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I love my ice cream people.

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  • I love my ice cream people.

    So. Boyfriend and I went to see Dark Knight, and then get sushi. Mmmm. Sushi. All-you-can-eat sushi.

    Afterwards, we wandered up a few blocks to our local crack dealer (read: Coldstone Creamery). We ordered our yummy yummy ice cream, and waited to pay. No big deal, couple of people in front of us, we're willing to wait. The store wasn't all that busy, and so the employees were moving quickly, but not rushing around madly. Nice relaxed evening.

    Well, my mind wandered off, as it is wont to do without sufficient distraction. Suddenly, I realize that the people who had been in front of us were gone, and there was a woman standing at the register. A woman who had *just* come in the door. Absolutely REEKED of Entitlement Whore. For a brief moment, I thought she was picking something up, and figured I could wait another couple minutes, because picking up an order isn't going to take long.

    Nope. Not picking up.

    Ordering. With fifty bazillion questions about each item, what was in it, what those ingredients were made of, and lord only knows what else. The poor guy at the register had to pull out his binder of information to give her answers. After answering one question, she started in on demanding details.

    The worker said to her 'I know you think you're special, but these people (gesturing to me and my boyfriend) were here before you, so you'll have to wait. Hi, would you like to pay for that now?'

    He got a big tip. And a huge smile, with a truly sincere 'Thank You' from both of us.

  • #2

    You shouldve mentionded to him as well...with an attitude like that, he'd love these forums..


    • #3
      Wow, he said that to her and she didn't tear his head off? Amazing.

      That reminds me, I should be getting my free birthday ice cream coupon from Coldstone soon. Yum!
      Random conversation:
      Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
      DDD: Cuz it's cool

      So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


      • #4
        Forget the ice cream (although I do love me some Coldstone). I want the all-you-can-eat sushi. Yum!
        I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)

