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Starbucks Suckage [A little long]

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  • Starbucks Suckage [A little long]

    Hi, this is my first post here, and I while I don't actually work in retail any longer, I can recognize an SC when I see one. My roommate told me this story today, while she was waiting in line at Starbucks.

    She walks in to hear a SC arguing with two cashiers (it is assumed that one of them had to call for backup), about the price of her drink.

    (This is embellished slightly, but an accurate account nonetheless).

    SC: ...but the <nearby city> Starbucks always charges me for an espresso because I only get a little milk!
    Barista: Espresso and milk is a latte, I have to charge you for a latte.
    SC: It's NOT a latte! It's just espresso with a little bit of milk! You shouldn't charge me for ALL of the milk in a latte, I only want a LITTLE milk!
    Barista: My manager said I have to ring it up as a latte.
    SC: IT'S NOT A LATTE! I want to speak with your manager!!

    For those counting, she has already pulled out four sucky customer tricks.
    1: Expecting to pay less for something she ordered for no reason other than the fact that she wants it cheaper.
    2: Quoting that another Starbucks will always make it that way for her and charge her accordingly. (Roomie and I both asked "well why isn't she at <nearby town> starbucks instead?)
    3. Asking to speak to a manager to get her way.
    4. There is now a line forming behind this women, a rush has started and she is holding everyone up because not only is she taking up both cashiers, the manager has to step in as well.

    After hemming and hawing, the manager sees the line and okays the charges. SC pays and walks over to the counter where they set out completed drinks, and goes into another tirad when hers is finished.

    SC: I wanted this FRAPPACINO STYLE!!!!!

    Seriously lady?! You spent 5 minutes arguing about a latte vs. an espresso and never once mentioned having a frap or blended cream! Now that your precious latte priced as an espresso is finished, you want something different?! I assume by then they just wanted her out of the store, and remade her drink. Unfortunately, they use too much ice and not enough milk (because that's how she wants it) and it won't actually come out of the blender. The barista remakes the drink and gives it to her, only to have the SC take a sip from it and slam it down on the counter.

    SC: It's too thick! I can't drink it like this!

    It's thick because she only wants a dollop of milk in it! Coffee and ice do not make a smoothie or a "frappacino" when you mix them together, it makes SLUSH. You need some sort of binder.

    By the time my roommate leaves (with her drinks) they had made this woman's drink 4 times, and it is STILL not to Miss Entitlement Whore's liking.

  • #2
    Four times? Aren't they throwing money away instead of making it at that point?

    But man...I think I would've been yelling at the woman if I was behind her.
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    • #3
      Quoth Mikuto View Post

      SC: It's too thick! I can't drink it like this!
      I guess you really are what you eat


      • #4
        Quoth Mikuto View Post

        SC: ...but the <nearby city> Starbucks always charges me for an espresso because I only get a little milk!
        Barista: Espresso and milk is a latte, I have to charge you for a latte.
        SC: It's NOT a latte! It's just espresso with a little bit of milk! You shouldn't charge me for ALL of the milk in a latte, I only want a LITTLE milk!
        Barista: My manager said I have to ring it up as a latte.
        SC: IT'S NOT A LATTE! I want to speak with your manager!!

        SC: I wanted this FRAPPACINO STYLE!!!!!

        Seriously lady?! You spent 5 minutes arguing about a latte vs. an espresso and never once mentioned having a frap or blended cream! Now that your precious latte priced as an espresso is finished, you want something different?! I assume by then they just wanted her out of the store, and remade her drink. Unfortunately, they use too much ice and not enough milk (because that's how she wants it) and it won't actually come out of the blender. The barista remakes the drink and gives it to her, only to have the SC take a sip from it and slam it down on the counter.

        SC: It's too thick! I can't drink it like this!

        It's thick because she only wants a dollop of milk in it! Coffee and ice do not make a smoothie or a "frappacino" when you mix them together, it makes SLUSH. You need some sort of binder.

        By the time my roommate leaves (with her drinks) they had made this woman's drink 4 times, and it is STILL not to Miss Entitlement Whore's liking.
        What a dumbass. Frapuccinos are thicker than an espresso and/or latte. A little milk with a lot of ice is STILL a frapuccino (I know this and I'm not a Starbucks barista!) .
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          If I would've been waiting on that line she was holding up I would've told her off. The Starbucks accross the street from my job loves when I come in because we make fun of the sc's and I can tell the customers off without the baristas getting into trouble....I love my starbucks!!
          If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

          Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".


          • #6
            Starbucks is famous for caving to EW's. I'm frankly surprised a manager didn't come by and kiss her ass.
            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

