #13
                          Don't worry too much about that woman.

                          With comments like that she'll be dead before too long.


                          • #14
                            After they hack off both of her legs due to poor circulation and infections, she'll be wishing she had gone for those walks.
                            "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


                            • #15
                              This reminds me of the my former neighbor, who was a real hardhead. She had been a nurse, but was deemed unfit to work due to her explosive case of diabetes. Still, she would eat whatever she wanted, whether it was a large pizza, chicken wings, whatever. In all of that time, she had ended up getting gangrene on both feet, and had several of her toes amputated, all because she wouldn't do what her doctor told her to do. Hell, she had been a nurse in the medical field and should have known this, but continued with what she was doing. Lord knows how many limbs she has left now.

                              It really makes you want to slap people like this.

